I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Oct. 8, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book. The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Oct, 12, 2009 Edition
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It's confirmed I will be going to The “River of Life Church at 757 Wilderness Road, Lexington Ky. to speak at a three day seminar at their Church. The seminar will be held on December 11- December 13, 2009. I will keep you posted, as we get closer to the date for the seminar. If anyone is lead to help advertise for this seminar, you can email me and I will give you the contact name at the Church in Ky.
New Radio show/video is still up from my Oct. 15, 2009. broadcast as well as my other shows. You can view all of my radio/video shows at The Edge by clicking to the link below My next show will be on Oct. 23, 2009 at 6PM EST. I will be covering news from this week that points to fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
Prophecy Sign: One very important fact Christians should know in this generation is there had to be a power shift concerning super power nations. We know this has to take place because God told the Prophet Daniel exactly what world empire was going to rise up in the last days. We who know God’s warnings don’t have to guess as to who the last world empire would be. In chapter 2 and 7 of the Book of Daniel God told Daniel the last world empire would be a reborn born Roman Empire. Many of you are new to my site so let me make this simple for you. The nations that were in the first Roman Empire would according to the Lord, come together again in the last days to form a revived Roman Empire. When Jesus Christ came to Earth the first time He had to deal with the first Roman Empire, and He shows us in scripture when He come back the second time He will again have to deal with the revived Roman Empire. Why is Christ going to have to deal with this empire? Because at the time Jesus returns the Antichrist will be ruling over this revived Roman Empire. I am not going to send much time in this post showing you the revived Roman Empire is already here. If you are new I would ask you to read chapter 2 of my free book. In that chapter I lay out all the details about this empire. In short, I will say that the European Union which is now made up of 27 nations is almost an exact copy of the first Roman Empire. If you haven’t come to my site before you may not know this, but in a matter of weeks or months the EU, (revived Roman Empire) is going to elect their first full time EU President. This will be the first time one man rules most of Europe since Caesar ruled the first Roman Empire. This friend is exactly what we were waiting to see. The seat of the Antichrist has been set in place as a result of Ireland passing the Lisbon Treaty last week. I know to many of you this is going to be scary. To think that the position of Jesus’ worst enemy has now been set in place is a very scary thought if you do not know Jesus as your savior yet. It is scary because this Antichrist has one purpose. According to scripture the Antichrist is going to seek to kill anyone who does not worship him as God. When the Antichrist takes control of this reborn Roman Empire he is going to force everyone to take his mark or the number of his name as it states in Revelation 13:16-17. If you haven’t taken Christ as your savior yet, you now only have little time to do so before the Lord comes to remove His Church from the seven year tribulation. In the mean time those of us who know Bible prophecy know what is going to take place next.
Since Daniel told us the revived Roman Empire was coming, we know that in order for this empire to take the lead rule on this planet, the most powerful nation in the lead at the present time has to fall away from power. Since 1977 I have been sounding the warnings as to how the United States of America was going to fall away as a superpower. Those who have been with me and hear all my warnings since 1977 know that everything I have warned them about has taken place exactly as I said it would. September 2008 people all over this country who had had previous spoken to about the fall of America were shocked to see my warnings come to pass. Since September of 2008 I even have people actually come right to my house telling me they remembered what I had said and were freaked out about it. Most of these people have now turned their life over to Christ. In September of last year Jesus had placed it in my heart to warn you all that hundreds of thousands of people would now begin to lose their jobs. I was lead by Christ to warn you every month and give you numbers of people who would lose their jobs that were unheard of. I was telling the people this information before any lay offs had taken place. Every month since then I would warn the people according to what Christ had shown me. Every month since 2008 I have been shown again that hundreds of thousands of Americans are going to lose their jobs. Back in September before the U.S. government would even say the U.S. was in a recession, I was lead to tell you get ready for a depression. If you go back and read my previous posts all my warnings are still posted with the dates I issued the warnings. I even warned everyone while the government hadn’t even admitted the U.S. was now in a recession, that you will begin to hear news reports warning you a depression is coming. Anyone who has read the news since September 2008 now knows not just the United States, but nations around the world are writing reports warning that another depression is on the way. If you read chapter one of my book, I site those reports for you. Many people laughed me at, but I didn’t care because I understood what Christ was showing me. For the past three months the Obama Administration has tried to make you believe that the U.S. economy is coming back. They even said that losing only 125,000 jobs is a good sign of a turn around. This was and still is a lie. I have been praying about what I supposed to warn you for this month. Usually at the end of the month the government shows how many people lost their jobs. In my post yesterday I warned you based on what Christ had shown me that the figures would again be high. This morning when I woke up I once again saw that what Jesus had shown me has come to pass. I quote today’s news. “The number of newly laid-off workers filing claims for jobless benefits rose more than expected last week, as employers remain reluctant to hire even with the economy showing signs of recovery. “New jobless claims rise more than expected to 531K” Over a half million American have lost their jobs. How in the world can any news agency including the U.S. Government even try to make you think that there is any type of recovery. Do a Google search and read what the experts are telling you. A recovery takes place when the economy starts to show signs that Americans are again spending money. A recovery takes place when companies start hiring people again and as you can see from the report today that is not happening. A recovery takes place when banks start lending money again, and that isn’t happening either. A recovery takes place when the U.S. stops printing American dollars that is becoming worthless. A recovery starts when the Government stops spending more than they have. We know that isn’t taking place. Read the facts taken from a report issued on Oct. 16, 2009. “The U.S.’s 2009 budget gap widened to $1.42 trillion as the deepest recession since the 1930s crippled tax revenue and the administration increased spending to rescue the economy. The shortfall for the 12 months ended Sept. 30 was more than triple the $455 billion record set a year earlier, the Treasury Department said today in Washington.”
As I said, I have been warning how America would fall since 1977. The news we are now reading is exactly what I said was going to take place. This news shows everyone who is paying attention, how the last days power shift will take place. The last days reborn Roman Empire will rise to the top when America’s economy finally comes to a halt, and we see all the signs of that taking place soon. I have a link to news showing you projections of the number of jobs that were supposed to be created by the U.S. government. Take a look at this information and you will learn that they got it all wrong. I quote from a section of that report. “The table below compares the White House's February 2009 projection of the number of jobs that would be created by the 2009 stimulus law (through the end of 2010) with the actual change in state payroll employment through September 2009 (the latest figures available). According to the data, 49 States and the District of Columbia have lost jobs since stimulus was enacted. Only North Dakota has seen net job creation following the February 2009 stimulus. While President Obama claimed the result of his stimulus bill would be the creation of 3.5 million jobs, the Nation has already lost a total of 2.7 million – a difference of 6.2 million jobs. To see how stimulus has failed your state, see the table below.
While I have been warning you America’s economy was falling, I have also been warning you to watch the fall of the dollar. The report out yesterday stated, “But they say the most important factor is the falling value of the dollar, which is encouraging traders, institutions and foreign countries to invest their cash in hard assets like oil and gold. Oil is priced in dollars on global markets, and a falling dollar almost always puts upward pressure on oil.” If you are new to my site you wouldn’t know this, but for those of you who have been coming to my site they know what I told them would happen to the price of gold. I have been warning everyone for over a year and half now that gold and silver would skyrocket. We see this very thing starting to take place and it will continue to do so as the dollar falls away. All these things are aiding to the last days power shift. Are my warnings about the dollar coming to pass? Take a look at yesterday and you will learn the dollar tumbled to 75.08. It has been brought to my attention that in recent months have witnessed a steady erosion in the greenback's value, down 16% since March against the currencies of the top U.S. trading partners. On Wednesday, the euro broke through the symbolically important $1.50 barrier for the first time in 14 month. Why is the Euro crushing the dollar? Don’t you know that the Euro is the currency of the revived Roman Empire? It only stands to reason that if God said the revived Roman Empire would become a world empire that their currency would also rise to the top leading currencies. In my first book dated 1997 I wrote in that book that the Euro would crush the dollar, so keep your eyes on what happens with the Euro in the near future. How did I know this? It is simple really. I just read the warnings Jesus gave us about the revived Roman Empire coming back, and I put two and two together. Jesus revealed to me how this new Euro currency would take off, and so I told you what Christ had shown me. If you think America is going to bounce back from the trillions in doubt you are living a lie. Let me tell you what to expect, more of the same and worse. We have reached the last days, Roman is revived and getting stronger and soon the seat for the Antichrist is going to be filled. If you plan to write me and ask me if the Antichrist is alive, don’t bother, my answer is yes. Not only is he alive but he is about to start his move up into ten nations who ten leaders will soon give him all their power just as Jesus and Daniel have warned he would. I am telling you now, if you love your life and the life of your family and you want to live with Christ forever, you need to give your life over to Christ right now, today. We do not know when Jesus is coming to remove His Church, however we stand I the warning He gave to us about the timing of His return for the Church. In Matthew 24:33 Jesus told us that “when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” In that same chapter Jesus give another important sign to know just how close we are to going home with Christ. In verses 37-39 Jesus tells us He will return when our generation becomes just like Noah’s generation. Anyone studying the Word of God knows that this generation has become a carbon copy of Noah’s generation and that includes turning away from sound doctrine, turning away from the Word of God and God Himself, and turning to homosexuality. Everything Christ warned us about all these things is taking place right now, that in itself tells us Jesus has His hand on the door and will soon remove anyone who is really walking with Him. Once that door opens and you don’t go through that door, you will be cast into the seven year tribulation. If that is what you want, that is exactly what you are going to get.
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/quote?ticker=DXY%3AIND Dollar falls
Prophecy Sign: In Revelation chapter 17 Jesus tells us that there will be a false church that hooks up with the Antichrist during the seven year tribulation. This is the Church will did not follow the true Word of God, this is the Church who will allow sin to run freely in the church. This organization would be called a church but it would not have anything to do with Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ will not have anything to do with them. This church is going to be a worldwide church that will be completely formed once the real Church is removed at the rapture. In my book in chapter 6 I give you details as to how this worldwide church is now being formed. In today’s news we see more signs how this false church is coming together. The report you are about to read has to do with the Catholic Church coming together with another church. I quote, “The process will allow groups of Anglicans, including bishops and married priests, to join the Catholic Church some 450 years after King Henry VIII broke from Rome and created the Church of England. The number of Anglicans wishing to join the Catholic Church has increased in recent years as the Anglican church has welcomed the ordination of women and openly gay clergy and blessed homosexual partnerships, said Cardinal William Joseph Levada, the head of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Their talks with the Vatican recently began speeding up, Vatican officials said, leading to Tuesday's announcement. "The Catholic Church is responding to the many requests that have been submitted to the Holy See from groups of Anglican clergy and faithful in different parts of the world who wish to enter into full visible communion," Levada said. Levada said "hundreds" of Anglicans around the world have expressed their desire to join the Catholic Church. Among them are 50 Anglican bishops, said Archbishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia of the Congregation of the Divine Cult. Should Anglicans be allowed to join the Catholic Church? Have your say below The Anglicans will be able to retain their Anglican rites while recognizing the pope as their leader, Vatican officials said. The British monarch is the head of the Anglican Church. While married Anglican priests may be ordained as Catholic priests, the same does not apply to married Anglican bishops, Levada said. "We've been praying for this unity for 40 years and we've not anticipated it happening now," Di Noia said. "The Holy Spirit is at work here." When you read my book you will also find out that the Pope is also coming together with leaders of the Muslim faith and other faiths as well. This my friends is the church that will be left behind once the rapture takes place. You may not even known this was going on but it isn’t something that has just started. The Catholic Church has been bring this interfaith Church together for some time. Here is a short example. I quote, “WASHINGTON (CNS) -- When Pope Benedict XVI comes to the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington for an early-evening interfaith meeting April 17 with Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims and representatives of other religions, space will be at a premium.” I have a link for you if you want to read the entire report. If you never read the Book of Revelation you won’t know that Jesus told us this false church would based or have her site in Rome. Read chapter 17 and you find this to be true. If you read my book you will find out that the Pope is now working on building a UN like church in the city of Rome. Do you think this to is nothing but a coincidence? This is exactly what Jesus pointed out to us and we see that very thing taking shape right now.
All I can say to you is this. If you are in this church and are now following sound doctrine get out of this church now and run as fast and as far away as you can while you can. Jesus is going to turn this false church over to the Antichrist and in the middle of the seven year tribulation the Antichrist is going to attack this false church and kill anyone who does worship Him as God. I can only bring you to the Word and cite our Lord’s warnings, I can’t make you turn to Christ for protection from the things to come. Believe me, if I had the power to drag you to the Lord’s salvation I would do it, but Jesus has given everyone free will to choose who’s side he or she will pick. I pray my warnings from the Word of God will drive you to sprint to Christ while there is still time left to do so. It is Christ’s promise that if you come to Him He will receive you, and add your name into His book of life. Please go to Him today!
Prophecy Sign; Once of the keys to knowing the time of the end is also shown to us in Paul’s warning found in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 where Paul tells us the following: “For when they shall say, Peace and safety: then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. While the revived Roman Empire is going and the false church is being set in place we are also witnessing the fulfillment of this call to peace and safety just as warned by Paul. I quote, ”EU Foreign Policy chief Javier Solana said the European Union's goal is to establish a Palestinian state in the 1967 borders. Speaking in Ramallah on Wednesday, Solana said the sooner this happens, the better. -Later Wednesday, Solana told the Israeli Presidential Conference in Jerusalem that the world must not accept an Iranian nuclear bomb. According to Solana, "Tomorrow is today and we have no time to lose." As for the peace process in the Middle East, Solana called for limited negotiations. "The time to do it is now. Nothing has been done in the world without taking risks." Most of the world’s leaders are well aware that the if the Middle East peace process fails there is going to be another war. This is why Solana made the statement, “Tomorrow is today and we have no time to lose”. If you keep watching the news and the peace process you will witness how the next war is going to take place. When this peace process fails that is when the second part of Paul’s warning will come to pass, that being the part of sudden destruction. The sudden destruction that will be seen on the news shortly will be the destruction of the nations who attack Israel. All these nations are listed in Psalms 83. One more important note to the above report. Solana is the most powerful person right now in the revived Roman Empire. When you read chapter two of my book you will learn he holds four titles in the EU. He is also the lead man in the Middle East peace talks. This is very important because the Antichrist is the one who will soon confirm a seven year covenant with Israel and many nations as is stated in Daniel 9:27. Right now the EU doesn’t have a full time President. They are working on picking this person right now. The way the EU functions right now if there were a major crisis Solana would set in a run the entire European Union. Why am I telling you this? If you read Daniel 7: 7-8 you will see that the Antichrist will rise up as the little horn once ten horns are set in place. These horns are ten leaders, or as Jesus states in Revelation 17:12 “ ten kings”. The little horn is would be the 11th horn since ten were already standing. I am telling you this because Spain was the 11thnation to join the revived Roman Empire and Solana is from Spain. That alone has cause the red flag to go up. Is it possible that Solana may slip into the position of the Antichrist? Since we see many things that run parallel with scripture I am watching what Solana does. One other note that I point out in my book, Solana was placed in office under what is called Recommendation 666! The Recommendation 666 fell under the title, “Section 1:Common foreign and security policy”. This by the way is one of the four titles Solana now holds. Those of you who never read the Bible will not know that Jesus warned us about the number of the Antichrsit which is 666. Read Revelation 13:18 and you will see this warning. I think I made it clear now why I am watching the news concerning Solana and the Israeli peace process.
Just to show you that the call for peace and safety is actually taking place during our generation read a short section of the report entitled, “Netanyahu meets EU foreign policy chief” I quote, “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met Wednesday with EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana. Netanyahu expressed his hope the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks will resume in the near future. The two also discussed the international community's efforts to curb Iran's nuclear aspirations.” The peace process has stalled and tensions are flying off the handle right now. A major war is closer than it has been for some time.
Javier Solana in the Bible Codes? Antichrist, European Union
Here is more news about the current peace talks and the troubles behind the talks. “Israeli official: Deal imminent with U.S. on Mideast talks” U.S. President Barack Obama's Middle East envoy is close to a deal with Israel on terms for resuming peace talks with the Palestinians, Israeli officials said Wednesday. "There appears to be a meeting of the minds and hopefully the Israeli-Palestinian dialogue will be able to re-start in the near future," an Israeli official said, summing up talks held by negotiators for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington. Under the prospective deal, on which Palestinians have not yet commented, the negotiations could be held on the basis of two decades-old United Nations Security Council resolutions, 242 and 338, another official said. “Such a formula could be acceptable to Israel since it interprets those resolutions as falling short of a demand to withdraw from all of the West Bank, territory it captured during the 1967 Six Day War. Palestinians, who seek a state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, hold that the resolutions, which call for "withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict", obliges Israel to return to pre-1967 lines.” “But in an interview with Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Ayyam, Erekat - who was is also due to meet with U.S. National Security Adviser James Jones and George Mitchell, the American envoy to the Mideast - said the most important issue is freezing Israeli settlement construction.” “Erekat told the paper there is an American plan for Israeli-Palestinian peace, but said it is irrelevant as long as Israel continues building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, adding that all peace talks are currently being held with the Americans, not the Israelis.” To fully understand the meaning behind resolutions 242, and 338 click to the link below. Like I said before, once the PLO and the Arabs realize they will not get hold of East Jerusalem as their capitol that is when I believe the attack on Israel will take place and fulfill the war given to us in Psalms 83. Here is the bottom line. They are calling for peace and safety while at the same time every nation mentioned in Psalms 83 is preparing for the next war. This is why I pointed out to you yesterday that there are now more than 50,000 rockets being stored in the Gaza and Lebanon. We are all going to see this war played out very shortly.
Prophecy Sign: Once Israel win the war of Psalms 83 the Russian’s are going to attack Israel with Iran, Iraq, other allied nations. We see signs that these nations are also getting ready for the next war with Israel. The headline to a report on Oct. 20, 2009 read as follows, “Iraq to replace Russian weapons destroyed by U.S. invasion with . . . more Russian weapons” BAGHDAD — Iraq has been preparing to negotiate a major weapons contract with Russia
. "A large delegation from the Iraqi Defense Ministry will travel
to Moscow soon for talks on arms purchases [from Russia]," Iraqi parliamentarian Abbas Al Bayati said. If you read chapter 10 of my book I give you complete facts how Russia has already supplied every nation listed in Ezekiel 38 with weapons to be used in the invasion against Israel. What you see in the news today concerning Russia and Iraq is a glimpse of the handwriting on the wall to this coming war. Either you accept these prophecy signs for what they are, or you deny them and wait to see if what God has stated comes to pass. If you choose to wait you are taking the chance of casting yourself into the seven year tribulation. The reason why I say this, is because if you have refused God’s warnings about the things to come, you probably have refused to receive Jesus Christ as your savior as well.
Here is another sign that war is going to break out in the Middle East. I quote, “The US and Israel launched Operation Juniper Cobra 10, the biggest missile defense exercise of their regular biennial drills, on Wednesday Oct. 21. Taking part in the two-week drill are 1,000 military personnel on each side. According to US military sources, the exercise which simulates the advanced capabilities of shared air defense systems, sends a message to Tehran that America will support Israel's defenses in attacks from Iran or its allies in the region. The great importance Washington attaches to the drill is underscored by the appointment of US Sixth Fleet chief Adm. Mark Fitzgerald as joint commander, especially as it takes place weeks after President Barack Obama scrapped US plans to deploy missile interception systems in Poland and the Czech Republic. They are to be replaced with a missile shield tailored to handle short- and medium-range missiles, which constitute the bulk of Iran's arsenal and are carried in the first stage by warships.” Look for Israel to take out Iran’s nuclear weapons program soon and then you will see the Ezekiel 38 war come to pass.
Another nation that has been named to attack Israel is Ethiopia. In my book I tell you some of the reasons why I think Ethiopia will join Russia in the invasion against Israel. One of the things I point out is that Ethiopia is starving to death. When nations begin to strive they look for ways to feed themselves. In the case of Ethiopia they have to reasons to join the attack. One can be seen in this report entitled, “Ethiopia demands food aid for 6.2 million people”. I quote, “ADDIS ABABA — Twenty-five years after Ethiopia's famine killed a million people and spurred a massive global aid effort, the government appealed Thursday for help for more than six million facing starvation. State Minister for Agriculture Mitiku Kassa said the drought-stricken country needed 159,000 tonnes of food aid worth 121 million dollars between now and year's end for 6.2 million people. He said nearly 80,000 children under five were suffering from acute malnutrition and that nine million dollars were required for moderately malnourished children and women.” Since Ethiopia is starving and they are a Muslim nation they would have two reasons why they should join Russia when they attack. Russia may tell them they can have all the spoils they want once they take over Israel. Since Israel has been blessed with more food than you can imagine they might take Russia up on their offer. Keep in mind Ezekiel 38:12 tells us about the invaders coming to take the cattle, and goods that Israel has. Also keep in mind the warning about famines, droughts and hungry Jesus said we would witness. Ethiopia is feeling this prophecy right now.
New from Israel also shows us Israel knows another was is coming and they compared the coming war to a real earthquake. IsraelNN.com) Deputy Minister of Defense Matan Vilnai participated Wednesday morning in a readiness exercise for an earthquake scenario in Akko (Acre). "I want to remind you of the earthquake we experienced in October 1973 – a man-made earthquake,” he said – referring to the Yom Kippur War. “Just as we were surprised then, in a real earthquake that comes from nature we will be more surprised,” he warned.” Deputy Minister Matan Vilnai did get it correct in more ways than one. He is correct that a new war is coming, but also that there really will be a huge earthquake, a real earthquakes that will shake this earth during the time of the Russian invasion. Read Ezekiel 38:19 and you will see where God speaks to us about the earthquake that will hit at the same time of this invasion.
Prophecy Sign: One of the keys to knowing this present generation is the one to see Jesus return was given to us in Daniel 12:4 where God told Daniel that our generation would increase in knowledge. Most people with half a brain know that our generation has gain more knowledge than any generation since Adam and Eve. Here is an example of what this increased knowledge has brought us. “On October 13, an airborne laser weapon was tested in New Mexico.” This generation has created weapons that appear to be like Star Trek weapons.
Look what our other important things in the news that relate to prophecy have given this generation. “USA Technologies (NASDAQ: USAT) announced today the issuance to it by the US Patent Office of a patent that covers the cashless wireless payment trends sweeping the vending industry. The patent for invention number 7,593,897 is for a wireless system for communicating cashless vending transaction data and vending machine audit data to remote locations.” When the Antichrist takes control he is going to control what you can buy or what you can sell. He is going to force everyone on this planet or at least try to enforce that everyone take his mark in their skin. Without this mark you will be left out of the new world economy. We are witnessing steps that is bring on this new cashless system and it is all coming at the same time all the rest of the prophecies are taking place.
It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.
Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
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