14 http://video.aol.com/video-detail/june-26th-2008-part-14/40337309
Prophecy sign: Matthew 24:7 Earthquakes in many places.
If you are new to my site please read my past posts, you will see I warned these quakes were coming. After the Japan and China quake I again warned more of these high magnitude quakes are on the way. This weekend those warnings came to pass. “A strong 6.7-magnitude earthquake struck Monday near the South Sandwich Islands, a remote British territory near Antarctica and South America's southern tip, the US Geological Survey said.” There was a 6.7 India quake as well. i am warning you again more of these quakes are on the way! Please watch the news, and you will see what I mean. jesus told us that in the last days these events would happen as a women in birth pains. knowing this and knowing all the other signs are already here, we know these signs will get worse. This is why I am warning you more huge quakes are on the way.
This weekend we also saw warnings that a major quake may hit the Middle East soon. According to the breitbart news, "The probability of an earthquake of a magnitude of up to six on the Richter scale, originating in Lebanon and being felt in Israel has increased," the health ministry said in a letter sent to medical officials in northern Israel. Since February, abnormal seismic activity has been noted in southern Lebanon, which had suffered some 500 minor earthquakes in a three- 1month period, health ministry director-general Avi Yisraeli said in the letter.” They are coming, am I trying to scare you? No. I am trying to get you ready to meet Jesus when He call us home, you must be ready and on the “WATCH” when he comes for us.
Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Storms, waves and sea roaring, and signs in the sun. Revelation 16:8-11 “sun was given power to scorch people with fire” and Revelation 7: 15-16 we see that the sun scorched the people on the earth during the tribulation period. If you are new to my site you may not be aware that we have crushed the record for the number of tornadoes this year already and we are just now coming into the storm seasons. If you click to the link below you will see that so far we have had 1664 tornadoes so far. Fact is the Midwest states are still under water for the recent storms and more are coming.
While the Midwest states are flooding “Calif. firefighters battle more than 1,400 blazes” Last week there were 400 fire that broke out in one day, since the number has climbed to the 1,400 mark. We know from Jesus warning that the droughts are coming and have already showed up in many places around the world. These droughts are adding to the danger of fires because everything is so dry. The news today reported, “(AP) - The good news in northern California is that more than a thousand wildfires aren't growing. The bad news: There's no relief in sight.”
Prophecy sign: Mark 13:8 Famines. News headlines this week end read as follows: “As famine looms in Ethiopia, only the neediest get food aid”. The report stated, “In this African nation, about 10 million people, more than 12 percent of the population, are now in need of emergency food aid after a drought wiped out harvests. But because grain is now twice as expensive as a year ago-if it is available at all-there is not enough food in Ethiopia to feed everyone in need”. When you read chapter 10 of my book I talk about Ethiopia attacking Israel with Russia, Iran, Iraq, and other Arab nations. I explained one reason why Ethiopia would join in on the attack against Israel which will fulfill the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy. I suggested that if Ethiopia began to starve they may join in on the attack to go after all the food and crops that are in Israel. Ezekiel 38:12 tells us the attackers go after Israel’s “cattle and goods”. In any case we see all these prophecies coming together.
Storms Across Plains Kill 2, Disrupt Olympic Hopefuls Severe storms with strong winds swept through the Plains on Friday, forcing swimmers practicing for U.S. Olympic trials in Omaha to flee pools and run for cover, killing two people in Iowa, and knocking out power to thousands. Water poured into the building, down arena steps and onto the deck of the competition pool during the storm. The storm's winds may have reached 100 mph" Jesus warning that the seas and waves would be raging, what do you think moves the waves? Wind!
