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Frank DiMora’s 3rd interview on The Edge International radio show with Gina Romano can be heard by going to the following link below. Once at this site scroll down to interview.
Prophecy Signs: Matthew 24 war and rumors of war. Jesus warned just prior to his return many war would begin and you will hear many rumors about war coming. In Ezekiel 38 God gives us a detailed list of the nations who are going to attack Israel at a time when Israel is calling for peace and safety. We are told Russia, Iran, Ethiopia, Libya, Eastern Germany, and Turkey will join forces and invade Israel from the north. In chapter 10 of my book I explain names of other nations that will also invade Israel. I show how modern day names for these nations have changed but they are part of the nations I just mentioned. For example, Turkey in the Old Testament included modern day Armenia, so when I say Turkey will invade Israel we need to also watch Armenia. Isaiah 17:1 records the destruction of Damascus, which is the Capital city of Syria. Isaiah warned us this city would be leveled and left in ruins.
If you are new to this site I want to thank you for coming. You found your way here just prior to war breaking out in the Middle East. Just how these end times events will effect you will be determined by your relationship with Jesus Christ. In chapter 14 of my book there is a chapter entitled “The Rapture of the Church”. If you choose not to receive Jesus as your Savior it would be wise for you to read that chapter. In short, the rapture is an event, which is approaching us in which Jesus is going to remove all His followers and bring them to heaven. Christ promised to remove His Church before He passed judgment on an unbelieving world. I have a detailed explanation with scriptures in chapter 14 that you will need to read. All prophecy has been fulfilled except a few major prophecies and they are about to be fulfilled before the tribulation. What are these two last prophecies? They deal with war in the Middle East between Israel and a host of Israel’s enemies. At the current time all these nations are getting ready to do battle. You hear about this news almost every night but you can’t connect the dots because you may not know what the bible says about these events. For weeks I have made it a point to give you up-to-date information about the nations listed in the bible that will war against Israel soon. What are the prophecies? They are the ones I just listed above in red. Now let me continue to show you what I call, “The Stepping Stones to Israel’s invasion”. These are all the news events that are leading us down the path to seeing all these prophecies fulfilled.
For months I have warned you Israel will have to invade Iran and bomb their nuclear power plant. They will do this because Iran has warned on my occasions they will wipe Israel off the map soon. Israel has hinted to the press this attack is coming soon and may take place in September. Yesterday’s news informed us Israel reached a strategic decision not to let Iran go nuclear. The Jerusalem Past stated yesterday, “Israel will not agree to allow Iran to achieve nuclear weapons and if the grains start running out in the proverbial egg timer, Jerusalem will not hesitate to take whatever means necessary to prevent Iran from achieving its nuclear goals, the government has recently decided in a special discussion. According to the Israeli daily Ma'ariv, whether the United States and Western countries will succeed in toppling the ayatollah regime diplomatically, through sanctions, or whether an American strike on Iran will eventually be decided upon, Jerusalem has put preparations for a separate, independent military strike by Israel in high gear.” In other words, Israel is getting ready for their attack Iran’ nuclear plant. If either the US or Israel attack Iran major wars will begin. Count on this to take place! Why did I say this, because Iran is pushing Israel into attacking them.
Yesterday’s news we learned, “Iran says 4,000 atomic centrifuges working” According to the recent news “Figure presented by Tehran's deputy foreign minister in line with number verified by UN atomic watchdog but lower than number cited by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. 'Another 3,000 centrifuges being installed at Natanz enrichment facility,' he says” Just in case you may not know, Iran is listed in Ezekiel 38 as one of those nations that will attack Israel. When Israel takes out Iran’s nuclear site they will join forces with their allies and invade Israel. Their allies will include Russia, which Ezekiel tells us, Russia will lead the attack.,2506,L-3589417,00.html
Let me show you what an Iranian official just said about Israel attacking Iran. “Should Israel or the United States attack Iran, it would be the start of another World War, Iranian Deputy chief of staff General Masoud Jazayeri warned on Saturday. "Any aggression against Iran will start a world war," the Iranian state news agency IRNA reported the top Iranian official as saying. "The unrestrained greed of the US leadership and global Zionism... is leading the world to the edge of a precipice." Jesus told us war and rumors of war will be heard and seen. War is coming and the major wars will break out when Israel strikes at Iran. Keep in mind these events are suppose to take place while Israel is talking peace and safety which they are.
During this weeks Middle East peace talks between “Hamas and Israel we learned “Hamas has upped the ante for the release of kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Schalit, and is now demanded that Israel free over 1,000 Palestinian prisoners, including some with very long jail terms, all women, and all children, the London-based newspaper A-Sharq al-Awsat reported on Saturday.” The US has been engaged in trying to get a final peace deal in place before the end of the year but it looks like it won’t happen. In a new report out entitled, “Bush’s Mideast peace timeline looking unattainable” it stated, “From the Gaza neighborhoods where Hamas radicals now collect money for utilities and mete out justice, President Bush's goal of forging an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal within five months is looking increasingly unattainable.” This news runs parallel with prophecy because in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 we are told “For when they shall say, peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them”. What we are witnessing in the news is a carbon copy of what is written in the bible. These are warnings from Christ to help us get ready to meet Him. Christ instructed us to watch for these events so we would be ready to leave with Him when He comes for His Church. If you are not watching as Christ warned you to do, you may miss the rapture of the Church.
