Did you ever wonder about those Jehovah's Witnesses who come knocking at your doors? Did you ever really listen to what they teach? Did you ever wonder why they won't take any information from you? Did you know the Watchtower claims to be the modern day prophets? Did you know what it was these prophets had prophesied?
I had these witnesses come to my door at a point in my life when I was searching for the truth as to what religion I should go to. I started to study with them to see what they were teaching. I ran into major problems not long after I began to study with them. As a result I got all the question I ever had about the Watchtower Society were answered. They were answered when I began to check out everything they were telling me. Every time they quoted someone I checked to make sure it was accurate.
If you click to the link below you will see all the proof you need with photos that the Watchtower Society is not what they appear to be. As a matter of fact, I will show you how Satan has been running this organization for years. I promise you, if you look at this material from my searching the records it will blow you away. I promise you, if you love God this information on the Watchtower is a must see. Click to link and give it about 41 seconds to open up. Hang on, it is a good read! If you see what I have you will think a lot different about those Watchtower witnesses coming to your door!
Click to link below and give it about 40 seconds to load.
Download jehovah_witness_adds_for_post_wed_fed.2008.doc
These photos are a preview of what you will see.