Prophecy sign: Last days Church doesn’t follow Christ Words and doesn’t keep to sound doctrine. Revelation chapter 3 Jesus gives a message to the Laodicean church which is message for the modern day church. We see this church is luke warm, they say they are a rich church and in need of nothing, but Jesus says this church is wretched and poor and naked. Jesus tells us because this church is luke warm He is going to spit it out of His mouth. 2nd Timothy warns “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” The modern day church has become exactly what was Jesus warned it would be. Pastors around the world are not following sound doctrine and are teaching doctrines which appose the Word of God. Jesus said He was the only way, I quote Jesus in John 14:6. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” We see another survey on what religious Americans say about the only way to heaven and God. “America remains a deeply religious nation, but a new survey finds most Americans don’t believe their tradition is the only way to eternal life—even if the denomination’s teachings say otherwise. The findings, revealed Monday in a survey of 35,000 adults, can either be taken as a positive sign of growing religious tolerance, or disturbing evidence that Americans dismiss or don’t know fundamental teaching of their own faiths.” Part of the survey showed 38.85% of the people believe “Pastors are more interested in pleasing the congregation than preaching the whole counsel of God” It is no wonder why so called Christians don’t have a clue to what the Bible teaches. Watered down teaching of the Bible is spreading around the world and today it is hard to find those on fire churches who are holding to sound doctrine. It is hard to find churches where the majority of the believers are on fire for Christ and are abiding in Him. We see churches all over the world that are rich with money, but because they have turned from sound doctrine and are not on fire for Jesus, Jesus will spit this church out of His mouth. In other words if the people of this modern day church don’t repent of their ways and become hot for Jesus they will find themselves being left behind to go through the 7 year tribulation.
Religious Americans: My faith isn't the only way
Jesus in Matthew 24:37-39 warns the final generation would be exactly like Noah’s generation who did not following the teachings of God and they turned to homosexuality and same sex marriage. Jesus warned that when we saw these traits in the end times, that would be the sign He would soon come back. Now that this modern day Laodicean church has pulled away from sound doctrine we see how the church has allowed sin to creep into Jesus’ real church. Here is one example. “The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) moved forward Tuesday with proposals that would allow for practicing gay clergy while rejecting one that would have redefined the definition of marriage. In a 41-11 vote Tuesday night, the Committee on Church Orders and Ministry recommended to the 218th General Assembly – the denomination's highest governing body – that it delete wording in the ordination standard that requires "fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman or chastity in singleness." Fact is the Presbyterian Church has turned their backs on the Word of God and have not kept sound doctrine and is allowing that sin that Jesus hates to infest His Chruch.
Prophecy sign: 1st Thessalonians 5:2-3 tells us in the end times Israel will be calling for peace and safety and at that time Israel will be attacked. Ezekiel 38-39 fill us in on the details of the attack against Israel. The Bush Administration is working at a furious pace to have a peace plan signed by the end of 2008. Many nations are now taking the steps to work out this peace deal. We learned this weekend that “Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al Mualem said recently that Israel and Syria are preparing for another round of talks through Turkish mediation next month. He described the negotiations that have taken place so far as "successful." A week ago Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said, "Israel is not far from direct negotiations with Syria." In an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro Olmert said the direct talks would begin once the two countries agree on a list of issues up for discussion. "We are not far from this," he said. "If both sides are serious, we will sit down at the table and talk." Olmert and Syrian President Bashar Assad are scheduled to attend a Middle East conference in Paris on July 13.” At the same time these nations are calling for peace and safety there is the fear that war will break out in the Middle East if Israel attack the Iranian nuclear power planet in the fall of this year. War is coming and God warned us about this coming attack. I said it before but if your new to my site you may not know this. An Israeli attack on the Iranian site could cause the launching of an attack against Israel. All I know is we were warned this was coming and it appears it could take very soon maybe even this fall if that nuclear site is hit.
