Prophecy Sign: 1st Thessalonians 5: 3 states, “For when they say shall, say, Peace and safety: then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” I have been keeping you up to speed with the Middle East peace talks because it is an important part of Bible prophecy. As you will read from the news, Israel and the PLO are still in the heat of peace negations. This part of the prophecy has been fulfilled, for Paul told us, “when” they are calling for Peace. Paul didn’t say they might be but they would be, hence the word “when”. Here is the latest news about these talks. “( Quartet Middle East envoy Tony Blair told the Al Quds Arabic-language newspaper that outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas have reached a secret but unsigned agreement. Israeli law forbids Prime Minister Olmert from making any significant changes in policy while he heads the transitional government prior to new elections in February. However, verbal agreements likely will serve as a de facto starting point for the next government. In the Al Quds article, translated in the Huffington Post, Blair is quoted as saying, "The continuous meetings between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and [Israeli leader] Olmert as well as the continuous negotiations between Palestinian and Israeli teams has [sic] produced an agreement." Here is how the other part of the prophecy may be fulfilled, the part that says, “sudden destruction cometh upon them”. Benjamin Netanyahu is set to win the new Israeli elections this February 2009. Netanyahu has already made it clear that any peace agreement that Olmert makes with the PLO will not stand when he takes office. If Netanyahu does win the election and holds to his words concerning the peace agreement, he will halt everything that the PLO and Olmert had agreed on. It is very possible that the PLO and the rest of Israel’s enemies will abandon the talk’s altogether and decide to take action against Israel. If they cannot recapture Jerusalem by peace then they will try to take it by war. No one knows for sure how this will all go down but, we do know war will take place while they are still calling for Peace and Safety. There is the chance that this war may be the Ezekiel war as written in Ezekiel 38-39. Once this war ends the Antichrist will make or confirm a covenant with Israel and many nations for 7 years. This will be the start of the tribulation Jesus warned would come prior to His 2nd coming. This is why it is so important to watch these peace talks. - Prophecy Sign: In Daniel Chapter 2 & 7 and Revelation chapter 17 we learn that in the last days there will be a one world government which will be lead by the Antichrist who comes on the scene from the reborn or revived Roman Empire. The revived Roman Empire is already here standing in the form of the European Union. So far the EU is made up of 27 nations and it is still growing. Compare the nations of the first Roman Empire to that of this modern day revived Roman Empire and, you will learn they are the same nations. Yesterday in the Financial Times there was a report entitled, “And now for a world government”. I quite, “I have never believed that there is a secret United Nations plot to take over the US. I have never seen black helicopters hovering in the sky above Montana. But, for the first time in my life, I think the formation of some sort of world government is plausible. A “world government” would involve much more than co-operation between nations. It would be an entity with state-like characteristics, backed by a body of laws. The European Union has already set up a continental government for 27 countries, which could be a model. The EU has a supreme court, a currency, thousands of pages of law, a large civil service and the ability to deploy military force.” - The entire report is lengthy but well worth the read. The writer gives reasons why he now believes a one-world government is coming faster than most people realize. I can assure you this will be the case because it is what Jesus told us to look for in these last days. Knowing that the one world government is already well on its way, one should consider these words spoken by Christ. Luke 21:36 “Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man." My question to you is this. Are you on the watch as Jesus asked you to be, and are you praying to escape all the things coming to pass on this generation? If you aren’t following the advice of Christ you are living on dangerous ground. There will be a huge group of believers who will be taken to heaven to miss all the things Jesus warned us about. I pray you will be counted in that number. - There is no way you can be counted in this group unless you’re what Jesus says in John 3:3 “born again”. A person who has not taken Christ as their Savior is a walking dead person because their spirit is dead. Once you receive Christ Jesus He gives you a new life by His Holy Spirit and this is called being “born again” You will not have a chance to miss all the things coming on this generation unless you have Christ’s new life. Steps are being taken right now that is leading to this one world government. We can see some of these steps coming about as a result of the global economic crisis. The governments are assigning people from their government to watch over their bailout programs. For example news out of Washington today over the (AP) stated the following:” Congressional Democrats and the White House worked to resolve their last disputes Monday over terms of a $15 billion bailout for U.S. auto makers - complete with a "car czar" to oversee the industry's reinvention of itself - that's expected to come to a vote as early as Wednesday. The bill puts a government overseer named by Bush - a kind of "car czar" - in charge of setting guidelines for an industrywide overhaul, with the power to revoke the loans if the carmakers weren't taking sufficient steps to reinvent themselves.” - Last week I showed you how President Bush signed over the right for the EU to monitor businesses here in the U.S. As the economic crisis gets worse you will begin to see more control by the nations of the world. As soon as the crisis reaches its peak, you can expect one man to emerge to take control of the crisis. This will in no doubt be the man Jesus warned us about in Revelation chapter 13. This will be the man who will be able to control what you buy or sell. What I am telling you is this. We aren’t far off from seeing this man rise to power. This is another reason why I am trying to awaken a sleeping Church and to bring the message of Christ’s Salvation to the unsaved. Now is the time to give your life over completely to the Lord. - If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.
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