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Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
New radio/video show will be up on Friday Nov. 20, 2009. My other shows are still running at the following link below.
Prophecy Sign: What if I told you God showed us that in the last days one man would control the world’s economic system. What if you know God told you that this man would come rise up from a reborn revived Roman Empire. Would you believe me? What if I also told you that while this one man was ruling the revived Roman Empire gold and silver would reach prices never seen before. Would you believe me. Can I really prove these things are coming to pass just as Christ has warned us? Yes I can. There are to many people walking around this world who don’t even know that both sides of the old Roman Empire have already been revived. I have written about this to you this week so I won’t go into great detail because those posts are still up at my site. However, today’s news shows us that the Western leg of the old Roman Empire which is the European Union, (EU) is about to tell the world who is going to be the first full time EU President. Keep in mind the last time one man ruled over the last Roman Empire Jesus Christ came to die for the sins of all. From the Books of Daniel and Revelation we are told that Jesus would return again when the revived Roman Empire was ruling again. Since both side of the old Roman Empire are already standing that is a warning to all that will listen that Jesus is about to return again. When Christ returns this time He isn’t going to stand still and say nothing, this time He is returning as King of Kings and He will take His seat in Jerusalem as King! Before Jesus can return the Antichrist must rise up from this old Roman Empire. Now that the EU is picking the man to run the entire EU we know we are much closer to the second coming. Here is the latest news concerning the EU post. “November 19, 2009 ( - With hopes fading for Tony Blair taking the top European job, the Times reports that UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown will make a last-ditch appeal for his former party leader in Brussels this afternoon when he attends a meeting of the Party of European Socialists. But a German diplomat has dropped the biggest hint so far that the leaders will choose the little known Belgian Prime Minister, Herman Van Rompuy, as the first President of the European Union. I found this next stated very interesting. “Van Rompuy has kept a low profile in international politics, but is known to oppose the inclusion of Turkey into the EU on the grounds that the country does not share Europe's Christian philosophical and political heritage.”
If you go back and read my Oct. 27, 2009 post on the revived Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire you will know why this news about keeping Turkey out of the EU is important. You may not understand what I am about to tell you, so if you don’t read the Oct. 27 post and it will help you understand. Turkey is in the process of reviving the Ottoman Turkey Empire of which was the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire. There is the chance that the Antichrist will come from the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire. If Belgian’s Prime Minister, Herman Van Rompuy keep Turkey out of the EU this will encourage Turkey to keep expanding his revived Ottoman Turkish Empire. Turkey has already had new alliances with Iraq, Iran, and Syria which are all seen in Revelation 13:2 All these nations make up the last empire that Jesus Christ will crush when He returns. Here is the bottom line. Those of you who refuse to listen to these warning from the Lord will see what leg the Antichrist rises up from. Those who know Jesus as Lord will be taken to Christ at the rapture so it is not important to us to know who the Antichrist will be. The only importance the Christian should take when dealing with the Antichrist is in your witnessing to the unbeliever. It is important that the unbeliever knows as much as they can about where the Antichrist will rise up from and what he will do when he takes the center stage. I have found that to many Christians are looking for the Antichrist more than they are looking for Jesus to return. If you are walking with Christ what do you care who the man of sin is going to be, you will be with Jesus in heaven. Many have asked me what will bring out the Antichrist.
As you can see from today’s report the EU is going to take more time to figure out who will actually fill the first full time EU position. I quote, “After almost two full rounds of consultations with the bloc's leaders, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt has yet to find any candidates who have unanimous backing for the posts, which are intended to give the EU more clout on the world stage. Mr Reinfeldt, whose country holds the EU presidency, is now hoping EU heads of state and government will set aside their vested interests and agree on names at a summit in Brussels that is scheduled to last three hours but could go on much longer.” They can take all the time they want, but at the end of the day the revived Western leg of the old Roman Empire will have their new Ceasaer.
Since 1977 I have been telling people that when the U.S. dollar dies there is going to be a world economic crisis like never before. We are on course to seeing this crisis take place. The world is going to be cast into turmoil as it has never seen before. When this happens all the nations will be looking for someone to bring them out of this tormoil. I belive this is when the Antichrist will appear. I think that he will appear about the same time as the Ezekiel 38 war takes place. We know that the Antichrist’s reign of seven years will begin when he confirms a covenant with Israel and many nations just as warned in Daniel 9:26-27. All signs show us that the dollar is about to collapse and its collapse will again cause a major birth pain. Experts are warning this collapse will cause a global collapse. Here is the headline to a new report. “Société Générale tells clients how to prepare for potential 'global collapse.'”
I quote, “Société Générale has advised clients to be ready for a possible "global economic collapse" over the next two years, mapping a strategy of defensive investments to avoid wealth destruction.” Most of you who visit my site on a regular bases knows that I have been telling you gold and silver is going to skyrocket. I am warning everyone about this because Jesus in Revelation chapter 18:12 shows us the those left behind and have to go through the seven year tribulation will be weeping over many items that will be taken away and gold and silver are on that list. In this same report where they are warning about a global collapse look at what they are saying about gold. “If so, gold would go "up, and up, and up" as the only safe haven from fiat paper money. Private debt is also crippling. Even if the US savings rate stabilises at 7pc, and all of it is used to pay down debt, it will still take nine years for households to reduce debt/income ratios to the safe levels of the 1980s.” Are you beginning to notice everything I am telling you is coming to pass? The reason why I am always right is I am quoting from the Bible and am telling you the things Jesus asked us to keep on the watch for. The message you are reading today is really a message from the Lord, I am just repeating what has been written down for us. Most people can not connect the dots between Bible prophecy and current events so Jesus has sent me to you to help you understand these matters and then once you understand them you are faced with the most important decision of your life. Are you going to believe in Christ and His warnings so you can escape the tribulation by receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior or, will do what the people living during Noah’s generation did and laugh at this thinking none of this will ever take place only to find out later when you are looking at the Antichrist that you should have taken the free gift of salvation when you first heard about it.
Another report concerning gold stated the following: “The last parabolic spike in gold took off when central banks joined the fray in the 1970s, hoarding bullion with the same enthusiasm as gold bugs. Dylan Grice from Société Générale says it smells much the same today. He sees an eery similarity between the decision of India’s central bank to buy half the IMF’s entire sale of gold, and the move by France’s central bank to start converting dollars into gold in 1965 — which was, of course, the start of the slippery slope leading to the collapse of Bretton Woods and the closure of the US gold window under Nixon. In the gold mania that followed, the price rose to levels that matched the US dollar monetary base (it reached 140pc at the peak). If that were to occur today after Ben Bernanke’s go at the printing press, gold would have to reach $6,300 an ounce. The US owns 263m ounces of gold while the Fed’s monetary base is $1.7 trillion. Simple equation.” Just last week I reported to you that India and China were unloading the U.S. dollar and buying gold. After reading this report can you see much clearer now when you read Revelation 18 concerning the people weeping over their lost gold? These are all signs Jesus is giving you to show you His Words, all of them, are coming to pass. No one can tell you for sure just how high the price of gold will climb but after reading Rev. 18 it wouldn’t surprise me if gold reached levels higher than $6.300. I do know this for sure. If you reject the love of Christ and His call to you to receive Him for salvation you may be around to see exactly how high the price of gold goes.
There are signs everywhere that America is getting ready to fold up. About a year ago I asked you to watch what happens to California. I showed you that state was in major trouble and what happens to California will spread to the rest of U.S. states. Two days ago a new report came out concerning California’s economic troubles. I quote, “OAKLAND, Calif., Nov 17 (Reuters) - California faces a budget gap of nearly $21 billion over its current and next fiscal years, according to the state government's budget watchdog agency, the Los Angeles Times reported on Tuesday. The projection comes less than four months after Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and lawmakers agreed to a budget plan that closed a deficit of more than $24 billion largely with deep spending cuts to respond to plunging revenues amid the worst economic crisis to hit the most populous U.S. state since the Great Depression.” What do you think is going to happen in California? In the very near future thousands are going to lose their jobs, more businesses are going to fold because taxes are going to rise. You think you are having trouble finding jobs now wait to you see what next year brings! These events are leading America down the road to her decline. Once her economy has reached to a depression stage all hell is going to break out around the world. Get ready, because the last days power shift that the Prophet Daniel wrote is already under way.
Watch video that will show you how the Collapse may come.
Prophecy Sign: What if you were to tell someone that Jerusalem would be the center of the world’s troubles in the very near future. What if you told someone that the next war that breaks out in the Middle East is going to be in part because of this city. Do you think they might listen to you? If they said you are crazy what do you think they would say if you said you can show them that you didn’t say these things but that Jesus Christ said them. It has been my experience that people I say these things to want to see the proof. So here it is. Zechariah 12:3 and 12:9 tells us that the nations of the world will not only burden themselves over the city of Jerusalem but they will try to destroy it. Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:3 tells us that when they shall say Peace and safety sudden destruction will come. Everything that is happening in the Middle East is now connected to Bible prophecy. Let me give you two other prophecies concerning Jerusalem, and then I will connect the dots for you. I quote, “All the land shall be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem: and it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place, from Benjamin's gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananeel unto the king's winepresses. And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited” Zechariah 14: 10-11. Isaiah 44:26 says, “That confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth the counsel of his messengers; that saith to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be inhabited; and to the cities of Judah, Ye shall be built, and I will raise up the decayed places thereof”.
