The revived Roman Empire has a new Ceasear! I quote the breaking new just released. “Belgium's prime minister, Herman Van Rompuy, has been appointed the first "president of Europe," British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Thursday. Catherine Ashton of the United Kingdom is to become the EU's foreign minister, Brown said. The leaders of the 27 member states of the European Union made the decision behind closed doors in Brussels Thursday.” Now is the time to really watch what happens with this Western leg of the old Roman Empire. It has been almost 2,000 years since one man ruled Europe and Jesus told us this was coming! First question everyone is going to ask me is this. Is Herman Van Rompuy the Antichrist? I do not believe so because the Lord told us the Antichrist would rise up from ten horns which mean ten kings. Yes the position of the Antichrist could be in place but the man who comes up later is the man I belive will be the Antichrist. We still have to consider the will rise up from the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire. The fact that one man is now going to control Europe is a major sign the Church is very close to being taken away at what is called the rapture. Today’s news is hugh and it should be taken seriously as a sign for everyone to get ready to meet Jesus.
Maybe now you will want to read my book. In my first book dated 1997 I told everyone that no matter what people say Europe will have one man ruling over it. That day has arrived today. It is my prayer that after you read my book you will be encouraged to turn to the Bible and read the message of love for you from Christ.
If there was ever a time when I need to come and preach Jesus to your Church now is that time. To many pastors are afraid to warn their Churches about the signs of the tiimes. Don't let your Church be blinded by Satan by keeping your Church ready to meet Christ. I am open to come and preach if you will have me. I will tell you the truth and I won't even take your money!
Frank DiMora