Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth - May 2009 (For Free).
My new Radio broadcast is now up at The Edge International radio show. The link below will take you to it. It is my June 3, 2009 broadcast.
Here is my side site at The Edge: DiMora by telling others about the radio show at The Edge.
Prophecy Sign: In the book of Daniel God reveals the shifts in world powers from the time Daniel was alive all the way up until the last days when Jesus Christ would return to Earth. Knowing the very specific signs that would signal the last generation has arrived, we in this generation are suppose to see a shift in powers that would bring the last WORLD EMPIRE in to being. America was the number one superpower in our generation but, America was never a (world power) as were the ones God showed the Prophet Daniel. When God spoke to Daniel you will notice that America was not even mentioned. Why mention her if she was never a (world empire), God only focused on the World Empires. Since we are in the last days we should be looking a new World Empire to rise. Since Daniel was shown the Old Roman Empire would rise again you should focus on the European Union because the European Union is almost a exact copy of the Old Roman Empire. I know someone is going to email me and say, “The EU is not ruling the world as did the Old Roman Empire”. This is true however, the new reborn Roman Empire will not rule the world until the Antichrist head it. As soon as he rises to power he will begin to go out and conquer the world and you will see a repeat of the first Roman Empire. That brings us to America. America was once the strongest nation in the world but she is dying out. Those nations who were considered superpowers have to decline while the nations listed to rule in the end times have to rise and that is exactly what you are witnessing taking place.
We have already entered into what I refer to as the (step up period). What God saw in His timeless existence so many years ago has now caught up to our generation and we now can see for ourselves what God warned about. It is like this. There is a parade down a major street where there is only one 50 story building. God if you will, is the only one at the top of the 50th floor. When the parade begins God can see the first people marching at the beginning of the parade and from 50 floors up He can see the middle and even the end. We who are on the street can only see what comes to us when it arrives. This is the same thing that is happening to us in prophecy. God sees it all and He has told us all these things before they actually took place. We don’t have to wait for on the street to see who is at the end of the parade, the Word of God already told us what the end is going to look like. Now either you expect what He says as coming from a full view or you will just have to wait on the street to witness the end for yourself. As for me and my household, I have left the parade on ground level because Jesus showed us, you do not want to be anywhere near the end of the parade because the evil one who comes on the scene to control the revived Roman Empire will kill as many as he can before Jesus returns.
If you take a look at the world scene today from street level in the modern day parade you will see the nations that were the strongest are falling away as a result of the globe economic crisis. America’s descent really was noticed by the world in September 2008 and she has been declining each month. Her descent is taking place to make way for the rise of this Revived Roman Empire. There will be no nation who will be able to stand against the last part of this parade because it is the Antichrist who will be the head of this World Empire. I want to show you three nations that are in the process of helping fulfill the warning God showed us about the future.
America is first and this one is easy. She is in the process of falling away as a superpower and, since she was never a world empire she will continue to decline and play a very limited rule in the end time. America role is to roll over to make way for the final World Empire headed by the Antichrist. Since opening up my prophecy site I have warned you would see America’s decline and anyone watching the news knows this is true. Before September 2008 I told you the U.S. economy would dive. In September 2008 while the news was telling us the U.S. economy will come back I keep warning you to watch the news because you would see hundreds of thousands of America begin to lose their jobs. Each month since September I gave you that same warning and each month hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost their jobs. Go back and read my warnings. You will see I asked you to watch the unemployment rates because they are going to keep climbing. After you read this next report that just came out today, I will rest my case. I quote, “WASHINGTON (AP) -- With companies in no mood to hire, the unemployment rate jumped to 9.4 percent in May, the highest in more than 25 years. But the pace of layoffs eased, with employers cutting 345,000 jobs, the fewest since September." "Still, the increase in the nation's unemployment rate from 8.9 percent in April underscores the difficulties that America's 14.5 million unemployed are having in finding new jobs. Economists had expected the rate to hit 9.2 percent last month.” In one of my hundreds of posts I stated watch California because what happens to California will happen to the rest of the nation. California’s unemployed rate is 10.9 and the state is all but bankrupt. I am sure in the near future most of the U.S. states will also see unemployment rates over 10 percent. I have a link to all the states below. You may want to save this link and in two months check out the percent in your state to see how mush higher it has risen. Here is the bottom line. America is not going to be a problem to the Revived Roman Empire.
Read what the news is saying about America’s crisis. “The carnage in state budgets is getting worse, a report said Thursday, with places like Arizona being hurt by falling revenue on multiple fronts, like personal income and sales taxes. Other states are having mixed experiences, with some tax categories stable, or even rising, even as others fall off the map.” Can you see the big picture? What happens when 14.6 million people lose their jobs? Say goodbye to the tax base. If you have 14.6 million people missing from the tax base you end up with short falls to the states while at the same time the states are suppose to help the 14.6 million people who are now out of work. It is simple math, the states are running out of money and some like California are broke already. Unless a miracle happens and there are 15 million jobs created you can expect this trend to continue.
Great Britain is the second nation I want to discuss. Great Britain has been a power for a long time but they to are following the footsteps of America and are in one of the worse economic crisis they have faced. Their government is falling apart. I quote a short section of today’s Reuters report. “LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Gordon Brown averted the immediate danger of government collapse on Friday with a cabinet reshuffle that bought the loyalty of key ministers, but the political uncertainty weighed on sterling.” Great Britain is one of the nations, which did not join the EU’s Euro currency, and as you can see at the present time they are suffering for not joining. Another section of the report stated, “The pound hit a two-week low against the euro.” The market is waking up to what a mess politics are in the UK," RBC currency strategist Adam Cole said.” In December 2008 there was talk about Gordon Brown switching Great Britain’s currency over to Euro. I quote from the 2008 report entitled “England May Switch to the Euro”. “The office of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was quick to deny the idea that the government's position had changed. "We have no plans to join the Euro," a Brown spokesman said Monday. However, Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission told French radio that the U.K. is "closer than ever before" to entering the single currency, because of the fallout from the global financial crisis.” Barroso hit the nail on the head and 1 and ½ years later it appears Mr. Brown will be forced to switch to the Euro. I would look for this to happen with the new elections and a new Prime Minister. Once Britain has the Euro they will become a stronger part of the EU which we can see is the Revived Roman Empire. The first Roman Empire had their own currency. Now in this reborn modern day Roman Empire, nation after nation in the EU is turning over to the Euro. Great Britain is getting so weak they can’t stop what has been set in motion.,2933,459391,00.html
The third nation I want to talk to you about is China. First I will give you some news about China and then I will connect the dots between Bible prophecy and current events. Up until a few years ago not many people were talking about China becoming the new superpower that would over take America. In the latter part of 2008 and in 2009 that has all changed. Let me give you a few examples in the news that proves what I am saying is the truth. “Here comes the world's newest superpower. The rest of the world is gloomily contemplating economic slowdown and even recession. Not in Beijing. China is set to make 2008 the year it asserts its status as a global colossus by flexing frightening economic muscle on international markets, enjoying unprecedented levels of domestic consumption and showcasing itself to a watching world with a glittering £20bn Olympic Games.”
In the last few years, the buzz about China's rise has become deafening. We have heard so much about China's unparalleled economic growth, its population explosion and its increasing presence on the world stage that it seems like a foregone conclusion that China will overtake the United States as the dominant economic superpower of the 21st century.
The much-heralded advent of China as a global power is no longer a forecast but a reality. Now we, and they, must manage its triumph.
What does all this information have to do with China? In Revelation 9: 14-16 we are told that there will be army of 200 million people who come from the East. In Revelation 9: 12 we are told this massive army will cross the Euphrates. We can see hear that China will play a major rule in end time prophecy. At the current time China has a army of 200 million men the same number Jesus stated in the Revelation. If you put two and two together you can see China has to become one of the most powerful nations in the world at the time the Antichrist is ruling. I do believe this is the reason why you are witnessing the growth of China today and her rise to superpower status. I don’t think China will be the only nation crossing the Euphrates because the Word of God tells us “prepare the way for the kings from the East” I believe China will join some of the other nations East of the Euphrates river and attack the Antichrist. China does have the exact number of men Jesus warned about but if you take the number of people living East of the Euphrates now there would be no problems coming up with a army of 200 million men. If Jesus said prepare the way for the “kings” I wouldn’t look for just one king to cross by many. In any case, the bottom line is you see the importance of China as she relates to the last days and this is why she will keep growing in power until Jesus comes.
In my book I tell you to watch the 10 nations from the Islmic side that made up part of the Roman Empire. I do think the 10 nations of the Economic Cooperation Organization (CEO) may be the nations Jesus is pointing to in the Revelation. Ahmadinejad is the head of this 10 nation Organization and He as well as the EU are calling for a new world order. Here is a look at some of the news. “Iran Is Leading a "New Order" - To Replace the "Old Order," Now Obsolete, Led By the U.S. and West Ahmadinejad and his top officials have stressed that Iran will present its own comprehensive plan for solving the problems of the region and of the world, and that talks are to be based on it and it alone. [7] April 17, 2009: “Ahmadinejad to West: You Are Weak, Your Hands Are Empty, And You Can't Force Us to Do Anything; Nearly 7,000 Centrifuges Are Spinning Today at Natanz, Mocking You. There is much more to both these reports and maybe you will take time this weekend to read them. Here is the bottom line. Jesus warned the Old Roman Empire would rule and 10 kings would hand all their power over to one man. Both the EU and CEO have 10 nations in their group. You will know for sure which group Jesus was referring to and which group the Antichrist will rise up from if you miss the rapture of the Church. My job is to point these facts out for you because Jesus has allowed me to stand on the 50th floor with Him to see all the things that are coming. If you want a clear view of this parade and what is coming from the start to finish the only way you will be able to understand and see the entire picture clearly is by accepting Jesus as your Savior. In Isaiah 42: 9 the Lord said, "Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you." Why not get off the street level and watch the parade with Christ and me on 50th floor?
If you want to take the first step for Salvation in Christ Jesus you must first ask Jesus to be your Savior. No one can be born again unless they ask Jesus Christ to forgiven them for their sins. Then you must repent from your former life held captive to sin and turn to Christ to allow and let Him mold you in His likeness. Just saying a prayer without true conversion will only lead to a unfruitful life for Christ. Once you ask Jesus to forgive you live your life 110% for Christ. Let your heart burn for Christ and let Him know you are seeking His will everyday. Salvation in Christ is much more than just saying a sentence. It will be a demonstration of your life and how you live that life for Christ. It is a complete transformation of an old life to a new one in Christ.
Anyone who says Jesus doesn't love them should see exactly what He did for them in order to give us all eternal life. Saying the sinners prayer is only the beginning. You need to walk with Christ and abide in Him and His ways. Watch this video, it is very good for both new and old believers.
Here is a good picture of what Christ has done for us.
This is a good video for all people to watch whether you are a Christian or not!
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth - May 2009
links to all of my radio interviews and videos can be seen at my Feb. 17, 2009 post.
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