Many of you may not know this but since Israel became a nation again for the second time at the hand of God, they began to rebuild the cites in Israel and that includes Jerusalem. The prophecy concerning the Jews returning to Israel and rebuilding their cities in Israel has already been fulfilled and they are still building those cities today. Fact is, it is the construction of these cities in Jerusalem that may bring on the next war. Paul told us Israel would be calling for peace and safety this is when the sudden destruction will come. The PLO has tried to get the UN to annex land for them so they can have a PLO state within Israel. So far this hasn’t worked. In yesterday’s news we can see how the next war is coming together. If the PLO goes through with their plans to declare statehood with or without the sanction of the UN what do you think Israel will do? I quote yesterday’s news. “November 17, 2009, (Pal Telegraph) - Israel has threatened to annex more land in the occupied West Bank, should Palestinians declare statehood without concluding a peace agreement.” Once Israel moves in to take more land away from the PLO you can count on another war. As I said, one of the main issues holding up the Middle East peace talks, or the (call for peace and safety as Paul stated), is Israel is building new home in what the PLO calls their land. What land would this be? Just look at the scriptures and you will know. It is Jerusalem. Many people following prophecy believe that it will be a combination of factors that is going to bring on the new war. I agree. Look at the lastest news. “JERUSALEM — Israel broke ground on a new housing complex for Jews in east Jerusalem on Wednesday, brushing off President Barack Obama's criticism that construction in the disputed part of the holy city undermines efforts to relaunch Mideast peace talks. The groundbreaking came a day after Israel defied American, European and Palestinian demands to stop settlement activity by announcing it will press forward with construction of 900 apartments in another Jewish area in east Jerusalem.” “The future of east Jerusalem is the most intractable issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The area includes Jerusalem's walled Old City — home to sensitive Jewish, Christian and Muslim holy sites. Israel annexed east Jerusalem immediately after the 1967 war and claims all of the city as its eternal capital. The annexation was never recognized by other countries.” If you read my updated version of my 2005 book you will read a report from 1996 telling us Netanyahu links peace to Palestinians offices. Back in 1996 when Netanyahu was Prime Minister he tossed the PLO out of Jerusalem and stated he will never give up Jerusalem. Now once again Netanyahu is back in office and is not only telling the world he will never give up the holy city of Jerusalem, but that no one can tell him he can not build on his own land. For years I have been warning people that the sudden destruction coming as a result of the failed peace talks will have taken place because the Arabs will have gotten sick and tired of waiting for Israel to agree in giving them back Jerusalem. Netanyahu is building 900 apartments. This is sending a signal to the PLO that they are not going to heed to any demands from the U.S. or the PLO. Soon the news is going to be covered with reports on the war which just broke out because the peace talks have hit a brick wall. –
God said Israel would become a nation again and that happened. God said Israel would build their cities again and that happened and is still happening. God said the His holy city of Jerusalem would be a burdensome stone to all the nations and that has happened. God warned when Israel is calling for peace and safety sudden destruction will come. The call for peace and safety is hear and you better get ready for the second part of this prophecy to be fulfilled because you are going to witness it very soon. In Psalms 83 God said war was coming against Israel and we are seeing the events leading up to this war.
Syria is one of the nations God told us was going to attack Israel. Back in 2007 when Israel found out Syria was building a nuclear plant Israel warned them to stop building it or else. Syria didn’t listen and as a result Israel bombed that plant and wiped it out. This caused international tensions to heat up. I am telling you this because we see a prophecy in Isaiah 17:1 that tells us Syria is going to be wiped out. I quote, “The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.” We know for sure Israel will be engaged in another war with Syria because of what it says in Psalms 83 but many are asking what would cause Syria to be leveled? I think the answer is in this news report. “The International Atomic Energy Agency and Syria are walking a tightrope and appear to be headed toward a collision over two nuclear sites where undeclared uranium was recently found. The agency found traces of uranium at the Dair Alzour nuclear site that are not included in Syria's declared inventory, according to a just released report. The Syrians said the uranium came from the Israeli missiles used to destroy the nearby al-Kibar reactor in September 2007. The presence of uranium particles was detected at a second site near Damascus -- the Miniature Neutron Source Reactor. Syria said it came from the accumulation of samples and reference materials used in neutron activation analysis. The IAEA is not buying either of the two explanations and is pressing Damascus for more answers and wants to know from where the uranium came. The agency has run its own tests and is certain the Syrian government is not telling the truth.” Israel is monitoring this situation as they did in 2007 and will no doubt take action against Syria. Keep in mind Iran and Syria have made a new alliance and Israel has also been warning Iran they will destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons program. If you know Israel’s past you know that when they say they will attack, they attack. If you are watching current events and prophecy, watch this situation because the tensions between Israel and Syria were just turned up a few hundred degrees. As you can see from these current events there are several reasons why the Psalms 83 war will begin soon.
I think you need to read what God said was going to happen in Psalms 83:4 "Come," they say, "let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more." ( In an interview published Thursday in the London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat, a Hamas spokesman said that the jihadist movement is loyal to "Palestinian principles" in its policy of terrorism against the Jews until Israel ceases to exist. Palestinian Authority Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas claimed earlier this month that Hamas had agreed to the establishment of a Palestinian state within temporary borders.” What God warned us they would say is actually what the Hamas is saying today. Is the prophecy picture getting clearer yet?
All of you who have been coming to my site now I have warned you over a year ago that more rockets where going to be launched at Israel from the Gaza. I warned you that the PLO and their factions such as the Hamas would keep sending these rockets into Israel until there was another war. In the news again today we saw more of the same. I quote, “Israeli aircraft have struck an alleged weapons factory and two suspected smuggling tunnels in the Gaza Strip. Palestinian officials reported no casualties, but Reuters news agency said three people had been injured in the attack. The airstrike, in the Khan Younis area of the Gaza Strip, followed the launch of a rocket from Gaza into the western Negev desert on Wednesday morning.”
Prophecy Sign: After the Apostles asked Jesus what would be the signs of his coming again, Christ gave them a list of things to watch for. One of those things was the sign of famine and hunger as pointed out in Matthew 24:7, and can also be found in Revelation 7: 15-17. In chapter 5 of my free prophecy book I provide you with a detailed list of news showing you the sign of famine is getting worse by the year. Here is another example of this type of news. “The north eastern corner of Africa is again witnessing shocking scenes of deprivation. The Horn of Africa, from Sudan through Kenya and Ethiopia to Somalia regularly suffers from prolonged and devastating food shortages and this is one of the worst for many years. Preventing repeats of this suffering depends as much on the politics of the region as on aid and development. ACCORDING TO THE WORLD FOOD Programme, around twenty million people in the Horn of Africa need food aid. Indeed the numbers are so great it is hard to take anything tangible and human from the statistics. Some commentators dispute these numbers; they say they have been subject to 'misery inflation' and hyped to help raise funds for relief agencies and non-governmental organizations.” What is going on in the horn of Africa nations is what Jesus warned us about. I quote, “Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat” (Rev. 7:15-16). In verses 15-16 Jesus is talking about the people who have come out of the tribulation and had faced these conditions. Now read another section of the same report. “Climate is the most obvious and immediate cause. The dry areas of the Horn and East Africa are climatically unreliable and prone to long periods of drought.” What the world is witnessing now is only a sample of things to come. Things are going to get much worse. We know this because in Mark 13:8 Jesus warning the last days events would take place as birth pains. When will these birth pain stop? They will stop when Jesus Christ King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s returns to take His seat in Jerusalem. If you want to come back with Christ and see this happen, receive Him today as your Savior.
Jesus also told the Apostles about natural disasters such as great earthquakes, huge storms, and disease. All these things are also taking place at the same time as all the other signs are happening. I quote, “Climate change, ongoing natural disasters, food price hikes, the economic meltdown, AIDS – all these things have rightly grabbed global attention but they have also distracted the world from the stark reality that every year nine million children die before reaching their fifth birthday – nearly four million of them in the Asia Pacific – from largely preventable causes. Everyday, this silent emergency claims the lives of 24,000 under-fives – one every 3.5 seconds. The vast majority – some 40 percent die from complications and infections in the first 28 days of life, another 40 percent die from mass killers, pneumonia or diarrhea, while malaria steals the lives of almost one in 10.” Matthew 24:7 covers most of these signs and in Revelation 6:6 we see the prices of food have gone sky high. “Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!" If you plan on rejecting Jesus salvation get ready to work all day all for a very small meal. By the way, that is one small meal only for one person. I ask you now, I plead with you, please allow yourself to escape all these things that are coming to pass. The only way to do that is to have the Lamb Blood of Christ covering you. What you that blinded by Satan to still say not to the one who loves you? I pray not.
Who would have ever figured the Americans would begin to go hungry but this is the case as you will see in this report entitled, More Americans Than Ever Experiencing Food Insecurity”. I quote, “With world leaders meeting in Rome to discuss ways to tackle global hunger, a new report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture finds more Americans than ever before are experiencing food insecurity. The USDA report estimates that 49 million Americans had trouble getting enough to eat in 2008. That's the largest figure since the annual survey of food security began in 1995. It represents nearly one in seven U.S. households, and it's a sharp increase from 2007, before the global recession began, when about one in 10 households were food-insecure.” When these last days birth pains begin to get worse all the nations will begin to go hungry and yes, that does include America. How much proof is it going to take to prove to you Jesus knows what He is taking about?
It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.
Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in your word that I must be born again in order to have eternal life. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.