We know for sure that a war is going to break out at the time
Israel is calling for peace and safety. We see the signs of this war coming even as the nations are talking peace. Those peace talks are being stressed as new attacks on Israel continue. ”Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni called Thursday for an immediate military response to Qassam fire by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni called Thursday for an immediate military response to Qassam fire by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip. Her remarks came hours after a rocket hit the Negev area earlier in the day, the fifth after the Egyptian-brokered truce went into effect last Thursday.” It is only a matter of time before all out war will break out. If you know nothing about prophecy, watch the Middle East, soon you will see the war come on Israel just like God told Ezekiel it would.
Prophecy sign: Mark 13:7 War and rumor of war. “'Sunday Times' reports Iran targeting Dimona.” This report took the Words right out of Jesus mouth. “As rumors continue to circulate that Iran may find itself a target of a military strike aimed at destroying its nuclear capabilities, the country has stepped up deterrent efforts by moving ballistic missiles into launch positions and targeting various sites in Israel, including the Dimona nuclear plant, The Sunday Times reported defense sources as saying. As you can see in this one report there are several signs in prophecy. Rumors of war, and the possible attack on Israel as a result of Israel hitting the Iranian nuclear site. A second report on this issue said, “the decision to reposition a number of Shahab-3B missiles, which have an estimated range of more than 1,250 miles, followed a large-scale military exercise conducted by the IAF earlier in June. Although unconfirmed by the Israeli security establishment, the exercise was widely believed to be an Israeli warning to Iran to halt their nuclear ambitions.
Times: Iran has missiles aimed at Dimona reactor
One news headline even read like this, “Iran to ready thousands of graves for enemy soldiers”. That report stated, “A former head of Israel's Mossad foreign intelligence agency said in comments published on Sunday that the Jewish state had one year to destroy Iran's nuclear programme or face the risk of coming under nuclear attack. Shabtai Shavit told a London weekly that the "worst-case scenario" was that Tehran would have a nuclear weapon within "somewhere around a year".
Is war coming to the Middle East as God told Ezekiel? If there is one thing you can count on in this world it is this, You can count on every Word God said to happen will happen just the way He said it. In the news this weekend we are told of a time for Israel to attack Iran. “A former head of Mossad has warned that Israel has 12 months in which to destroy Iran's nuclear programme or risk coming under nuclear attack itself. He also hinted that Israel might have to act sooner if Barack Obama wins the US presidential election.” As I said Israel’s attack on the site could set in motion the war Ezekiel was shown by God. Since every sign Jesus warned us about is already here, we know this war will be played out very soon. If there was ever a time to receive Jesus as your Savior it would be right now before this attack takes place. We know by the signs the Lord will remove His Church before the Antichrist is revealed, he is revealed when He confirms the peace covenant which they are working on at the present time. All prophecy is almost completed except for a few remaining which have to do with peace and war with Israel. If you don’t want to be left behind and tossed into the tribulation take Jesus now as your Lord and Savior. Ask Him today to prepare you to meet Him by asking Him to forgive you, turn to Christ and live in His peace, then stay on the watch with me as He told us to. Our watching hours are drawing to a close.
In recent weeks I have been trying to warn you that America would
begin to lose her power and her ranking as the #1 superpower. I have been giving you the signs we have begun our down fall while at the same time the European Union is becoming stronger. The economy will probably play a big part in bringing out the Antichrist . By the time the Antichrist is exposed the world will be looking for a man to help the world’s sagging economy. We know America will give up her reign as the leader in the world to the European Union because God showed Daniel that in the end times it would be the reborn Roman Empire that will reign as that last world power when Jesus returns. The European Union is that reborn Roman Empire! One thing to keep in mind. The E.U. will also have troubles with their economy just as will be the case for most of the world, but it will be through this Union that the Antichrist will rise from. Here are some current signs about the failing economy. “Wall Street stocks skidded to one of the year's worst losses as oil surged over $140 for the first time ever and swamped markets already sinking under the weight of revived credit fears.” Not only is the stock market losing strength many are warning it is going to buckle soon. We see thousands of people in the U.S.A. getting their pink slips. “Buffeted by soaring oil prices and spare capacity, U.S. airlines are planning deeper cuts in domestic and international routes, a shift that may whittle the industry to a scale last seen in 2002, when travel fell sharply after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. The downsizing of the U.S. airline industry is unlikely to be reversed anytime soon, and whether it will spread beyond the United States is still uncertain.” As a result of the cut back more people will be out of work soon.
