Special note: A few days ago I wrote to all my viewers who I had their emails. I told everyone I was no longer going to send out daily reminders that I just put up a new post. For the past few days I have been contacted by people telling me they liked to be contacted when a new post went up. As a result I am asking you all now, if you are one of those people who do want me to send them a prophecy update notice, let me know and I will make a new list and send you the notices. Thank you and God bless.
Download 'The Last Chronicles of Earth' - Jan. 1, 2009
Frank's Internation radio show on The Edge program which is based out of London is now airing my third show. This is part two of my two part series dealing with the coming attack against Israel. You can see my show by linking to the edge link below.
Prophecy Sign: Disease is talked about in Matthew 24:7 and Daniel’s prophecy found in Daniel 12:4 tells us our generation would increase in knowledge and also be traveling back and forth. I want to keep you up to speed on what is currently happening with the new Swine Flu outbreak. Last week this new flu started to hit the headlines and today we see the disease is still spreading. Officials from all over the world aren’t sure yet how bad this flu is going to get. What we do know as each day passes is that nation after nation is starting to report cases of this Swine Flu has reached their shores. How is this Swine Flu making it across the ocean so fast? Daniel has the answer in his prophecy. Daniel was shown what the future was going to look like and he saw people traveling back and forth just as the Word of God stated. Today that prophecy has already come to pass as we see millions of people flying from one nation to the next. Many of these travelers have carried the Swine Flu with them and as result this disease is spreading all over the place. Here is recent news. “MEXICO CITY (AP) - The swine flu epidemic crossed new borders Tuesday with the first cases confirmed in the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region, as the number of deaths in Mexico blamed on the virus surpassed 150. With the swine flu having already spread to at least six other countries besides Mexico, authorities around the globe are like firefighters battling a blaze without knowing how far it extends.” As you can not see there are multiple prophecy being fulfilled all at the same time Let’s take a look at the part of the prophecy which tells us this generation will have increased knowledge.
http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090428/D97REKCO0.html -
As you can see from the following Headlines the Swine Flu is on the most. “Swine Flu Spreads Around the World: Suspected Cases in New Zealand, Middle East, Australia and Across Asia” The subtitle to this report reads, “WHO Cautions Against Border Closures as Swine Flu Outbreak Goes Global. It is obvious that Jesus prophecy concerning diseases has come to pass now let me give you an example of how our increase knowledge God spoke to Daniel about can be seen. When you click to the ABC News report you will see a video about the Swine flu. It you watch the video you will see how travelers are being tracked at the airports when they arrive. Airport officials are using thermal scanners to detect any passenger who has a fever. Between the airport cameras and high tech computers anyone with a fever will show up on the screen. I have another article on this same kind of information below. In any case you see all prophecy being fulfilled. Disease, traveling back and forth and even the increased knowledge to be able to pin point what people are sick. God’s warnings are in our face!
As you can see from this next report New Zealand is now dealing with the Swine “New Zealand reported suspected swine flu cases Monday in a second group of teenage students returning from Mexico, as Asian nations with potent memories of SARS and bird flu outbreaks screened travelers for fever with thermal scanners. Hong Kong assigned a team of scientists to find a quick test for the latest virus to raise global fears of a pandemic, following confirmed human cases of the disease in Mexico, United States and Canada. More than 100 people in Mexico are believed to have died from the new flu and more than 1,600 sickened, prompting widespread school closures and other measures. “AP – Quarantine officers monitor travelers with a thermographic device at an arrival gate at Narita International”
Prophecy Sign: Here is an update on what I call the “Ezekiel’s Signs” Ezekiel was shown by God, Iran would join forces with their Muslims allies and Russia and invade Israel. The Apostle Paul warns us in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 that during the time Israel was calling for Peace and Safety sudden destruction would come. The Middle East events show us this war between the Russian lead forces and Israel is just around the corner. In my book I show you how all these nations have linked up and are just about ready to attack Israel. When I say just about ready, what I mean is this, God has a specific date for this battle. At that exact time this coming attack will be seen on every news broadcast around the world. Stay tuned and keep watching the events in the Middle East because you are going to see this war very soon.
Let me now show you an example of how Iran and Turkey are coming together as partners. This is important news because both Iran and Turkey are nations listed in Ezekiel chapter 38 that will invade Israel. ”Iran and Turkey end their joint economic summit with the two sides vowing to ease trade barriers and begin trade in their national currencies. Commerce Minister Masoud Mirkazemi headed the Iranian delegation in the two-day summit, in which he held talks with Turkish Foreign Trade Minister Kursad Tuzmen. The two ministers stressed that the use of national currencies in bilateral trade is among the positive measures Iran and Turkey have taken to double the annual trade volume between the two countries, from the $10 billion in 2008, within five years.” When you read my book you will see all the new military agreements both these nations have made. Just about everything these nations are doing is in preparation for the coming invasion against Israel.
If you are new to my site you may be asking this question. Does Israel know they are going to get attacked? I can answer this two ways. Anyone in Israel who has Jesus Christ as their Savior and is fellowshipping for the Lord should know Israel is about to be attacked. Fact is, any person who is a believer of Christ should be expecting this attack soon. Those in Israel who do not know Jesus as their Savior will be in the dark. However, there is a group of Jews who know what Ezekiel had prophesied for the last days and they may know the attack is coming. As for the Prime Minister of Israel, he knows Israel will have to go to war soon. I quote, today’s headlines out of Israel. “Netanyahu: Threat of terror is greater than ever”. “Netanyahu declared during the morning event on Mount Herzl that Israel would not compromise on its security for the sake of peace.” “In his address, Peres went on to say that Israel's very existence was still threatened, in an apparent reference to Iran, whose president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for the country to be wiped off the map. IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi later told the tearful gathering of families and dignitaries at the Western Wall that Israel must face extremists from the Palestinian territories and from Iran.” As you can now see both Netanyahu and Peres know it is only a matter of time before another conflict start in either the Gaza or from Iran. The point to all this is that we who are ready and standing in Christ know what is coming. It is my prayer that any of you who doesn’t believe in Jesus yet will turn to Him before this Russia lead invasion begins. When this invasion takes place it is a huge RED FLAG and the Church is about to leave for heaven with Christ. If you want to be taken and miss the wrath of God, now is the time to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Once the Church is gone and you are still here on Earth you will have to go through the 7 year tribulation and face the Antichrist. Is this what you really want? If not scroll down to the box that has a prayer in it. There is always the first step you have to take to one with Christ. The first step is to ask Him into your life. The second step is also important, that is start abiding in Him and in His Word. The only way you will grow in the Lord will by knowing and studying His Word found in the Bible. In 1 Peter is says, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:”
Prophecy Sign: The book of Revelation. In this final book of the Bible we see the last seven years that will take place on Earth. Part of the Revelation shows us the rise of the last days modern day Roman Empire. In part of Revelation Jesus shows us the Antichrist will reign as the leader of the world for 7 years. In Rev. chapter 13 Jesus tells us this Antichrist will control the entire economy. How did He warn us? Christ said, “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast.” Jesus goes on to tell us “it is the number of a man”. For months I have shown you how the world economy is shifting from the dollar and the American influence to the Euro and the leadership of the European Union. What we know from the Word of God is that something is going to take place in the last days that will cause the entire world to shift to a single currency or cashless society. The current global economic crisis is pushing the world to fulfill this prophecy. Since God showed us the last world empire would be the modern day Roman Empire we know that America has to keep declining. Today there was a report out giving information about what may happen to the economy if this recent Swine flu keeps spreading. America is already in one of the worse declines since the first Depression. If this Swine flu gets worse it could destroy what hope America has left to recover from the decline. Here are just a few quotes that address the flu and the effects on the global market. “Global equity markets suffer moderate setback, with underperformance in particular sectors (transport, travel, leisure, and commodity shares) that are seen most vulnerable to further deterioration in trade flows, travel.” “Concern about the impact on global economic activity starts to weigh on the wider equity market. Mark Bon, fund manager at Canada Life in London, estimates an upgrade to level 4 would see stock markets suffer a sudden sharp drop of 7 percent. Relative performance of stock markets could be determined by their economies' exposure to infected countries and by their stock piles of relevant drugs and vaccines.” Take a look at Mexico. Mexico City has come to a stand still. What do you think is going to happen if this flu threat continues? It will begin to crush the economy. This is one way that may help push this new one world economic system to the forefront. If things get bad, the world is going to look for a person to help them get out of this crisis. Jesus pointed to the Antichrist as the man who will run the new system. Think about this for a moment. If there is a pandemic all the governments will start to enforce new laws in the attempt to protect the people. I am not say this is going to happen for sure. However, it could happen this way. The most important part of all this is this, the Antichrist is going to be revealed very soon and he will take control of the economy just as Jesus warned he would. Watch the news with me and let us see where these current events lead us.
Here is another article that drives my point home. “Global shares have fallen further in Tuesday trading as the swine flu outbreak continues to weigh on markets. Wall Street's main Dow Jones index was down 0.6% in early trading in New York, while the UK's FTSE 100 finished the day 1.7% lower. Japan's Nikkei earlier closed down 1.7% and Hong Kong's Hang Seng shed 1.4%. "We had finally begun to see a bottom for the global economy and that has been ruined by pigs," said analyst Tsuyoshi Segawa of Shinko Securities.
Will a global crisis really bring out the Antichrist? As we watch the current events unfold globally we see the handwriting on the wall. “The global financial crisis could become "a human and development calamity" for many poor countries, the World Bank said, urging donor nations to speed delivery of money they have pledged and consider giving more. Developing countries, its main constituency, face "especially serious consequences with the crisis driving more than 50 million people into extreme poverty, particularly women and children," the bank said Sunday. Bank President Robert Zoellick said some of the poorest economies are being hit by "second and third waves of the crisis." He said no one knows how long it will last or when recovery will begin. "There is a widespread recognition that the world faces an unprecedented economic crisis, poor people could suffer the most and that we must continue to act in real time to prevent a human catastrophe," Zoellick said. The bank will respond by tapping its healthy balance sheet to increase lending up to $100 billion over three years and launch initiatives in social protection, public works and agriculture, he said.”
Special Market Watch: Revelation 6:5-6 tells us that one of the last events to take place which will lead the world into the Great Tribulation will be the collapse of the world economies. "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!" Revelation 6:5-6. What we have seen and what we are still seeing almost a year later is the process in the meltdown of the United States and world economies. God is judging our nation and He has shown us quite clearly that this is indeed the case. For those of you who may doubt the validity of this statement, let me tell you exactly how He has shown us this. As we know, nothing is "coincidental" when it comes to God because He is in control of everything. First though, I would like to quote former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan right after this stock market catastrophe happened. I quoted from Greenspan last year but you need to see it again considering what is going on. It's short but to the point: "This is a once-in-a-century crisis." Well it just so happens that this "once-in-a-lifetime" crisis started on the the eve of Rosh Ha Shana on September 29, 2008. What is Rosh Hashanah? Rosh Hashanah is about God's judgement and it is also the Jewish New Year. It is followed by the "Days of Awe"; otherwise known as "The Ten Days of Repentance" and ends 10 days later on "The Day of Atonement." These are major Holy days in Israel. God is showing those of us who will listen that He is bringing judgement not only to Amercia, but also to the whole world and it's time for all of us to repent and turn to Him for our salvation. No - this was no coincidence - and yes - this message that He has for us He has for the whole world.
The result of the failed banking system has made its way through all areas of our economy. The results are being seen in the local communities, the banks, businesses and households. Unemployment is out of control and getting worse by the day. Today we find out that General Motors is going to lay off over 20,000 workers and they are going to be closing about 1,700 dealerships across the country. If you are new to my site please go back about 4 months and read what I had warned about the hundreds of thousands of people who are going to get pink slips in the coming months. Everything I told you to watch for has already taken place. This is beyond devastating. This is economic Armageddon! Not only will the automotive workers in the factories lose their jobs, but sales people in these dealerships and the many businesses that do work for these dealerships will also be affected. These include body shops, parts suppliers and many other outside vendors that a dealership uses to operate its business. Those of you who have been coming to my site know what I said about the car companies being a huge part of the lifeblood of the American economy and you can see it now need a transfusion to keep alive!
So why has the stock market been "rallying" for the last few weeks. Under normal circumcises, when a market rallies it means there are positive signals that an economy is doing well or that it has entered a "bear market" which means that stock prices are so low that it entices investors to buy those stocks. From what we are seeing in the news today in regards to how our economy is doing, we can be sure that the former is what we're seeing happening today. After the massive sell-off a couple of months ago, stock prices were so low that "investors" saw it as an opportunity to buy some good stocks at ridiculously low prices. The only problem is that there is no guarantee that the economy is going to recover anytime soon. There is something important that everybody should be aware of. All mainstream media outlets are owned by the wealthy elite and it is part of their job to report that there are signs that this deep recession we are in "will soon be coming to an end." Obama has changed his tone since this started. When this recession first took hold and after the market collapsed in September 2008, Obama was telling Americans in his news conferences that things were going to get worse. He had stated this on numerous occasions. Evidently, his advisors must have gotten through to him that if he continued to follow this course that it would hamper any chance of a recovery from ever happening and the stock market would continue to tumble. China would stop buying our treasury bonds that are used to pay for our mounting debt and stimulus packages. This would then lead to a further decline of the dollar, which would eventually lead to its collapse. So it is most important that the U.S. do everything possible to insure that the dollar doesn't collapse.
Our government is being a little too hopeful that things are going to get better by throwing all of this newly printed money around which they hope is going turn things around. To think that they can cover their own massive debt as well as rescue all of the banks at the same time and then provide the backup funding for the FDIC which is in peril of going under (in which case, the banks would also fall like dominoes because of the run on the banks that would then follow since our deposits would no longer be insured and could disappear in the snap of a finger) and then provide "loans" (also with our fresh newly printed dollars) with money that we don't have to the thousands of corporations that haven't gone bankrupt yet AND THEN ON TOP OF THAT send money to all of the local and foreign governments (IMF-International Monetary Fund - to help support other failing foreign economies that are also collapsing) is absurd, to say the least.
This financial crisis, which started right here in America, has spread throughout the whole world. The European and U.S. bankers have orchestrated a worldwide rate cut of epic proportions and the worst isn't even here yet. The world is faced with the total collapse of the global financial system. Spending trillions of dollars of money that we don't have is not the answer. Making it possible for individuals and corporations to be able to borrow on credit again is not the answer. It's as risky for the average consumer to accept credit with the uncertainty of the job market, as it is risky for the banks to loan the money. Our country is going BANKRUPT so how is promoting debt by giving loans to individuals and corporations going to get us out of this hole we're in - especially, since CREDIT is what got us here in the first place! There is just something very wrong with this whole philosophy and yet we hear Obama and Tim Geigner - who heads our Federal Reserve that, they are working on freeing up credit so that everything can get back to normal again. It's not good for a nation when it's survivability depends on keeping people in debt.
What is the point of all of this? As Gerald Celente and others have already told us, we need to be preparing for the U.S. default that they say will come sometime this year. When it happens it will happen swiftly and without warning. It will be caused either by America defaulting on its debt with China or a sudden drop in the value of the dollar or, maybe even both. But before the final act that brings the world economies down, we need to be wary of the wealthy elites manipulating the stock market just one last time by dumping large amounts of money into the system so that unsuspecting investors would think that the worst must be over and after it's already too late these elites would then do a massive sell-off which would certainly crash the markets. Is this something that could happen? In the last month we've seen strong gains in the markets. Why? All of the indicators and statistics are showing that the OPPOSITE should be happening. The markets should either be maintaining stable levels of activity or even showing a drop - based on the economic forecasts that are being reported. What glimmers of hope that things are beginning to turn around is Obama talking about? Is it the fact that GM is going bankrupt? Is it that unemployment keeps increasing more than the "experts" are predicting? Is it maybe that hundreds of thousands are losing their homes this year or, maybe even that this new worldwide pestilence will somehow work a miracle? Could this latest "rally" be the final act before the next and LAST crash of the stock market? Nobody knows but God. But what I do know is that there is a great deception taking place to try and squeeze every dollar out of anybody who is daring enough to "invest" in the stock market.
How effective is the propaganda machine for the global elites? In this article we read, "Americans are starting to feel better about the economy, and that's helped the stock market fight off some weakness. The Conference Board's April report on consumer confidence SURGED to a reading of 39.2, up 46% from the reading of 26.9 in March. The monthly gain was the fourth-biggest in the 32-year history of the survey. Economists had expected only a slight improvement to a reading of 28.8." I hope that you can read through this propaganda everybody. This is exactly what I'm talking about. This is called "pumping false hope" into the masses. This is the deception I'm talking about. And now look at the very next sentence in this report. "The survey's expectations index SURGED to 49.5 in April from 30.2 in March, which was the biggest increase since the fall of Baghdad in the spring of 2003. Consumers believe the economy is nearing a bottom," Lynn Franco, the director of the Conference Board's consumer research center, said in a statement. Still, the index "remains well below levels associated with strong economic growth." For some reason, the word surge is supposed to make us feel better. After all, they did use this key word twice in this article. I don't know about anybody else, but the average worker, consumer, family member that I know of aren't paying attention as to whether or not the stock market has reached a bottom yet. And they really don't care. All they care about is being able to hold a job and supporting their families and trying to survive the latest flu threats and trying to pay their rent and mortgage payments and putting food on the table. Maybe this is the "glimmer of hope" that the spinmeisters are talking about?
In closing, one day we may all wake up to some very bad news. And it will more than likely happen after a weekend or a bank holiday. And that bad news would be that our dollar is worth only pennies on the dollar because a new monetary system has been put into affect overnight. The whole idea is to create a new monetary system without causing panic and thus, crashing the world economies at the same time. So this new monetary system, which will eventually lead up to the "mark of the beast" spoken of in the book of Revelation, is coming and it's coming sooner than a lot of us think and it's coming unannounced!
This is all bad news for anyone who doesn’t know Jesus Christ as his or her Savior yet. Fact is, it will be bad news for any Christian who isn’t abiding in Christ. Why? Because all of these people will find that these things will come on them as a thief in the night just as Jesus told Paul to write. The other group of people are those who are on the watch for Christ’s second coming. This is the group that Jesus calls the Children of God. These are the ones who Jesus is coming back for to rapture out of this Earth. The only question I have for you today is this. Which group does Jesus see you standing in today?
Prophecy Sign: In the book of Revelation we see a false religious system which will be riding the beast during the 7 year tribulation. In Rev. chapter 17:5 Jesus points to the “MOTHER OF HARLOTS” which we see that has ties in Rome the city of 7 mountains. Does it now surprise you that the Pope is making his way into the peace process? “Signed today in Rome, it aims to strengthen collaboration for peace, security and stability in the region and to favour inter-religious dialogue.Vatican City (AsiaNews) – An agreement aimed at strengthening collaboration on a cultural and political level between the Holy See and the Arab League in favour of “peace, security and regional and international stability” and increased attention to inter-religious dialogue, was signed today in the Vatican by the Secretary General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa – who will be received Tomorrow in private audience by Pope Benedict – and the Pope’s “Foreign Minister” Msgr. Dominique Mamberti. The Memorandum of Understanding, a Vatican communiqué informs, “further consolidates the bonds of co-operation that exist between the Holy See and the League of Arab States, especially on the political and cultural levels, in favour of peace, security, and regional and international stability. Moreover, it proposes instruments of consultation between the two Parties, giving attention also to initiatives of inter-religious dialogue” and “came into force with the signature of the two Parties”. Put to and two together here. Paul warned the call for peace and safety would be seen, Jesus ties in Rome and points to this city that will be the center of a false religious system. Why do you think the Pope and the Muslims are coming together? It is in part to fulfill the writing found in Revelation 17! Watch with me as the Pope and many Muslims make there move toward the peace talks. If you can’t see what is going on you are not keeping up with what the Word says will happen in the last days. This is a very dangerous position to be in since we are so close to seeing Jesus come back for all this children who are ready for Him.
You can now download my newest up-dated Jan. 2009 book by clicking to the link below.
links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.