Bible Prophecy and End Times Events. Jesus Christ gave specified prophecies for the end times church to look for just before the return of Christ. is dedicated to bringing cutting edge information on a daily basis to equip the church and the unbeliever on end times biblical prophecy.
March 20, 2008 DiMora's relates Jesus signs-what to look for in 2008.
What to watch for in 2008.Lately most of my posts have dealt with the coming attack on Israel, the decline of the U.S. dollar, the rise of the (EU) European Union, and what will happen to the price of Gold, Silver and so on.There are other signs Jesus listed that we need to keep on the watch for.In my first book, in 1997, I pointed out that in the coming years nations would find themselves dealing with all types of new and old diseases.Jesus made it a point to warn us that many plagues would appear on the scene in the last days. This one sign (plagues) would show up at the time all of the other prophecies would also be taking place.Knowing that the end times would occur in stages I feel it is the right time to mention Christ’s warning.Jesus said, the end times would take place with “birth pangs”."For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will also be famines. These things are merely the beginning of birth pangs” (Mark 13:8).When a woman gives birth her pain comes and goes.When the child is getting ready to be delivered her pain gets much more intense until the baby is born.This is the same type of thing that is to happen in the end times. For years doctors have warned us that we have been living on borrowed time, and sooner or later another major plague is going to hit us.I can’t tell you, which one will come on the scene first, or which one will take the most life, all I know is they are going to come.In my book, I outline as many of these strange diseases as I can, starting on page 61.I give you detailed information as to what has happened and, what is currently taking place.For the past year it seemed that news reports on these new deceases had tapered off.The birth pains Jesus spoke have been in effect, but I fear the labor pains will continue again soon.I’m not writing this to scare anyone, only to keep you in tone with what you are about to see in the news. Fact is, if Jesus said they would come, they are going to come.One disease that doctors have been keeping their eyes on is the “bird flu”. Today, a USA Today report out of Jakarta Indonesia released by the (AP) stated, ”Efforts to contain bird flu are failing in Indonesia, increasing the possibility that the virus may mutate into a deadlier form, the leading U.N. veterinary health body warned”.Mind you, this is only one out of many deceases we need to pay attention to. HIV and AIDS although not being reported in the news any longer, is on the rise. On the Issue of the Bird flu, since 2003 officials have been tracking how the Bird flu has been spreading. When you click to the following link you will see that slowly the Avian Flu (Bird flu) is making its way across our globe. In a time when nations are finding it harder and harder to feed their citizens, more live stock has to be culled (destroyed) to help stop the flu from spreading. Millions of birds have been killed adding to the hunger problems. Since Jan. 30, 2008 the Bird flu virus has spread to Indonesia, Tibet and India. are links to news reports giving you information on just a few of the things I have been talking about.I’m not asking you to believe me, all I am asking is, keep this on file and watch the news.Soon you will be coming back to this site to ask me, “how did I know that”?Please understand this one last point.It is the key to understanding the times in which we are living.Christ said, “But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads; because your redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28). In Matthew 24:33 Jesus said, “So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.Jesus told us straight out in Matthew 24:34 that the generation who witnessed the rebirth of the nation Israel would be alive to see all these things take place.Our generation is the first and only generation ever to witness everything Jesus warned us about.Earth is closing in on the end of the generation who saw Israel’s rebirth.Before that generation is gone Jesus Christ will have already returned to Earth as King of Kings.This is the main reason why so many people can not only feel something is wrong, but they are beginning to see it on the news every night.The only problem is, most people watching the news don’t have a clue what they are witnessing in the news is fulfillment of bible prophecy.I am here to connect the dots for you.My prayer is this, once you see what I am showing you is the truth, you will turn to the bible and read it. Jesus is waiting for you at the door, just knock and ask Him in.One thing you don’t want to happen is to check out of this life without having Jesus as your Savior!
Drug-Resistant Staph Germ's Toll Is Higher Than Thought
March 20, 2008 DiMora's relates Jesus signs-what to look for in 2008.