One of the things I have been warning you was that the price of oil and gas would continue to climb. This is another way America’s legs are being cut from under her. We are losing businesses all around the nation because of these high oil and gas prices. This weekend oil hit yet another record high! “Oil leapt to a new record high above $142 a barrel on Friday, extending gains after surging nearly 4 percent in the previous session, as tumbling global stock markets helped to trigger a wider commodities rally. What is taking place is this, the stage is being set for the world economy to take a dive, then the people of this world are going to seek out someone who has the answers to these problems. Guess who will come? The Antichrist, and the world will receive him not knowing he is the man Jesus said would come. Not only will he seem to have the answers for the failing world economy but we are told in Daniel he will come making peace. Soon this man is going to jump into the peace process in the Middle East and it will He who will confirm Israel’s peace covenant with the many nations now seeking peace in the Middle East. We have almost reached that time frame. If I were you I would begin to pay attention to all the peace talks and watch the calls for war at the same time.
How bad are things getting for America. We are beginning to see things that took place during the great depression when those people couldn’t afford to live. Here is a case in point. “Utilities cut off more customers who are behind on their bills. “ As skyrocketing food and gasoline prices strain budgets, utilities are disconnecting many more customers who fall behind on their bills, and even moderate-income households are getting zapped. Electricity and natural gas shutoffs are up at least 15% in several states compared with last year. Totals for some utilities have more than doubled. "We're seeing a record number of shutoffs," says Mark Wolfe, head of the National Energy Assistance Directors' Association, which represents programs that subsidize energy bills.
While people are having their services taken away more American are losing their jobs. Here is on headline in the news this weekend. “Detroit's mood grim as automakers face the brink” The report informed us, “DETROIT (Reuters) - After three decades at work in a GM factory, John Martinez has reached a crossroads. Martinez, 50, must choose between retiring and making a long and expensive commute across state lines to stay with General Motors Corp. Any future he can imagine is going to be costly and tough. "My whole family is under stress," he said. The same can be said of the embattled U.S. auto industry and its recession-hardened hometown, Detroit. GM, once an emblem of U.S. post-war economic might, is being driven to the brink by dwindling sales that are expected to test cash reserves and the nerves” “GM has responded by slashing costs, cutting truck production and slashing its factory work force to less than half of the 118,000 it employed four years ago.”
Little by little we are beginning to see signs that the world economy is getting into trouble. Here is one example, “As the United States markets edge toward bear territory, losing nearly 20 percent of their value from last fall's peak, investors might wonder where they can turn for relief. The gloomy answer: nowhere Many of the major markets in Europe and around the world have already entered a bear market. Germany and France are among the markets suffering the most, and once high-flying emerging markets in countries like China and India have collapsed even more drastically. “The declines at major stock markets worldwide suggest that the same economic concerns are in play: rising inflation, which has been caused for the most part by record oil prices. U.S. crude oil futures hit a new high of $142.99 a barrel on Friday”.
Do you want to see what the real truth about the U.S. economy is and where we are headed? If so this video is a must see video! The video is called “The U.S. Economy is Unsustainable
Speaking about disease you probably noticed in the past few years the increased reports about food getting people sick. Not only is fruits and vegetables but people are getting seriously sick from eating animals with disease such as mad cow disease. About 2 weeks ago the government again warned about another outbreak of salmonella that was supposedly found on tomatoes. Now this week we are told “cases continue to climb, the government is checking if tainted tomatoes really are to blame for the record outbreak — or if the problem is with another ingredient, or a warehouse that is contaminating newly harvested tomatoes.” “The widening outbreak-with 810 people confirmed ill-means whatever is making people sick could very well still be on the market, federal health officials warned on Friday”.
According to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the number of annual new HIV diagnoses increased by 34% among black and Hispanic MSM between 2001 and 2006 and increased by 32% among all MSM younger than age 30. There were 100 new HIV cases among young white MSM in New York City in 2006, compared with 228 new cases among young black MSM and 165 cases among young Hispanic MSM. New HIV diagnoses among MSM older than age 30 have decreased by 22% during the same time period, according to the Times.” In another report we learned that “ Robert Kanwagi -- coordinator of the Breaking the Ice Project, which is being implemented by the group Reproductive Health Uganda in Kampala -- said a recent survey found that HIV prevalence among the sex workers in the city was as high as 47.2%, compared with the national prevalence of 6.7%. The survey also found that HIV prevalence is as high as 60% among sex workers ages 25 to 29 and that 59.6% of sex workers were found to have other sexually transmitted infections, such as syphilis and gonorrhea.” “According to a new report released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of HIV cases among young gay men has increased in a big way.” Look, I could go on and on concerning the sign of pestilences but would you believe me? I pray that you would because as people begin to turn from God and not follow His Words for life, we are going to see more of these diseases begin to spread worldwide. Coming soon will be the plagues Jesus talked about in the Book of Revelation that shows us millions will die due to disease. If you want to registered as a statistic today let it be known and recorded today you asked Christ into your life, then Jesus today will add your name in the book of life. Let it be known today you will be 1 more lead into the arms of Christ.
1. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/92926.php
2. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/107254.php
3. http://www.dbtechno.com/health/2008/06/26/cdc-reports-increase-in-hiv-cases-among-younger-gay-men/
who will come and try to force everyone on this planet to take his mark. Jesus warns us that this is the mark of the Antichrist. Those who are left behind to go through the tribulation period because they refused Jesus call to Salvation will face the Antichrist and be confronted with either dieing for Christ and not taking the mark of the beast (666) or taking it and sealing your fate to eternal hell. In my book I show you how since 1977 we have gone from cash to an almost cashless society. Now we have the technology for the final step which will enable the Antichrist to force his will. Please read chapter 1 for complete details. Let me give you an example of what I am taking about. “DELRAY BEACH, Fla.--(Business Wire)--VeriChip Corporation ("Company") (NASDAQ:CHIP), a provider of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems for healthcare and patient-related needs, announced today that Xmark's infant protection systems, led by systems sold under the HUGS(R) brand, protected more than one million infants born in hospitals in 2007. Xmark is a wholly owned subsidiary of VeriChip.” VeriChip has come out and has been using their chips in humans. Hospital are tags children with these chips to ensure no one can leave the hospital without an alarm going off. Little by little these chips are being implanted in to peoples skin for ID purposes and health issues to monitor them. The system is now in place so that when the man of sin comes, he can use this type of system to force his will and be able to track everyone on this planet. If you don’t take the mark of the Antichrist (beast) you will shut out of the economy. Jesus warned that you will not be able to buy or sell! The only way to escape this coming wrath is to receive Jesus love and free gift of Salvation now while the Church is still on this earth. The days of grace are coming to a close and I pray you are now starting to realize this. What in God’s name is stopping you for just giving your life over to the Lord who loves you. Do you think the Antichrist is going to love you during the tribulation. Fact be told the Antichrist is coming to kill and destroy. Jesus is letting you make that choice because He has given you free will. Live in Jesus’ Kingdom or send yourself to the lake of fire where you will live in torment for ever and ever in darkness. What a choice.
End of todays post.
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Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed. In blue, DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs.
Major signs video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eMPhti-cEQ
Part 1 how Ministry started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcWK_qezFxY
Part 2 how Ministry started: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qZuXGFIvhE
F. DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.
If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to http://christianspeaker.net/, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora. This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements