I want to start of today by clearing up something. In many of my posts you will find me saying I have warned you about this or that. That is true, because for whatever reason, Jesus has chosen me to rely His message to you. When I say I warned you, you must understand I am warning you the things that Jesus has given us in His Word. All I am doing is taking the prophecies which Jesus told us to keep on the watch for and I am connecting the prophecies with current events. So, if I say I am warning you, keep in mind I am only saying this in reference to what has already been written. I in no way want anyone to think I am taking credit. When John the Baptist came sounding the warnings of Christ’s first coming, John was warning things that were already written in the Word. Fact is, John himself was a fulfillment of prophecy. John was blessed to see and touch our Savior Jesus and his life served a great purpose in getting people ready to meet Jesus Christ and to warn the religious leaders what would happen if they refused to except Christ.
Now the time has come to prepare the way once again for the Lord’s coming. I will never compare myself to John the Baptist for there will never be a blessed man such as John again but God in Christ has blessed me to be one of many of His representatives to call the way of the Lord again. And so, if I say I am warning you, I to am repeating the prophecies already written in the Word of God. I thank my Christ for choosing me to be born for this purpose and I look for the day when I can see the fruits of my labor for Christ. Those who truly know me, know I would never want to steal any credit from my Father. All I want to do is point to His Words and show you how to get to His Kingdom. Christ is coming soon and I pray what I am warning will help you take the road to Christ.
I received this following message today from someone I have in Kazakhstan who knows what is going on with the government. This is what I was told. “Thanks for the update..............Late Breaking News from Kazakhstan......The neighboring President of KYRGISTAN announced today that He is immediately cancelling the lease of land in his country to the USA Military.....This base had been leased to the USA since 2001....Now Vladimir Putin has told KYGRISTAN to rid themselves of the USA Military base, which has been a support network for the war in Afghanistan. So, Frank, it looks like things are heating up over here.........they want all USA Military out, along with all USA Contractors.........Even the President of Kazakhstan was in agreement with Putin and the President of KYRGISTAN......Putin has promised KYRGISTAN over 2 Billion in aid once they rid themselves of the USA Military base!”
This morning I did a search and found out that what I was told was in fact true. I was sure it was but for your sakes I wanted to send you a link to the news so you can read it for yourself. “Kyrgyzstan's government has submitted a decree to parliament to shut down a U.S. airbase in the Central Asian state, an official spokesman said on Wednesday.” What does all this mean? For the past 6 months Russia has moves to shore up their military and build new bases. Russia has also just recently moved parts of their Naval fleets into Syria and Libya. Now they managed to get the president of Kyrgistan to toss out the U.S. military. This may not seem important to the person who doesn’t know what the prophet Ezekiel warned us but for those of us keep on the watch, we know where all this is going.
What we saw happen a few months ago in Libya is happening in Kyrgistan. A few months back Putin traveled to Libya and paid off 4.5 billion dollars of Libya’s debt. That’s right, they just wiped the debt out for them. Shortly after Putin returned to Russia news broke out of Libya reporting Libya’s leader had invited Russia to set up a new Naval base in Libya. Now Russia has their military in Libya. Russia also made agreements with Syria and they are docked at the Syrian ports as well. Now it is Kyrgistan’s turn to feed off Putin. As soon as they kick the Americans out Kyrigistan will get 2 billion in aid.
What we are seeing here are acts that will help Russia when they attack Israel with their allies. I don’t need to ask myself why did Russia pick Syria and Libya to dock their fleets, and why are they getting their neighbors to toss the Americans out? Ezekiel was shown by God that Russia would come down from the North on Israel and Libya would be at their side. Isaiah tells us Syria will be wiped out and this could take place in the very near future if the new Israeli Prime Minister attack the PLO and Hamas again in the Gaza. Syria is supporting Israel’s enemies and may end up engaged in the conflict. If that happens look for Israel to fly to the North and take out Syria. In the mean time Russia’s other main ally mentioned in Ezekiel is on the move with their military.
“Iran says it has launched its first domestically made satellite into orbit. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the launch had been successful and that with it Iran had "officially achieved a presence in space". The satellite, carried on a Safir-2 rocket, was meant for telecommunication and research purposes, state TV said. A US state department official said the launch was of "great concern" and could lead to ballistic missile development. Iran insists its intent is peaceful.” In another report from the Middle East it was said that, “a move which could further fuel worries by Israel and Western powers over its nuclear ambitions.” If you are new to my site you may not know why this information is so important. Iran is a major player with Russia in the coming attack against Israel. At the present time Israel is getting ready to elect their new Prime Minister. The candidate who is in the lead and who will most likely win the election on Feb. 10, 2009 has already said he will deal with Iran over Iran’s nuclear power plant. Now that Israel has seen that Iran has the technology to launch a nuclear bomb on Israel it has stepped up the pressure to remove this threat. What is of great importance to everyone is the fact that Russia has already warned anyone who attacks Iran is the same as attacking Russia. Now you can see why all these current events are getting to be so important. The stage is being set that will cause the Russian’s to take all their allies down against Israel. Why does Russia want the U.S. out of their back yard? When the Russians attack Israel they won’t have to content with Israel’s allies.
Here is what we should be looking for in the news. Watch the Gaza. Since the PLO and the Hamas won’t stop sending in rockets on Israel, Israel will have to move again on the Gaza. Look for other nations to get involved such as Syria. Watch Iran because last week Iran stated they will not stop their nuclear program for anyone and this is going to force Israel to bomb Iran just the way they did with the Syrians’ and Iraq. Any one of these conflicts may be the cause to start the launch of the Ezekiel prophecy.
Not only do I know what is going to happen in the Middle East when it concerns Syria but so does Israel. I quote a statement out of Israel today. “A military confrontation with Syria is likely to occur in the near future, Maj.-Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad, who heads the Defense Ministry's Diplomatic-Security Bureau, warned on Tuesday. Such a clash almost occurred in the summer of 2006, and Israel was now close to returning to that point, he said. "We're on a collision course with Syria," Gilad told the ninth annual Herzliya Conference at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya.”
Here is another reported back up what I have been warning you about. “Israel is concerned that Syria will transfer anti-aircraft missiles to Hizbullah in Lebanon while the IDF is preoccupied with the escalation in violence in the Gaza Strip, defense officials said on Tuesday.Defense Minister Ehud Barak toured the northern border on Tuesday amid a heightened level of alert, stemming from the fear that Hizbullah might carry out an attack to avenge last February's assassination of arch-terrorist Imad Mughniyeh in Damascus."It is difficult to know ahead of time where the [Hizbullah] response will come," Barak said. "We are also keeping an eye on the weapons smuggling from Syria to Hizbullah and there are a number of systems that we view as breaking the balance of power that cannot be allowed to be transferred."Israel is specifically concerned that Syria will transfer anti-aircraft systems to Hizbullah.” “Hizbullah is not just a terrorist organization running around the hills but also sits at the cabinet table in Beirut," he said. "Therefore, the Lebanese government bears overall responsibility and any attempt to attack Israel will be met with a response."
Prophecy Sign: In chapter 38 of Ezekiel we are told that when the Russian attack on Israel takes place many Arab nations will go down from the North to attack them. We are also shown that Libya is one of the nations, which is an ally with Russia in this coming attack. For over twenty years Gadhafi has been trying to regain his influence in Africa. Does it surprise you that now is the time Gadhafi finally was picked to head the African Union? When you look at what is happening in the Middle East and you know prophecy you come to recognize it is God’s perfect timing. Here is a look at today’s news. “ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia – Moammar Gadhafi of Libya was elected Monday as leader of the African Union, a position long sought by the eccentric dictator who wants to push his oil-rich nation into the international mainstream after years of isolation. Since God told Ezekiel that Libya would join forces with Russia in the last days, there is no reason not to except the fact that this is why Gadhafi was picked for the job. When you look at the nations who are going to attack Israel you see that in the Old Testament Libya would in today’s world consist of many of the Horn of Africa nations such as Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. If Gadhafi is the head of this group, what makes you think God’s Words won’t come to pass. When the time comes for Russia to attack Israel, Gadhafi and these other Horn of Africa nations will join in just as we were warned in the Ezekiel prophecy. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090202/ap_on_re_af/af_au_gadhafi”
Prophecy Sign: Revelation 13:16-18 shows us that one man will control the world‘s economy. We are told that this man will cause the people of the world to take his mark which Jesus says will be (666) or the mark of the Antichrist. The Revelation of Christ also warns that if you don‘t take this Antichrist mark you will be hunted down and when caught you will be beheaded. See Revelation 20:4. In many of my posts I explain that the current global economic crisis is the vehicle that will lift the Antichrist to the position Jesus warned us about. While the global economic crisis is building and millions around the world are losing their jobs and rioting is beginning, a new method of keeping track of everyone was just announced. I quote, “CBS) Google is releasing free software Wednesday that enables people to keep track of each other using their cell phones. CNET got a sneak peek at it, and CNET-TV Senior Editor and Early Show contributor Natali Del Conte explained how it works on the show Tuesday. She says "Latitude" uses GPS systems and what's called cell tower triangulation to do the job. The software seeks the closest three cell towers and, with GPS, combines the data to show where someone is.” The Prophet Daniel told us this generation would become the generation of knowledge and this would be the one who saw Jesus return. This is the reason why our generation say been chosen to come up with all the technology that will be able to keep track of people. You may not believe this, but the Antichrist will have at his disposal all of this technology to keep track of who has taken his mark and who did not. He will be able to hunt you down using your cell phone if you refuse to take this mark. If you read chapter 1 of my book you will see all the different types of technology governments are currently using to track people. You will also see how people across the globe are getting chipped to keep track of them, how these chip implants can and are transmitting medical records and yes, how these implants are even being used to take money out of their bank accounts without ever digging into the wallet. How did Jesus know almost 2,000 years before this type of technology was ever invited that it would show up during the generation, which He labeled the “generation of knowledge”. And think about this for a second, how did He know that during the “generation of knowledge” that the world would be moving toward a global community as we are today? These answers are simple if you know Christ and His Words. He is God! Only God could be so accurate in all His warnings. And only God loves you so much, that He is doing all He can to make you understand what is coming upon this Earth soon. Just the fact that you have come to this site today to read this is an act of God’s love toward you. Will be now believe in Christ and His warnings, or are you going to go the way of the generation of Noah’s time who rejected the same types of warnings?
Prophecy Sign: Did you know that Jesus warned us that water would be a major issue for the world before He returned the second time? Matthew 24:7 tells us famine will hit and Revelation 7: 15-16 we see the picture of people who have suffered from lack of water, and hunger, and the intense heat poured out from the sun. Even Luke tells us in Luke 21:25 to watch for the signs coming from the sun. I don’t want to get involved in the debate as to who is causing global warming. What I want you to see is what Jesus has shown us concerning the signs I just gave you. If is a fact that the huge glaciers around the world are melting at record paces. I have film of what the glaciers used to look like and how much land mass they used to cover. If you just look at what they look like now you will understand someone is wrong with this picture.
Months ago I asked you to watch California. I told you that what happens in California will affect much of the world. California is one of the largest food producers in the world and California is drying up at record speeds. California is in a major drought and they are losing water faster than ever before. Now officials are sending out fear that the state won’t be able to produce food. I quote, “Reporting from Washington -- California's farms and vineyards could vanish by the end of the century, and its major cities could be in jeopardy, if Americans do not act to slow the advance of global warming, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu said Tuesday. In his first interview since taking office last month, the Nobel-prize-winning physicist offered some of the starkest comments yet on how seriously President Obama's cabinet views the threat of climate change, along with a detailed assessment of the administration's plans to combat it.” In part of their report it says, “A pair of recent studies raise similar warnings. One, published in January in the journal Science, raised the specter of worldwide crop shortages as temperatures rise. Another, penned by UC Berkeley researchers last year, estimated California has about $2.5 trillion in real estate assets -- including agriculture -- endangered by warming.” When you read the prophecies concerning these issues you come to understand it just isn’t California who is going to suffer but it the entire world.
Right now things are so bad in California they will cut you off of water if you use to much. I quote, “With California in a critical drought, every shower, load of laundry and glass of tap water counts. But only in Bolinas could those things cost you your water connection. The oceanside enclave in Marin County has enacted some of the state's toughest water restrictions. Each customer - with the exception of schools and some businesses - may use no more than 150 gallons a day, about 4,500 gallons each month. A third violation of the order would allow the Bolinas Community Public Utility District to cut off water”
Did you know that Jesus shows us that the world will dry up during the tribulation period? Fact is, Jesus warned us that the great river Euphrates will dry up and China‘s army which, Christ says will number 200 million will march toward Europe at the time of the end. I guess the first thing you must know is, Jesus was right on the mark with China’s army. When you read chapter 12 of my book you will learn that today China’s army numbers exactly 200 million. Is it another one of those coincidences that at the same time China has a 200 million man army that the nation is running out of water to drink and to be used for crops? These are all the things Christ warned us and we are seeing these things right before our eyes. Let me quote a short piece on China’s troubles with water. “China has developed a set of water quality and quantity problems as severe as any on the planet,” said Gleick. “Rivers and lakes are dead and dying, groundwater aquifers are over-pumped, uncounted species of aquatic life have been driven to extinction, and direct adverse impacts on both human and ecosystem health are widespread and growing.” I hope you are taking these warning serious because if you aren’t you are not ready to meet Christ.
For those of you who have come to my site you know I told you that you will begin to hear and see news saying a Depression is coming. I issued this warning months agao even before they would admit we were in a recession. I have been warning you about this because at the end of the day this is how the Antichrist will be raised to power and take center stage. Today we again saw my warning come to pass. I quote, “Gordon Brown appeared to acknowledge for the first time today that the world economy was heading for a 1930s-style “depression”. Mr Brown stumbled slightly over his words at Commons question time, just a week after admitting that Britain was facing a “deep” recession. As the financial gloom deepens, he told the Tory leader David Cameron today: “We should agree, as a world, on a monetary and fiscal stimulus that will take the world out of depression.”. How could I have known what to warn you unless I had previous knowledge that this was coming. The Bible makes it very clear that those who know God’s Word will be on the watch for these things and they who study will understand how to make the connection. Don’t you get it? Jesus showed us the Antichrist would take over the world’s economy. Why don’t you get it that the coming global crisis is going to lift the Antichrist to the very position Jesus warned us about. Do you not know that the Word of the Lord shows us when we see all these things happening all at once to look up because our redemption is drawing close. Fact is, Jesus warned us that when we saw all these things taking place we are to look up and get ready to leave this Earth with Christ. Water crisis, war, famine, heat, riots, 200 million man army, Israel reborn, Russia makes lines up with every nation mentioned in Ezekiel, the city of Jerusalem falling back in the hands of Israel in 1967, the increased in knowledge generation, the drug generation, strange weather, huge storms, violence, and homosexuality running its course again. All these and more are on the list of things we would see all at the same time and they are already here. Now is the time to get ready, now is the time to look up for Christ and, now is the time to put aside your unbelief and receive the love who love you and gave His life that you may live with Him for all time. What will you do? Refuse, or except? Let me know!
When you click to the link below watch the video with Gordon Brown. Notice that he says the world must go to a new world monitory system to stop a Depression. This is exactly what the Antichrist is coming for. He will work to bring the world out of a crisis, bring peace, and bring a new economic system which he will force not only on Europe but the entire world. My God people, we are close, very close.
If you will allow me, let us take a look at some of the other warnings Jesus told us to keep on the watch for. In Matthew, Mark and Luke Jesus tells us famines and disease would be coming. I don’t entend to give you every news report about famines and diseases but these signs do go hand in hand. Right now the UN is against warning the world about Zimbabwe’s rising cholera crisis I quote, “The World Health Organisation (WHO) says the cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe has reached unprecedented proportions. More than 3,000 people have died and about 63,000 are infected by the water-borne disease. Audio/Video of situation.
While Zimbabwe is fighting Cholera the Philippines is seeing humans contacting diseases from pigs. The Ebola is now back! I quote from a report entitled, Ebola Reston in pigs and humans in the Philippines”. “On 23 January 2009, the Government of the Philippines announced that a person thought to have come in contact with sick pigs had tested positive for Ebola Reston Virus (ERV) antibodies (IgG). On 30 January 2009 the Gov. announced that a further four individuals had been found positive for ERV antibodies-From these observations and previous studies of ERV, the virus has shown it can be transmitted to humans, without resulting in illness. However, the evidence available relates only to healthy adults and it would be premature to conclude the health effects of the virus on all population groups.
At the same time diseases are popping up around the world crops are also under attack. Not many people look for the sign of pestilences but if you did you would see there is no shortage of news reports. Here are a few from today. The first report is entitled “ Crop-eating caterpillars ‘worse’ than army worms: Liberia”. “The caterpillars, which have ravaged central Liberian farms in recent weeks, have been identified as the species Achaea Catocaloides by international research institutions and renowned entomologists, the minister added. Experts warned that the insects could even turn out to be more destructive that army worms as they attack more crops including coffee and cocoa.-The caterpillars have already begun devouring crops in neighbouring Guinea.-Ivory Coast is the world's top cocoa producer and many of its plantations are in the west of the country in a region that borders Liberia”
Just a few days ago in the Senegalese capital we read about what looked like a Bibibical pauge. “You could have mistaken them for snowflakes, had the mercury not been at 35C. In fact, what was hurtling towards the car windscreen was a flurry of tiny, winged insects. After weeks of anxious waiting by Dakar's inhabitants, the locusts had finally arrived. Stepping outside, it felt as though the Senegalese capital was under attack, the air abuzz with the fluttering of tiny wings, as the swarms of yellow insects descended on the city, seemingly oblivious to human obstacles in their path and tangling themselves in people's hair.”
Here is another report from today with the title, Grain-eating birds invasion threatens northern Cameroon” “Northern Cameroon, particularly the far North Province, is prey to an invasion of birds, the competent services of the ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development and Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF) confirmed to APA on Wednesday. - Famine is looming, especially since these problems plague this lifeblood region-thousands of these birds stormed farms all day long, creating confusion and devastation in millet, sorghum, rice or corn fields i.e. the staple food in the region.”
Now add all these things with the rest of the news I have already shown you and you begin to get the idea that something is going on. You can feel it but maybe you can’t or haven’t been able to pin point what your feeling. Let me settle this problem for you. What you are experiencing is the voice of the Holy Spirit leading you to Christ. If you feel the world is in turmoil ans sence things are really different, unlike you have ever felt before, it is Jesus pulling you toward Him. Do not resist Him. What He is attempting to do is drag you out of harms way. Shortly the world is going to begin to go through a period in history, which Jesus said, would never happen again. If you resist the Savior’s call, you will find yourself dealing with the Antichrist instead of being in safety with Christ in heaven when all this breaks out. There is not much I can really tell you except. Please allow me the blessing to lead you to Christ. If you chose Jesus today, please email me and let me know. Jesus said, “"Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” Matthew 10:32-33. If you plan to walk with Christ, why not start off the right way. Let everyone know who your Father is, and we you will be going soon. Many of your friends are going to be left behind when Jesus calls His Church home soon. At least when you disappear, they will remember what you said and hopefully they to will receive Christ during the tribulation. It is sad to know that these people who will later take Christ as Lord will be forced to die for Christ in order to get into heaven. Make it known to your loved ones that they can be taken to Christ freely now or, be forced to flee for their lives during the tribulation.
Let me tell you all what I hear from Christ today. Come now for today is your day of Salvation. Your days have been numbered and many around the world will have run out of time by morning. Come now while you have the Spirit living in you, this spirit must be born again, before your time runs out. Can any of you say for sure, you won’t die tonight? Only those who have my Spirit will awaken to eternal life.
Prophecy Sign: Earthquakes in many places. Click to the link below and it will take you to the USGS site. You will see all the quakes that hit in the last 30 days. Take a look at the picture at the top of the site and you will see all the activity around the Ring of Fire. Keep this in mind because we are going to see some huge quakes strike in this area soon. If you haven’t paid attention there are also many volcanoes getting ready to explode. Combine these fearful sights as recorded in Luke chapter 21 with the fact that Jesus said these signs would come as a woman in labor. It is for this reason I am warning you the big quakes are going to start hitting again.
If Jesus has spoken to your heart, after reading this information, please receive His call to you. Ask Christ into your heart by saying the sinners pray. No one can enter Heaven without giving his or her life to Christ. Jesus is waiting for you, please do not let Him or yourself down.
"Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that your Word is true. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness for my sins and eternal life. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Him from the dead. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed or done in my heart. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my friend. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on; I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ." I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. |
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My Son Adam DiMora has started writing his own blog. Please take a look and subscribe there as well. Adam is a wonderful writer and will no doubt take my place if Jesus calls me home before he comes for His Church. Adam has truly been given a gift to write for Jesus!