For years I have been trying to warn people Jesus' prophecies are coming to pass. In my 2000 book I wrote the following. "The new European currency called the euro will be another step advancing European power. So, the new Roman Empire is a makeup of many nations, and now the single European currency will become the most serious competitor to the American dollar since early this century." In the year 2000 the Euro just hit the market place. Below this new up-date of March 8, 2008 you will find a post I put up on Feb. 27, 2008 again warning the Euro would continue to rise against the dollar. This of course has taken place and now for the first time the Euro has hit $154 against the dollar. You will find two links below that give you the news about the new record high. In order to fully understand why the Euro is crushing the U.S. dollar you will have to read chapter 2 of my book. It has all the bible scriptures and a detailed explanation about the prophecy. You can download a free book right here at my site, or just read chapter 2 if you like, just look for the download post. It is a free download with no strings attached.
ATTENTION - UPDATES rates, ADDS Asian currencies ///
TOKYO, March 7, 2008 (AFP) - The euro hit a fresh record high against the dollar in Asian trade Friday as the market braced for pivotal US jobs data, dealers said. The euro hit a record high of 1.5405 dollars in Tokyo afternoon trade, breaking through the symbolic 1.54-dollar barrier for the first time.
February 27 2008 15:21 | Last updated: February 28 2008 00:23
Two weeks ago I posted a warning what you should keep your eyes on. Part of my warning was that you will continue to see the dollar fall against the Euro. Well another sign has appeared in the news today in the, (World U.S. & Canada). Part of that report stated that, "The dollar fell to a fresh record low against the euro on Wednesday as Ben Bernanke signalled that the Federal Reserve is likely to cut interest rates again next month. The single European currency breached $1.51 after the Fed chairman made it clear that the US central bank remained firmly focused on the risks to growth, in spite of some increase in inflation risk following a run of bad price reports"(Feb. 27, 2008). To view links for news report please copy and paste to address bar.
If you have visited my prophecy site before you would have read my post that the price of gas will hit $4.00 a gallon, well this is what the Herald tribune had to report today Feb. 27, 2008. "Gasoline prices, which for months lagged the big run-up in the price of oil, are suddenly rising quickly, with some experts fearing they could hit $4 a gallon by spring. Diesel is hitting new records daily and oil closed at an all-time high on Tuesday of $100.88 a barrel". Why are we seeing this warnings come to pass? If you read chapter 2 of my book which you can download for free at my site, you will learn there has to take place a shift in power, and that is what we are beginning to see take place.
In chapter 2 of my book I talk about the gang of 3 which is often mentioned in the European press. I warned people reading my book to keep your eyes on the Italian leader Silvio Berlusconi. Silvio Berlusconi has a big chip on his shoulders when it comes to the nations of Britian, Germany, and France. The Bible informs us in Daniel 7:24 that when the Antichrist comes he will subdue 3 kings. The Word of God also states that Rome will be the seat of power during the reign of the Antichrist, see Revelation chapter 17: 9. When Jesus came the first time there was a Italian in power in Rome, and we are told, when Jesus comes against Rome will be standing again and there will be another Italian in power. The Bible also makes it very clear what we should look for in the man of sin when he comes. 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2:4 tells us this man will exalt himself. In the next few weeks Italy will be holding elections. "Italians will elect a new parliament April 13-14, and if polls are correct, Der Spiegel reports that Silvio Berlusconi will return to office only 20 months after his last defeat. Immediately after today's announced poll date, PM Romano Prodi announced he won't stand European's know very well how Berlusconi has been exhalting himself and he doesn't have any problems letting the people know how he feels about himself. The following is just one example of some of the things the press has reported, "The the leader of the Forza Italia party and head of the centre-right coalition known as Casa delle Libertà (House of liberties) sees himself as the "best political leader in Europe and in the world." "Because of my personal history, my professional skills and my business achievements, I am a man nobody can expect to compare himself with" ( Feb 6, 2008). In 2004 the had a report with this headline, "All hail Berlusconi, in that 10 page report "John Carlin profiles Silvio Berlusconi, a Roman emperor for the 21st centry" We should keep our eyes on this man because he holds the treats the Antichrist is suppose to have. At this point it appears Berlusconi will be elected again in Italy. Watch these events with me! Let us not forget Berlusconi has a problem with the 3 nations I mentioned above. It just may be the 3 nations (kings) that this Antichrist will subdue as Daniel warned us. There is a definate pattern here between what God warned about the Antichrist and what Berlusconi is doing. Here me out, I am not saying Silvio is the Antichrist, what I am saying is, we should keeps tabs on him and see what he does, because he could turn out to be. Believe me, you will know!,12576,1126448,00.html
If you aren't sure if you are saved please e-mail and I will show you how to become what Jesus say's is (born again). We are moving closer to the tribulation period (7 years) and you will want to be in Jesus hands before this 7 year period begins. My e-mail address is listed at my site. Make sure you write the name of my book in the subject box when you e-mail me. God Bless.
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