What to watch for in 2008.Lately most of my posts have dealt with the coming attack on Israel, the decline of the U.S. dollar, the rise of the (EU) European Union, and what will happen to the price of Gold, Silver and so on.There are other signs Jesus listed that we need to keep on the watch for.In my first book, in 1997, I pointed out that in the coming years nations would find themselves dealing with all types of new and old diseases.Jesus made it a point to warn us that many plagues would appear on the scene in the last days. This one sign (plagues) would show up at the time all of the other prophecies would also be taking place.Knowing that the end times would occur in stages I feel it is the right time to mention Christ’s warning.Jesus said, the end times would take place with “birth pangs”."For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will also be famines. These things are merely the beginning of birth pangs” (Mark 13:8).When a woman gives birth her pain comes and goes.When the child is getting ready to be delivered her pain gets much more intense until the baby is born.This is the same type of thing that is to happen in the end times. For years doctors have warned us that we have been living on borrowed time, and sooner or later another major plague is going to hit us.I can’t tell you, which one will come on the scene first, or which one will take the most life, all I know is they are going to come.In my book, I outline as many of these strange diseases as I can, starting on page 61.I give you detailed information as to what has happened and, what is currently taking place.For the past year it seemed that news reports on these new deceases had tapered off.The birth pains Jesus spoke have been in effect, but I fear the labor pains will continue again soon.I’m not writing this to scare anyone, only to keep you in tone with what you are about to see in the news. Fact is, if Jesus said they would come, they are going to come.One disease that doctors have been keeping their eyes on is the “bird flu”. Today, a USA Today report out of Jakarta Indonesia released by the (AP) stated, ”Efforts to contain bird flu are failing in Indonesia, increasing the possibility that the virus may mutate into a deadlier form, the leading U.N. veterinary health body warned”.Mind you, this is only one out of many deceases we need to pay attention to. HIV and AIDS although not being reported in the news any longer, is on the rise. On the Issue of the Bird flu, since 2003 officials have been tracking how the Bird flu has been spreading. When you click to the following link you will see that slowly the Avian Flu (Bird flu) is making its way across our globe. In a time when nations are finding it harder and harder to feed their citizens, more live stock has to be culled (destroyed) to help stop the flu from spreading. Millions of birds have been killed adding to the hunger problems. Since Jan. 30, 2008 the Bird flu virus has spread to Indonesia, Tibet and India. are links to news reports giving you information on just a few of the things I have been talking about.I’m not asking you to believe me, all I am asking is, keep this on file and watch the news.Soon you will be coming back to this site to ask me, “how did I know that”?Please understand this one last point.It is the key to understanding the times in which we are living.Christ said, “But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads; because your redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28). In Matthew 24:33 Jesus said, “So likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.Jesus told us straight out in Matthew 24:34 that the generation who witnessed the rebirth of the nation Israel would be alive to see all these things take place.Our generation is the first and only generation ever to witness everything Jesus warned us about.Earth is closing in on the end of the generation who saw Israel’s rebirth.Before that generation is gone Jesus Christ will have already returned to Earth as King of Kings.This is the main reason why so many people can not only feel something is wrong, but they are beginning to see it on the news every night.The only problem is, most people watching the news don’t have a clue what they are witnessing in the news is fulfillment of bible prophecy.I am here to connect the dots for you.My prayer is this, once you see what I am showing you is the truth, you will turn to the bible and read it. Jesus is waiting for you at the door, just knock and ask Him in.One thing you don’t want to happen is to check out of this life without having Jesus as your Savior!
Drug-Resistant Staph Germ's Toll Is Higher Than Thought
This site contains documentation regarding Bible prophecy and current events. The subject matter deals with facts supporting the fulfillment of bible prophecy, and it will prove this is the chosen generation to see Jesus Christ return, and I will prove this point in the book. To some people this subject is scary, but the current situation of the world was foretold in the Bible so we would understand and prepare for Christ's return. This site will help you be prepared for the Lord's 2nd coming and show you how you can enjoy your life while we wait for the Lord's return. All the documentation you will be reading on this site has been taken from the pages of my book which is called "THE LAST CHRONICLES OF PLANET EARTH". Unlike most authors I never charge anyone to read my book. Jesus warned that the generation who saw all these things (prophecies) take place at the same time, that would be the generation chosen to see His 2nd coming. Jesus in Matthew 24:33-34 said the following: "Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." Belive me, you will want to be ready to meet Jesus when He calls His church home! I welcome any comments. Thank you. Frank DiMora