Wars are already beginning to break out. Last week Russia invaded Georgia and now the situation is getting tense. We just learned Georgia is going to cut diplomatic ties with Moscow. The news informed us, “Georgia severed diplomatic ties with Moscow on Friday to protest the presence of Russian troops on its territory. Russia said the move would only make things worse.” Why would this make matters worse? If the European Union or the US sends help to Georgia, Russia has stated they will move their military all through Georgia. This move on either side could set off a major war and this is why tensions are rising. It is just another example of rumors of war as outlined by Christ.
I like the headline to this next report, “Will Turkey Abandon NATO? (link now fixed)”. This reported says, “Will Turkey side with the United States, its NATO ally, and let more U.S. military ships into the Black Sea to assist Georgia? Or will it choose Russia?- Ever since Turkey joined NATO in 1952, it has hoped to never have to make a choice between the alliance and its Russian neighbor to the North. Yet that is precisely the decision before Ankara. If Turkey does not allow the ships through, it will essentially be taking Russia's side.” This is going to be very interesting to watch. Turkey is one of those nations listed in Ezekiel 38 that will join Russia when Russia attacks Israel. I can tell you this, I think before September is over we will know what side Turkey shifts to.
In Ezekiel 38 God told us Russia and her allies will march from the North and invade Israel. Jesus has made it very clear that the Christians who are watching for His end time signs will not be surprised by the end time events. Those of us who know God’s Word knows what is coming. When God tells us that Syria will war with Israel in the end times and, Syria’s city of Damascus will be destroyed we can expect these events to be fulfilled. God gives us the specifics and does not leave us guessing. Here are the facts according to prophecy in Ezekiel 38 and Isaiah 17:1. Israel is attacked from the North. Syria will be involved because Damascus is left in reins. Russia leads a major invasion on Israel from the North. Now lets see what is going on in the news that shows us these end time events are following God’s Word. Why after all these years without any Russian military bases in Syria are Russians establishing bases there? Why is Syria letting them do this? In order to fulfill what was written in Ezekiel and Isaiah both Russia and Syria have to partner up and ready with their military in the North of Israel. Syria is by the way, North of Israel. All that these nations are doing is making themselves ready to fulfill Bible prophecy. A few days ago this headline appeared in the news. “Russian Navy planning greater presence in Syria”. I quote, ”The Russian Navy will make more use of Syrian ports as part of increased military presence in the Mediterranean, a Russian diplomat said yesterday.-Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said last week Russia was prepared to sell Syria more arms as long as this does not disturb the "regional balance of power."-Syria, which is technically at war with the Jewish state, has embarked on a drive to upgrade its military in recent years.” Are you now getting the picture? These nations are preparing for war against Israel. They will attack from the North just as written in the prophecy and it just so happens they are the exact same nations that are spoken about by God! What we are watching take place just North of Israel is no coincidence.
If you don’t know prophecy you may not know this attack on Israel will take place while Israel is calling for Peace and Safety. This is what the Word of God says in 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-4 “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should”. Of course, that is exactly what is taking place in Israel right now. Here is a short look at what is going on. “Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, completing a visit to the region today, has been pressing Israel to sign a document by the end of the year that would divide Jerusalem by offering the Palestinians a state in Israel's capital city as well as in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, according to top diplomatic sources involved in the talks.” At the present time nations in Israel are working to try to finalize a peace agreement. They are working to sign an agreement before the end of this year. The part of this prophecy that has already been fulfilled is the call for Peace and Safety part. The part about the sudden destruction that comes will be fulfilled shortly. Here is the main point. Every warning Jesus give us is upon us right now. We know these things because we know God’s Word and, we who are watching will not be in the dark when they are all fulfilled. All I can do is ask you to do is prepare you and your loved ones to meet Jesus soon. You do not want to be in the dark when all these things take place! If you are not ready now you may just miss the rapture of the Lord’s Church.
Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25-Roaring seas and waves (storms). Another prophecy sign Jesus wanted us to watch for is huge storms that would cause the sea and waves to roar. Last week hurricane Fay ran over Florida 4 times before leaving that state but no until it flooded thousands of homes. Hurricane Gustav is another storm headed for the Gulf again and it has already strengthened to be listed as a category 3 Hurricane. “The National Hurricane Center says Hurricane Gustav is now a dangerous Category 3 storm with winds near 115 mph. The center said the latest data early Saturday from an Air Force reconnaissance plane shows that Gustav is continuing to strengthen rapidly. On August 31, 2008 “Evacuations continue today along the Gulf Coast as Gustav regains major hurricane strength over the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Landfall is expected late on Monday as at least a Category 3 storm, the same strength of Hurricane Katrina when it devastated the region three years” ago.” Jesus said, “when you see all these things know that it is near even at the doors” Matthew 24. Another one of those signs is earthquakes.,3566,413861,00.htm
Anyone who has come to my site since Jan. of 2008 knows I have been telling you big earthquakes are coming. I didn’t say they might come, I said, you will see them! That is exactly what we have been seeing this year. There was another big quake that just hit China’s Sichuan Province. This time the quake hit a magnitude 6.1. On May 12, a 7.9 magnitude earthquake in Sichuan province killed nearly 70,000 people and left 5 million homeless”. More of these types of quakes are coming!,3566,413882,00.html
Quake up-date as of Aug. 31, 2008- “Later on Sunday, a 5.6 magnitude aftershock was recorded in the same location as Saturday's quake, the administration said in a separate statement posted on its Web site. It was not immediately clear what damage the aftershock caused.” So far there have been 27 deaths do to this quake and 180,000 homes were destroyed.
Between hurricanes, floods and earthquakes you would think people would begin to notice things are out of whack. You know the signs of roaring seas and waves Christ warned about? There is a lot of news concerning this sign. For example, news from radio Australia. Net stated, “Food riots have erupted in the eastern Indian state of Bihar where flooding has left more than two million people homeless. Our correspondent in New Delhi, Claire Mackay, reports officials say it's the area's worst flooding in 50 years.” We also have seen problems in Japan. “One woman was found dead and another was missing as torrential rain drenched central Japan, leading authorities to urge an entire city of nearly 400,000 people to evacuate, officials said. Heavy rain since late Thursday has flooded hundreds of houses and roads, triggered landslides and destroyed bridges and river banks. -"I've lived here for 70 years but never experienced anything like this before,” I am warning you to pay attention to all these signs because Jesus’ Words are all coming true. I am warning you because now that (all the signs) are here, we know we will soon be taken to Christ in the rapture of the Church. You are running out of time to make a decision for Christ!
Prophecy Sign: In 2 Timothy 3:1-5 we are told what the people living in the end times would be like. Some of the traits are that they will be lovers of money, unholy, without love, brutal, and treacherous. Revelation 9:21 says, “Nor did they repent of their murders”. In Revelation chapter 9:21 we see the last generation will be known as the drug generation. The word sorceries when translated in the Greek is “pharmakia” which our word “pharmacy” It signifies the use of medicine, drugs, spells and so on. Drugs are a major problem in most of the nations in our world today. Crime linked to drug use is on the rise and the violent crimes associated with these crimes are becoming more brutal then ever before. Here is a case in point. “Eleven decapitated bodies have been found outside the city of Merida on the Yucatan peninsula, heightening fears that Mexico's recent descent into violence has reached even heavily protected tourist areas. All the bodies showed signs of torture and were tattooed with star signs and the letter “Z”, suggesting that they had fallen victim to the country's growing drug war, which has left more than 2,700 dead so far this year.” Why are so many crimes being committed? Because the gang lords have a love for money just like was written in the prophecy. These acts of violence are also just as it is written in the prophecy, these men are brutal, unholy, without love, and treacherous. If you have keep up with the news you would have learned that unlawfull prescription drug use worldwide is also on the increase. This generation has turned out to be exactly what Jesus said we would become and today this generation is known as the drug generation.
If you missed my 2nd interview on “The Edge” International radio show on Aug. 10th you can now click to the links below and listen to the entire interview. If you want to know what is going to happen next in prophecy you will want to listen to this interview. The facts and evidence from this interview come from my prophecy book called "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth. You can download my book for free at the end of this post.
August 10th, 2008 - Part 1
August 10th, 2008 - Part 2
August 10th, 2008 - Part 3
August 10th, 2008 - Part 4
August 10th, 2008 - Part 5
August 10th, 2008 - Part 6
August 10th, 2008 - Part 7
August 10th, 2008 - Part 8
August 10th, 2008 - Part 9
August 10th, 2008 - Part 10
Download final_large_print_14book_for_typepad_may_11_2008.pdf.pdf
Special note: Some one taped my first interview with Gina Romano on The Edge radio program and made videos in order that you may listen to the show if you missed it. I am posting the videos here. Hopefully this person will make my second interview available to you as well, if not you can go directly to The Edge link and listen to it there.
Major signs showing we have entered the end times and the final days before the Antichrist is revealed. In blue, DiMora's youtube Video outlining some of these signs.
Major signs video by Frank DiMora, click below.
Part 1 how Frank DiMora's Ministry started:
Part 2 how Ministry started:
Frank DiMora's Video showing Jehovah's Witnesses do not except Jesus own Words, link is below.
If this is your first time to this site download my book for free and read the introduction page. It will explain what my ministry is all about. You will see the importance of the material in this book by watching the news. Click to, once there go to the left side of the page where it says, by state, and click on it. Then click on the map of California. Once there just scroll down to California until you find my name, Frank DiMora. This site will provide you with information about my ministry and how you can contact me for speaking engagements.
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