In chapter 9 of the book of Revelation we see our generation is known as the “drug” generation. The words. “magic arts” in Rev. 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”. Some call our generation, “Generation X”, and this generation is known to be the “drug generation”. Lets face the facts, governments around the world are fighting the drug wars! Here is just one example of what I am talking about. “TIJUANA, Mexico - Massive gunbattles broke out between suspected drug traffickers who fired at each other while speeding down heavily populated streets of this violent border city early Saturday, killing 13 people and wounding nine” April 27, 2008. Who knows you may be reading this post today and be one of those people Jesus pointed out! God also gave us other specific details as to what this generation would be known for. The prophet Daniel in Daniel 12:4 showed us the last generation would be known for two things which are, increased in knowledge and people traveling back and forth. Please traveling back and forth is a no brainier. All you have to do is do a google search to see how many people are traveling each year. Hundreds of thousands of people each are forced to travel because of wars, droughts, floods or lack of food. But there is some good news. Our generation has been known as the “Generation of Knowledge”. I cover this subject in detail in chapter 3 of my book to show how Daniel 12:4 has been fulfilled. He is one example of that increased knowledge. “A pioneering gene therapy trial has helped a blind man to see in a breakthrough that brings hope to millions affected by eye diseases. British scientists have claimed a world first for the revolutionary treatment, which involved a single injection into the retina at the back of the eye.” In Canada alone one agency put up $119.7 million to increase research knowledge. Of course your vast increased in knowledge is also getting us in trouble. Take Iran for example, Iran is building a nuclear power plant in hopes to create their first nuclear weapon. The President of Iran has stated on many occasions that he wants to wipe Israel off the face of the map, and if he is not stopped he will make an attempt to do just that. This is not only an example of increased knowledge but is a fulfillment of rumors of wars, which Jesus outlined for us in Matthew chapter 24. Many believe that this Iranian nuclear power plant could be the thing that begins the Russian attack against Israel as outlined in Ezekiel chap. 38-38. If Israel bombs this nuclear plant it could force Iran to attack Israel. Iran’s leaders have already warned Israel about this same scenario. Take notice who is helping Iran build this plant, it is Russia. Ezekiel warned us that Russia would join up with Iran in the end time to attack Israel. For complete details about this coming war turn to chapter 10 of my book. When this war takes place the ground will shake. Ezekiel paints a picture of millions of men running into battle against Israel, but God steps in and destroys 5/6 of the invading armies. Speaking of the ground shaking yesterday before ending my post I had a strong impression to warn of another earthquake, so I wrote, “Watch out for those Earthquakes” This morning when I woke up I noticed Mexico had a earthquake that hit a little past 7pm and was a 5.8 magnitude quake. When I wrote the warning yesterday I didn’t know about the quake, but I am glad I wrote about it, maybe someone down in Mexico read my post and looked up to remember Jesus when the ground began to shake. Here is some important news in prophecy. In 2005 the Sanhedrin was again reborn! Who is the Sanhedrin? You may have heard the named “Sanhedrin” before“ when you heard the story about Jesus. It was the Sanhedrin who took Jesus by night and had him put to death. The Romans’ actually killed Jesus, but it was at the doing of the Sanhedrin. A section from the IsraelNationalnews in 2005 stated, “ A unique ceremony - probably only the second of its kind in the past 1,600 years - is taking place in Tiberias today: This launching of a Sanhedrin, the highest Jewish-legal tribunal in the Land of Israel.” This rebirth of the Sanhedrin is very important to prophecy, because Jesus warned us that in the end times the Temple would be rebuilt and, they would begin sacrificing animals again. Now that this highest Jewish legal tribunal is back, they have made moves to begin to do exactly what Christ warned they would do. In 2007, “The modern-day Sanhedrin, headed by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, has decided to purchase a herd of sheep to be used for the Passover sacrifice ritual to be held this year if possible at the Temple Mount” If you read my post a few days ago you would learned that the Israeli court ruled in favor for the Jewish Temple movement and, the sheep that the Sanhedrin had their eyes on last year can now be sacrificed. This is a short section from a recent report, “ A Jerusalem court ruled Friday that the Jewish Temple movement could slaughter a sheep on Sunday as a “general rehearsal” for the renewal of the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice.” I pray to God that you see what is going on here! The next step left is to rebuild the Temple, and it will be done soon, very soon. What does this mean for you? Well if you are a Christian that means your rapture is not very far away. If you are not a Christian that mean you will soon see the Antichrist. Why do you think all these signs are taking place? Do you really think it is by chance that after 1,600 years the Sanhedrin reappears? Do you really think it is by chance that they just got approval to start sacrificing sheep again? Do you know when the last time the Jewish people were able to sacrifice? It was the last time Jesus walked this planet. Christ warned us of everything that is currently going on and He did it for a reason, to make you ready for His second coming. I pray my messages are helping you see the light. Soon two things are going to take place. Jesus is going to remove His Church from this earth and then the Antichrist will be exposed. You can leave before all hell breaks out on this planet, or you can stay here and deal with the Antichrist who will have one goal, to kill anyone who does not bow down to him. Why do you think you are reading my post? Another fluke? This is how Jesus is calling your heart to Him, please listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and begin to walk with Christ today. Ask Him to enter your life and forgive you. Jesus loves you more than you can ever know. Iran demands Russian nuclear shipment
Iran demands Russian nuclear shipment
“The blind man who was given the gift of sight by gene therapy” April 28, 2008
Money for increased knowledge
“Iran demanded Sunday that Azerbaijan deliver a Russian shipment of nuclear equipment” 4-27-08
Earthquake rattles Mexico City
“Massive gunbattles break out in Tijuana; 13 dead, 9 wounded” April 27, 2008
“Sanhedrin to Purchase Sheep for Passover Sacrifice” (Feb. 28, 2008)
“Members of Reestablished Sanhedrin Ascend Temple Mount”
“Sanhedrin Launched In Tiberias” (2005)
Jerusalem Court Rules for Jewish Temple Movement
Gas may soon cost 10.00 a gallon Things that may help bring America's decline to give way to EU
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