Reminder: my signs of the times interview is 8pm Eastern time, in Ca. it will be at 6PM. If you miss this you can go to the same page and scroll down on the leftside. Look for audio archives, double click and pull up the past shows there. This past Sunday Gina Romano, the host of radio show, (The Edge) interviewed me for one hour and forty five minutes. If you want to know or had any doubts that we have already entered the last times events than you will want to turn to hear this interview. Go to the following link on Thursday June 26, 2008 at 8pm Eastern time, and click on to the broadcast. Information for my interview will be posted on The Edge site either late Wednesday or early Thursday the morning of the show. Don’t worry if you miss the show, I was informed you will be able to hear it on the site as they keep the interviews for those who want to hear a show they may have missed. When you click to the Link, the first screen you see will be the screen you will click on to hear the interview. If I were you I wouldl tell as many of your loved ones and friends about this as you can. I will be giving hard facts concerning Jesus warning of the last day events, and I will be giving proof we are living in the last days Jesus told us to watch for. I want to take this time to thank Gina for allowing me to speak the truth in Christ. The Edge link -
Apostle Paul in 1st Thessalonians warned that when they are calling for peace and safety sudden destruction comes”. If you read my post yesterday you have read the following statement I made, “We know that it is a fake peace and it will not last” One day after I told you what to watch for we see news today that the “Palestinian militants on Tuesday fired three homemade rockets into southern Israel, the first such attack since a cease-fire between Israel and Gaza militants took effect last week. Israel condemned the attack as a "gross violation" of the truce, but did not say whether it would retaliate.” Concerned this one of the labor pains Jesus talked about. There is another peace deal coming soon. This peace agreement will also be broken. The peace deal or covenant as is referred to in the book of Daniel chapter 9 will have a time frame added to it and it will be for a period of 7 years. It is this peace deal that you must pay attention to because it is this covenant that will reveal the Antichrist. Do you know what this Antichrist is going to do during his reign for 7 years? He is coming to annihilate and kill everyone who does not bow to him. In the beginning those left behind when Jesus removes the true believers will think this man (Antichrist) will be a god sent. For the first three and a half years it will look like he has turned all the Earth’s troubles around but in the middle of the 7 years his true colors will come out and everyone will see him as he really is. If you are new to this site you may not know that the Antichrist is already here but he hasn’t been revealed yet. Right now he is a man embedded somewhere within the European Union which is the reborn Roman Empire Jesus warned would return prior to His 2nd coming. It is this man who will meet with Israel and Israel’s enemies and confirm a covenant with many nations. We know the timing of when this man will be revealed. It is at the time that all the signs of the end are taking place all at once, which is now. It will be at the time when Israel is calling for peace and safety which again is this generation. You have seen peace agreements come and go in the news over the years just like birth pains and soon one more peace agreement (covenant) will be signed only this time this so called peace agreement will push this planet right into the seven year tribulation. If you want to escape the Antichrist and the hell that is coming on this world during those 7 years you must confess that Jesus is Lord and ask Him to forgiven you. If you do not receive Him you will be left behind! We know war is coming to Israel we see the signs of this in the news daily now. When Russia and her allies attacks Israel the covenant will go into play. Government officials think this attack may take place this fall. Please keep on the watch and be ready to meet Jesus.
Prophecy sign: Luke 21:25 storms & nations in trouble. For weeks I have posted news coverage concerning these signs. Most of you see this news every night so you should have become familiar with this sign by now so let me give you a short up-date. Headlines today read, “Swollen Mississippi defeats another levee” “The swollen Mississippi River burst another levee Tuesday, submerging farmland and threatening a residential area whose occupants had already moved out in anticipation of a flood.” Jesus warned the food would begin to disappear during the end times. All these floods are as you read in the news, is wiping away our food. Many of the levees broke open and wiped away billions worth of crops and now more farm land is destroyed. We are seeing Jesus signs come to pass right before us and most people don’t even know this is what Jesus warned us about. This is the reason I was pleased in this ministry, to inform and connect the dots between the news and Jesus’ prophecies for this generation. Jesus warned us to watch. “Watch you therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (Luke 21:36). What will happen to those who are not on the watch? “For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night” (1st Thessalonians 5:2). When Christ comes if you are not ready you will miss His coming! Pray then to stay alert and on the watch just as Jesus asked of us.
Revelation 16:8-9 says, “And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat” Matthew 24 warns of droughts. Yesterday I talked about the sign in the sun and how Jesus warned the earth would see droughts and fire. This past weekend a usually storm hit California which at first set off 400 fires. The major drought conditions helped spread the flames. In one day the number of fires went from 400 to 840 and I just heard a few minutes ago that it is now 841. I quote from a section of today’s report, ““More than 840 wildfires sparked by an "unprecedented" lightning storm are burning a swath of Northern California, alarming the governor and requiring the help of firefighters from Nevada and Oregon.” “"This is an unprecedented lightning storm in California, that it lasted as long as it did, 5,000 to 6,000 lightning strikes," Walters said. "We are finding fires all the time."
Daniel chapter 12: 4 told us one specific sign pointing to the last generation was that last generation would be known as the generation of increased knowledge and that generation would travel back and forth. One example of this sign being fulfilled was seen globally as the world watched NASA’s Phoenix lander send pictures back from Mars what appears to be ice on Mars. No other generation could have fulfilled these signs. Today we see men traveling back and forth from space. One other specific sign that proves we are the generation to see Jesus return is found in Revelation. Jesus reveals our generation would be known as the drug generation and we are! The words “magic arts” in Revelation 9:21 is the Greek word pharmakia from which comes our word “pharmacy”. It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells, such as those used in witchcraft and those used today by those who are seeking a greater “high”. Here is just one more example how little by little drug use is going to become legal. “One pro-marijuana group is calling on the government to allow marijuana in smoking lounges at airports across the country” ( In 2005 the Denver voters approved a “measure that made possession of one ounce or less of marijuana in the city legal.” When the church is removed and the Antichrist is in control drug use will run ramped. This is just another labor pain to watch for, but it is an important signs that points to one specific generation, we in this generation have been known now as the drug generation.
Major signs of the end warned by Jesus in Matthew are seas and waves roaring, intense heat, weird weather, massive changes all around the world as the planet heats up, which would cause droughts and famines. In other words we would watch our ecosystem change and in Revelation we see the results of all these changes when billions of people die from these plagues. We are already beginning to witnesses these birth pain signs, all of them. Even NASA sees what is coming down the road in the very near future. Today I read a report from NASA with the headline, ““NASA warming scientist: 'This is the last chance” The report was issued from “WASHINGTON (AP) — Exactly 20 years after warning America about global warming, a top NASA scientist said the situation has gotten so bad that the world's only hope is drastic action. James Hansen told Congress on Monday that the world has long passed the "dangerous level" for greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and needs to get back to 1988 levels. He said Earth's atmosphere can only stay this loaded with man-made carbon dioxide for a couple more decades without changes such as mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises.” Everything NASA is concerned about are the exact warning signs Jesus said would come. Now that they have begun they will start to accelerate even faster just as birth pains do with a women in labor.
Jesus said, “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, “I am the Christ.” And will deceive many” (Matthew 24:4). Many of you know all the false Christ’s who have showed up in America but there are false Christ’s showing up in many other nations as well. For example the head line to this next report read, “Jesus Christ of Russia Grigori Grabovoi” “Grigori Grabovoi is one of the first Russian psychics placed behind prison bars. In the past Russian law-enforcement agencies attempted to start legal proceedings against Kashpirovsky and other “healers” but those attempts failed to bear fruit. Moscow prosecutors charged Grabovoi with fraud last Friday. It means the authorities intend to deal with the “ Messiah” in earnest this time.” In 2006 Grabovoi was taken by the government but Kashpirovsky another man claiming to be Jesus Christ is still very powerful in Russia. In April 25, 2007 Grabovoi was “charged with 11 counts of fraudulently obtaining money “under the guise of resurrecting the victim’s dead relatives or curing them of serious illnesses,” I have some videos showing who Kashpirovsky is. The video’s are in Russian but I wanted you all to see Jesus warnings are fulfilled again. More of these false Christ’s’ are on the way.
Russian false Christ video in Russian
1. in 2008.
Apostle Paul in 1st Thessalonians warned that when they are calling for peace and safety sudden destruction comes”. You know I have been telling you an attack on Israel is coming soon. What brings on this attack we do not know for sure, however, in light of current events we see one way in which this attack on Israel may take place. Israel bombing Iran may set off this attack. In today’s news we hear more warnings this attack may come before this year ends. The subtitle to the following report read, “John Bolton, the former American ambassador to the United Nations, has predicted that Israel could attack Iran after the November presidential election but before George W Bush's successor is sworn in.” I quote a section of the report. ”Israel 'will attack Iran' before new US president sworn in, John Bolton predicts”. Israel, however, still had a determination to prevent a nuclear Iran, he argued. The "optimal window" for strikes would be between the November 4 election and the inauguration on January 20, 2009. "The Israelis have one eye on the calendar because of the pace at which the Iranians are proceeding both to develop their nuclear weapons capability and to do things like increase their defenses by buying new Russian anti-aircraft systems and further harden the nuclear installations .” Of course the prophecy in Ezekiel 38 tells us that Russia will lead this attack. Look who is giving the weapons to Iran, Russia. Read chapter 10 of my book and see all the specific details about this soon to fought battle. In any case, God has given us the signs and we can see this next prophecy will be fulfilled soon. Why will Israel hit Iran before the end of the year. A report out of DUBAI, United Arab Emirates released by (CBS) tells us why they may strike. “The head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency said Iran could create a nuclear weapon in six months.” If you have been reading my posts you would have known that Israel has warned over and over that they would take out the Iran nuclear plant soon. Anyone who is reading this, Christian or non-Christian better believe this is coming. God’s Word never fails! He warned an end time attack would come and it is on the way. I just pray you are walking with Christ when this war breaks because we the true believers will be taken to heaven with Christ around this time period, and that is why Jesus said, “Watch”. If you are in a church where your pastor doesn’t inform you of these end times signs, ask him why he isn’t keeping the Lord’s children informed? I suggest you find a pastor who is not afraid to teach the whole gospel. If your pastor refuses to keep his flock on the watch, find one that will! We are much to close to the final days to be messing around with men who will not teach all of what Christ has written to us.
Over the past months I have shown you that America is in big economic trouble. I explained why. It is because the Daniel prophecy showed us the Old Roman Empire would return just before Jesus returns. The E.U. or European Union is that reborn R. Empire. America must fall and the reborn Roman Empire surge to be that last world super power that Daniel wrote about. This is why you are seeing so many things taking place in the U.S. that is bringing her down. Today we see more bad news concerning the U.S. economy. “June 24 (Bloomberg) -- Rising consumer prices will leave more U.S. consumers unable to pay their debts and may lead to a ``financial tsunami,'' according to Bennet Sedacca, president of money manager Atlantic Advisors LLC in Winter Park, Florida. ``Whether it is anecdotal or statistical evidence, I see inflation everywhere, and this is where the financial tsunami cometh,'' Sedacca wrote in a report published yesterday.” I hope by now you understand the importance of keep on the watch? Every single Word Jesus told us would happen is now begun to take place. All these events are real and they are going down just as it was written. If you fail to recognize all these signs you are blind to the Lord’s soon return. Please open your heart to Christ and let him in so you may be taken to safety when He returns.
Those of you who do not not God’s Word won’t know what to believe or what not to believe. Yesterdays news is a prime example of what I am speaking about. Read what just came out of AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, on June 23 over the(UPI). “Thousands of people in the Netherlands say they expect the world to end in 2012, and many say they are taking precautions to prepare for the apocalypse. The Dutch-language de Volksrant newspaper said it spoke to thousands of believers in the impending end of civilization, and while theories on the supposed catastrophe varied, most tied the 2012 date to the end of the Mayan calendar, Radio Netherlands reported Monday.” Let me time you hear and now it won’t happen! Now let me show you why the end won’t come in 2012. Jesus warned us that there would be a time period of 7 years that would take place just prior to His return. This 7 year time frame is the prophecified tribulation period both found in the book of Daniel and in the book of Revelation. That 7 year time frame is about to begin, but it hasn’t started yet, so we know we have at least 7 more years before Jesus returns. 2012 is only 4 years away which means the 7 year tribulation should have begun in the year 2006 if the world was to end in 2012. We know this hasn’t happen because in the beginning of the 7 years the Antichrist would have already signed a peace agreement with Israel and He would have been doing all His signs and wonders by now. Of course none of this has taken place. I could on and on but just let me assure you you don’t have to panic about the end of the world coming in 2012 it isn’t going to happen. What that report shows me is that thousands of people living in the Netherlands do not know What Jesus has warned them about the end times. This is very dangerous because these people are wide open to being deceived by the Antichrist when he comes on the scene. If they don’t know Jesus’ signs they probabley don’t know Christ as their Savior yet in which case they will find themselves not on the watch for Christ and be left behind to enter the tribulation period. If you are one of these people I plead with you to take Jesus Christ as your Savior now before it is to late and you have to face the man of sin, the Antichrist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Did you know that Las Vegas churches accept gambling chips?
The Word of God in Proverbs 17:22, it says, "A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones." I may have been kidding about the chip monks but this is a fact, I quote, “According to a 1988 Health Update published in The New York Times, a group called "Nurses for Laughter" at Oregon Health Sciences University wear buttons that say: "Warning: Humor May Be Hazardous to Your illness.” A family practitioner at New Jersey's School of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Marvin E. Herring, said, "The diaphragm, thorax, abdomen, heart, lungs and even the liver are given a massage during a hearty laugh." And Dr. William F. Fry of Stanford University said that "laughter stimulates the production of the alertness hormones catecholamines. These hormones in turn cause the release of endorphins in the brain. Endorphins foster a sense of relaxation and well-being”. Why am I telling you this. Those who really love Jesus and are abiding in Him have His peace. This is the type of peace that goes beyond understanding. It is the type of peace that will enable us to be at peace even in this world where we see so much death and destruction taking place. You will need His peace as we move closer to His return. For those of you who have no rest and worry about these signs and, where we are headed, I say this, receive Jesus and find out what true peace really is.
Free documentary book on Bible prophecy and current events entitled: “ The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” By Frank DiMora. Newest edition just out on May 13, 2008. You can download it here for free or, just come back each day and read a little at a time.
Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf FREE
Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed. In blue, DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs.
Part 1 how Ministry started:
Part 2 how Ministry started:
F. DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words.
If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the intoduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora. This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements