What you are about to read may take place in the very near future. It is possible future events will be played out this way, but only time will tell. What we do know is the timeing in which we are suppose to watch for these events to occur. According to Bible prophecy we are to watch the Middle East and pay attention to several key events. First, when Israel was born a nation again (which they have been since 1948), there would be a peace plan confirmed which when signed by many nations will last for a period of 7 years, or at least it is suppose to last for 7 years. Fact is Israel and the PLO are working on a peace plan that may be signed before this year is over. I have been warning people since 1977 that such a plan would be laid. During the period from 1976-2007 there have been many attempts to sign a peace agreement which would really bring peace, but as you know these nations have not been able to pull it off. I believe it is all in the timing. Most people when they see the news in the Middle East believe there will never be a peace agreement signed and that the nations will continue to fight. I believe the timing for this covinant to be signed is coming up and it just may be Bush will pull it off before he leaves office. At least right now current events show us this to be the case. Even as the fighting continues the leaders are sitting down at the peace talks working out the final details for this new peace plan. Today for the Middle East Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice again stated that they believe by the end of 2008 there will be a peace plan signed. I am telling you now, there will be a covenant signed between these nations! Will this covenant be the one the prophet Daniel warned us about in Daniel chapter 9? We will all find out soon! Here is the second key to the timing of this peace agreement. It would be at a time when Russia was strong and they had allied themselves with Iran, Iraq, Ethiopia, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Turkey. When you read chapter 10 of my book you will see all the documentaion showing you Russia has already done this. Just a short time ago Russia had fallen away as a superpower, their miltary almost fell apart and the nations of the world did not fear them any longer. Russia went broke from fighting in Afghanistan and, they were having major problems just trying to feed their citizians. But wait, if God was right Russia had to make a comeback because this nation is to lead a major attack on Israel in the last days when, Israel is calling for peace and safety! Well, right now Israel is calling for peace! Look back at history and show me another superpower who went broke, was down and out, but came rushing back to be the number 1 richest nation in the world in a matter of a few years. That is exactly what happen to Russia. Just a few years ago Russia found oil and now went from rags to riches over night. Not only is Russia rich in oil, they have put their money back into building up their miltary and now they are again a major superpower, and they are already flexing the muscles in the Middle East, exactly like they are suppose to do. Keep in mind this time frame shows that when the attack is lead by Russia there will be these nations in the Middle East, the U.S., Canada, Austriala, and Great Britian. Don’t be supprised to find out that is exactly who is fighting in the Middle East today. The bible referrs to these nations as the (young lions of Great Britian or, Tarshish). My book explains this in detail. When the attack against Israel happens Saudi Arabia who is friendly with the young lions, will only give a protest to the attack. Do you find it odd that Saudi Arabia is very friendly with the U.S. Canada, and Austriala and these nations have had miltary bases in Saudi Arabia? Those of us who read God’s Word and know what to look for understand this is no fluke As a matter of fact Saudi Arabia news just informed us their nation is now preparing themselves for a nuclear attack from Iran. Why am I writing this? For those of you who may not belive this attack is going to happen. I want you to keep what I have written in your mind, so that when you see this attack being place out you will know it is time to drop to your knees and receive Jesus Christ as your Savior. I just pray Jesus doesn’t remove His church prior to this attack, otherwise you may be left behind to deal with the Antichrist who by the way will arise from the reborn Roman Empire, which by the way is the European Union. This was another major key to understanding the time frame as to when the attack would occur. All I can say at this point is this, God help those who’s eyes are blind to His Word and what is now taking place in Bible prophecy. At the present time Israel is still thinking about attacking Iran to wipe out their nuclear plant. If they do attack, it may be what flames the Russian alliance to go after Israel. If America pulls out of Iraq, Iran will move in. Feeling that they have beaten back America their next target will be Israel.
In some of my other warnings I told you to keep your eyes on our prices of food. I warned they will continue to climb. I also am warning our economy will tank. Below are some current news just released on these subjects. Click to links
Rice Meets With Top Mideast Negotiators March 31, 2008
Olmert: We still opt for Iran attack
The Kingdom 'braces for nuclear war'
Are We Heading Into a Depression? March 30, 2008
If It's Breakfast Time, Fork Over the Dough March 30, 2008
Higher prices on the way-
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