DiMora's in-depth interview with The Edge International radio show which was head on June 26, 2008 can still be heard by clicking to the link below. Once at the site go past the TV screen to where you see "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth". This show runs for 3 hrs 18 min of which Frank's show takes up 1hr and 53 minutes. You will want to fast forward to where Frank begins his interview. Once there, there will be a short music break half way through the interview, fast forward to Frank's 2nd half of the interview. There are two Bandwidths for the Audio, low and high. Click on the one which is best for your computer and listen to this interview which is packed with proof we are in the last, final days just before the rapture of the Church. Go to the link below. God is directing people to DiMora’s interview to hear a powerful message from Christ. Find out why Satanists, witches, a cult members, unbelievers, and even church members are giving their lives over to Christ! The Link to The Edge radio show is below in blue.