Jesus reveals our generation would be known as the drug generation and we are!
The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”. America has been at war with the Mexican cartels for years and the drugs wars are still increasing. In Mexico itself Mexician turf wars between cartels in “Mexico vying for control of the lucrative drug trade have killed more than 1,000 people this year and some 2,000 people in 2006” (Reuters Sept. 14, 2007). In the latter part of 2006 we heard of men “Waving machine guns in the air, they screamed at the crowd to stay put and then dumped the contents of a heavy plastic bag on the dance floor. Five human heads rolled to a bloody stop. (International Herald Tribune Oct. 25, 2006). The report went on to say, “An underworld war between drug gangs is raging here, medieval in its barbarity, its original causes lost in a fog of reprisals, its foot soldiers operating with little fear of interference from the police (ibid). For those of us who know the Word of the Lord men becoming barbaric is one of the signs of the end times. In 2nd Timothy chapter 3 we are told “men will become brutal”, and they have, what you just read about is only one example of just how brutal men are becoming. In April 2008 there was more violence in the streets as “Massive gunbattles broke out between suspected drug traffickers who fired at each other while speeding down heavily populated streets of this violent border city early Saturday” (AP April 27, 2008). The drug problem is much the same everywhere. Take Morocco for example, “The country’s record haul for hashish seizures in 2007 suggests the law enforcers are at least keeping pace with a growing band of smugglers. In hundreds of operations last year, officers seized a total of 35 tonnes of hashish worth an estimated 140 million euros (215 million dollars) on the European market. That was more than 25 percent up on 2006.Morocco's customers officers also arrested 437 people, half of them foreigners. Spanish nationals topped the list at 78, followed by 61 French nationals and 22 Portuguese.
When you read the Report of the International Narcotics Control Board report for 2007 you get a clear picture of just how bad the drug problem is at a global level. That report states, “Efforts are being undertaken by the Governments of Egypt, Kenya and Nigeria to draft or update national drug control plans. In Egypt, the National Council against Addiction and Drug Control has started to update the national drug control strategy. Similarly, in Kenya, a multisectoral drug control master plan is being developed, with special emphasis on law enforcement activities and the strengthening of the capacity of judicial authorities to investigate drug offences and combat drug-related money-laundering. The Government of Nigeria has developed a drug control master plan for the period 2007-2011, which is expected to be officially released at the end of 2007.” That report also sited that the nations of Benin, Kenya, Togo, Egypt, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, the United Republic of Tanzania, Algeria, and Uganda are having to deal with the lack of facilities to treat all these drug users. In section (313) of the report it states, “Large illicit consignments of cocaine are transported from countries in Latin America (from Colombia through Brazil and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) to the coastal areas of West Africa (on board ships, private yachts and, more recently, private airplanes) and then to Europe.” Jesus warned that our generation would be known for their drug problems, as you can see, drugs are everywhere, and accompanying the drugs is a wave of violent crime. What Jesus told us about the drug generation of the last days has come to pass in this generation. The only sure way to end the drug problems is to turn over to the Lord. We know from the prophecy Jesus gave us, millions will refuse His call for salvation. Before the Lord returns our drug problems will escalate, and we are already witnessing signs of this taking place. As it stands now nations around the world base their livelihood on the production and transporting of all types of illegal drugs. Governments, instead of trying to solve this problem are sending bills up that would legalize the use of many drugs. A new survey taken in 2007 showed that drug use by minors is on the rise. Our schools are loaded with kids who are taking illegal drugs or, who are pushing them. “The percentage of teens who say they attend high schools with drug problems has increased from 44 percent to 61 percent since 2002, and the percentage in middle schools has increased from 19 percent to 31 percent, according to the survey to be released Thursday by Columbia University’s National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse” ( Aug. 16, 2007). Jesus told us this generation would not repent from their use. Don’t count on this drug issue to go away!
Study: "Drug Infested" Schools On Rise Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2007 “Massive gunbattles break out in Tijuana; 13 dead, 9 wounded” April 27, 2008
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