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I invite you all to download my Prophecy documentary entitled, “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” This is the Dec. 15, 2009 Edition, and it is a free book. The file may take about 20-30 seconds to appear, depending on the speed of your computer.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December, 15 2009 Edit…
My radio/video show is up at: the link below. My next show will starting running this Friday Feb. 26, 2010 at 6PM EST. I will also have a special show March 3, 2010 where I give an up-date on the Psalms 83 war and the call to Peace and safety. That show will also run at 6PM EST.
Prophecy Sign: In my post yesterday I warned you bigger quakes were coming. One day later Japan had a 7.0 quake. I quote, “A 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Japan, according to the USGS, prompting tsunami warnings. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, tsunami warnings were immediately put into effect and waves are expected imminently for the Okinawa, Anami, and Tokara islands of Japan. The Okinawa seashore is also being evacuated and a 2-meter tsunami was predicted. The Japan earthquake was felt in the Ryukyu Islands and took place 50 miles east of Naha, Okinawa, Japan. The USGS calculated the quake at approximately 13.7 miles deep.” If Jesus asked us to look for great quakes in Luke 21:11 and many quakes in Matthew 24:7 why do you have any doubts that these things will happen?
MAP | 7.0 | 2010/02/26 20:31:26 | 25.965 | 128.443 | 22.0 | RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN |
MAP | 5.1 | 2010/02/26 16:18:57 | 5.842 | 125.792 | 53.7 | MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES |
MAP | 5.7 | 2010/02/26 08:37:03 | 6.394 | 126.805 | 117.3 | MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES |
MAP | 5.4 | 2010/02/26 04:42:30 | 28.432 | 86.769 | 10.0 | WESTERN XIZANG |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/02/26 04:41:29 | 0.892 | 123.194 | 66.6 | MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/02/26 01:07:58 | 23.782 | 122.839 | 34.7 | TAIWAN REGION |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/02/26 00:11:53 | -55.908 | -5.481 | 15.0 |
Prophecy Sign: Chapters 2 and 7 tells us the last world empire will be a revived Roman Empire. This empire will be made up of nations that used to be in the old Roman Empire. As you know, I hope, America was never in the old Roman Empire, and she will not be a major player in the last days prophecies. Fact is, when God gave Daniel the out line of the
future world empires, God said nothing about the USA at all! Those who study Bible prophecy believe the reason why the United States isn’t even one sentence is because she will have fallen away as any kind of power in the last days and therefore was not mentioned. Daniel was never shown how America would fall away, but we in this last generation can see how that is coming about. There is no question at the present time when we see all the signs Jesus told us to watch for, that we are seeing the decline of America. I know what is happening to what was once the most powerful nation in the world is taking place to help set up the last world empire or the revived Roman Empire. If you are new to my site, down load my free book and read chapter two. That chapter gives you complete details on who the revived Roman Empire is. All I want you to understand here at this post is, the last world empire God showed Daniel is already standing and it is only a matter of time before this empire begins its seven year reign with the Antichrist.
One of the ways we see America falling apart is via her economic crisis. Yesterday I showed you that another 496,000 Americans lost their jobs in February. I told you more will lose there jobs and today we see at least 23,000 more jobs will be cut. I quote, “The local economic forecast tied to President Barack Obama’s proposed NASA budget keeps growing bleaker. Revised projections now show that about 23,000 workers at and around Kennedy Space Center will lose their jobs because of the shuttles' retirement and the new proposal to cancel the development of new rockets and spacecraft. That sum includes 9,000 "direct" space jobs and -- conservatively speaking -- 14,000 "indirect" jobs at hotels, restaurants, retail stores and others that depend on activity at the space center, said Lisa Rice, Brevard Workforce president.” Get ready to see another 23,000 being taken off the tax base. If you don’t mind reading, stay with me and you will see how the reduction in the US tax base is helping America decline in power.
First I want to quote from a section of a report by CBS News. “On April 15, don't be surprised if the line at your local post office is a bit shorter than usual. That's because your neighbors may not be paying any income taxes this year. An astonishing 43.4 percent of Americans now pay zero or negative federal income taxes. The number of single or jointly-filing "taxpayers" - the word must be applied sparingly - who pay no taxes or receive government handouts has reached 65.6 million, out of a total of 151 million. Those numbers come from an analysis published yesterday by the Tax Policy Center, a joint project of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution. Neither is a low-tax or conservative advocacy group; the Urban Institute was created under the Johnson administration during the Great Society era, and it receives most of its funding from the federal government. "You've got a larger and larger share of people paying less and less for the services provided by the federal government," says Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center. "The concern is that the majority can say, 'Let's have more benefits, spend more,' if they're not paying for it. It's 'free.' That's not a good thing to have." If you have this many people not paying taxes that simple means the US Government doesn’t have enough money to flip the bills any longer. Now let us add in the number of people who have lost jobs.
Did you know 15 million Americans have lost their jobs? “15 million people officially jobless + 6.3 million Americans unemployed for six months or longer”. “I have been critical of our government because they have done a poor job running our country. I hope we vote all the incumbents out who voted for the 2 wars, the stimulus packages and bailouts. They keep telling us if it wasn’t for them things would be worse. The truth is if it wasn’t for them things wouldn’t be so bad now. The government has spent billions of dollars to supposedly get this economy going and get unemployment under control, but they failed to both ends. I don’t buy the reports that the economy is better or unemployment is dropping when they take actions to manipulate and distort the numbers by simply not counting people that should be included. Everyday that I step out, I see more homeless people out on the streets. We have spent over a trillion dollars on supposedly stimulating the economy and creating jobs, yet I don’t see any of that productivity on main street or the real world where average people live. NY Times: Warm, outgoing and prone to the positive, Ms. Eisen has worked much of her life. Now, she is one of 6.3 million Americans who have been unemployed for six months or longer, the largest number since the government began keeping track in 1948. That is more than double the toll in the next-worst period, in the early 1980s.” The Washington Examiner reported the following: “For another, the jobless rate is still 9.7 percent - lower than the previous 10 percent, but still nothing to cheer about. And the figures do not include 5.7 million laid-off workers who have used up all their state unemployment benefits and are now receiving extended benefits paid for by the federal government. The extended benefits will expire in March unless Congress intervenes again. In January a record 6.3 million American workers had been jobless for more than 27 weeks, representing almost half of the unemployed.”
You don’t have to be an expert in math to figure out what happens when you remove 15 million people out the job market. You have a trickle down fact to the government where money stops flowing into the coffer. This is what is happening to the US Government and America is showing signs of a coming depression. When you have 15 million people out of work, you have 15 million people spending less money to stimulate the economy. As more people lose their jobs the less businesses make. The less money American businesses make the more lay off you see. Now let me remind you what Jesus said in part of Matthew 24:7. There are several signs in this verse. One of those signs is the sign that kingdom will be against kingdom. This is a picture of civil unrest! What do you think is going to happen when 15 million American stay out of work and are taken off the Government handouts? When America collapses you will witness this civil unrest like you have never seen before. I hear people talking about the social safety net, and you need to understand what is happening with this issue.
This NY Times article gives you information on this social safety net. “Even as the American economy shows tentative signs of a rebound, the human toll of the recession continues to mount, with millions of Americans remaining out of work, out of savings and nearing the end of their unemployment benefits. Economists fear that the nascent recovery will leave more people behind than in past recessions, failing to create jobs in sufficient numbers to absorb the record-setting ranks of the long-term unemployed. Call them the new poor: people long accustomed to the comforts of middle-class life who are now relying on public assistance for the first time in their lives — potentially for years to come. Yet the social safety net is already showing severe strains. Roughly 2.7 million jobless people will lose their unemployment check before the end of April unless Congress approves the Obama administration’s proposal to extend the payments, according to the Labor Department.” Here is the problem. America doesn’t have the funds to keep these programs going. When the money stops getting into the hands of millions of the unemployed, you will see some major problems rise. These are part of the last days birth pains. This is a real problem and just this morning I received an email telling me they were going to be taken off the list for unemployment benefits. America if you can not put your people back to work do not expect any job recovery! I don’t care what Washington tells you, there will be no economic recovery if Americans do reenter the labor force!
Yahoo New had a report that deals with this issue. “How do fish get caught? They open their mouth. How do investors get ensnared or misled? They believe in non-existent phenomenons like a 'jobless recovery.' Surprising as it is, for nearly a year, investors have shrugged off mounting jobless claims and rising unemployment as an ingredient that is not really required for an economic recovery. Yesterday's (2-4-10) announcement by the Department of Labor that claims for unemployment benefits rose by 8,000 to 480,000 sent stocks spiraling. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI: ^DJI), S&P 500 (SNP: ^GSPC), and Nasdaq Composite (Nasdaq: ^IXIC) lost about 3% each, marking the first time in months that concerns over unemployment were raising suspicion. Does that mean that the trend of the 'new bull market' in stocks has changed? Or are we in for further declines? The real numbers Today's headline numbers report was that the unemployment numbers, 'surprisingly fell to a five-month low of 9.7%,' according to today's government report. In reality, unemployment spiked to an all-time high of 18%. Yes, 18%! This is the official number reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).”
Now can you all see why America is not mentioned in the Book of Daniel? Those of you coming to my site have read my warning about America declining. Did I not tell you, you would hear more news about this decline? Today’s news proves what I warned you has come to pass. I quote, “WASHINGTON, Feb 25 (Reuters) - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday said "outrageous" advice from former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan helped create record U.S. budget deficits that put national security at risk. Appearing before congressional panels to defend the State Department's $52.8 billion budget request for 2011, Clinton said the massive U.S. foreign debt had sapped U.S. strength around the world.” I want to warn you again, when America is out of money and the dollar is devalued the world is going to look for a new world economic system and a new currency to take the place of the dollar. What is happening to America is leading this world to the doorway of the reign of the Antichrist. Always keep this in mind if you haven’t asked Jesus to be your savior yet. You will see a new One World economic system being born shortly and when you see it, you will also see the Antichrist. If you see the Antichrist it is because you missed the rapture of the Lord’s Church. God help any of you who don’t believe in Christ’s signs of the times! The Reuters reported Clinton also stated, “"We have to address this deficit and the debt of the United States as a matter of national security not only as a matter of economics," Clinton said. "I do not like to be in a position where the United States is a debtor nation to the extent that we are.” Having to rely on foreign creditors hit "our ability to protect our security, to manage difficult problems and to show the leadership that we deserve," she said. "The moment of reckoning cannot be put off forever," she said. "I really honestly wish I could turn the clock back." I pray to God you really understand what Clinton is referring to when she is speaking about the moment of reckoning? It is a bankrupt America!
Prophecy Sign: More signs of the coming Psalms 83 war. I must repeat myself for anyone new to my site. Psalm 83 tells us the Ishmaelites, Edom, Ammon, Amalek, Hagarenes, Gebal, and the Philistines will attack Israel. Who are these nations as described as Old Testament territories? In our modern times, these are the nations of Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Palestinians, and Syria. Psalm 83: 4 tells us what these nations do when they come together to make a plan concerning Israel. I quote, "Come," they say, "let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more." In short, the Psalm 83 warns us these nations will come together to council against Israel, and in coming together they will say will wipe Israel out of existence.
Today, there was more proof for you that the very nations God warned us about are in fact coming together against Israel. “Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hizbullah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah met Thursday evening in Damascus along with their senior advisors, and discussed regional developments and “the zionist threat,” it was revealed Friday. The two were the guests of Syrian President Bashar Assad, who had dinner with the two and participated in the talks. According to Arab media reports, the meeting was not reported upon until after it had taken place for security reasons. On Thursday Ahmadinejad and Assad together unleashed vicious rhetoric against Israel, with Ahmadinejad declaring that the “criminal” state of Israel is doomed, and Assad charging that Israel “is capable of aggression at any point.” “The time has come to tell the truth,” Peres said at a memorial service for Joseph Trumpledor in Tel Hai. “The problem in the Middle East is not the Palestinian problem, which will be solved in a peace process with Israel. The central problem in the Middle East is Iran’s attempt to take control of the Arab Middle East, which is why it is building an atomic bomb, and why it is supporting and developing terror organizations like Hizbullah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza,” Peres said.”
Now I have a question for you? Do you think a meeting like this is a coincidence? Keep in mind, Damascus is mentioned in this report and Psalm 83 warns us about Syria joining forces with who? Lebanon, which is mentioned in the report, Hizbullah and Hamas are sects of the Palestinians who live in the Gaza which are also mentioned in that Psalm. By the way, if you are new to my site, both of these Palestinians sects have forces in Syria, Lebanon, and in the Gaza. This is not the first meeting all of these nations have come together. I can’t tell you if this is the meeting which we are warned about in Psalm 83. This could be the meeting or maybe they already had it and this is a follow up to that meeting because tension between all of these nations and Israel are at there highest in a long time? All I know for sure is God’s warning is coming to pass and soon we will see the final outcome of the meetings. By the way, there is one more thing. The report above also spoke about the Peace and safety issue. Paul warned sudden destruction would come at a time when they are calling for Peace and safety. Everything is coming together at once and if you think this is also a coincidence I don’t know what I could do to get you out of the dark?
In my post yesterday I pointed out the Psalm 83 war will be a religious war because the Arabs want to control East Jerusalem and made it the PLO Capital. The holy sites in Israel are raising tensions between Israel and the Arabs. These tensions can be seen from reading this news. “Syria's Permanent Delegate to the Arab League Ambassador Youssef Ahmad warned against the Israeli campaign posing unprecedented threats to al-Aqsa Mosque. Heading an Arab League Council meeting in Cairo on Thursday, Ahmad discussed with Arab Delegates means to confront Israel's latest schemes to put Jerusalem under its control and efface its Arabic identity. In a report submitted to the Council's meeting, Head of the Palestinian delegation Othman Abu Gharbieh said Israel's clear-cut policy aims at reducing the percentage of Arab population in Jerusalem to less than 12 percent.” Get ready people the Peace talks will not give the Arabs Jerusalem and they are coming to try and take it by force! I understand if you are an Arab you will take offence to this news, but I am only pointing out what God has said in His Word. Do you want to know who the real Messiah of the world is? Watch and see if what He stated in Psalm 83 takes place. When you see what God warned you come to pass, you would be a fool not to get on your knees before the true Messiah, Jesus Christ.
In my post yesterday I showed you how the some of the Arab nations are preparing for war with Israel. Today we see news how Israel is getting ready for the next war. “The IDF announced on Thursday the completion of a major General Staff Headquarters exercise that drilled regional commands, branches and functional directorates in the North and along the border with Gaza. “The exercise simulated various scenarios, in which soldiers and officers in regular service and the reserves tested their operational preparedness,” the army said in a statement. Management of joint combat methods and cooperation between the air, ground and naval forces were tested under a range of scenarios, the army said. “Multi-arena combat management was also tested, with the support of logistics, intelligence, communications and home front coordination, as was communication between the IDF and the government.” What breaks my heart is the fact that all these signs are in our face and hardly anyone even knows what these signs mean, and that goes for the majority of the Christians. I blame this partly on Pastors across the world who do not keep their Churches informed or on the watch as Jesus instructed us to be. I have found out that many pastors won’t and don’t teach prophecy because it scares people, and as a result their flocks are hung out to dry! The day is coming when these pastors will have wished they did what Christ asked them to do, and that is to teach the entire world of God which includes prophecy and hell. There are so many churches around the world who have watered down the gospel to please their flock, that It makes me want to through up. World events points to every prophecy Jesus warned about coming to pass in our generation and the people need to know it! Will you help me get this message out if your pastor refuses to warn his flock? Don’t you think it is time for you to take a stand for Christ? Why not ask your pastor why he doesn’t keep your church up-to date with the signs of the times. Point out that Jesus said over and over to keep on the watch! Are you afraid to speak the truth or to ask questions why the Chruch has become so alseep concerning these last day events? Chirst is looking for the faithful ones will stand up and say, “that’s it I had enough of playing Chrisitan, it is time I take a stand for what Christ has ordered. What did He order us? Did He not say, pick up your cross and follow me? He did not say pick up your cross and only follow the things that make you feel good. What is the good news anyway? Beside the gift of salvation Is it not that Jesus is coming back for those who are saved in Christ? If you don’t know the signs of His return how in the world are you going to be ready? Someone has to take the lead to sake up the Church. Sometimes I want to grap it by the shoulders and shake it until it wakes up from the coma Satan has apparently put it in. Wake up Church, it is time to get ready, it is time to go into the fields because the harvest is ready! Stop waiting for someone else to go for you. Jesus is asking you the same question He asked Peter. “ Do you love me? “ . I will also tell you what Christ told Peter. “ Go feed my sheep!”
Prophecy Sign: Tis a war that will take place once the Psalm 83 war is finished. That is the war in which the Prophet Ezekiel warns us about in Ezek. Chapter 38. I want to tie in news from today that may show you a reason why two nations mentioned in the Ezekiel prophecy would join in on the invasion of Israel. Ezekiel told us Turkey and Libya would be part of the attacking force against the tiny nation of Israel. In my newest up-dated book of “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth I have a new section that deals with the Psalm 83 war. If you read that new section when it comes out and chapter 10 you will see all the treaties and pacts these nations have made with one another. Today we see news on this subject. “Prime Minister Mohammad Naji Otri and Turkish Minister of State for Economic Affairs Zafer Caglayan on Wednesday discussed means of bolstering the standing cooperation between Syria and Turkey. The talks dealt with enhancing investment and economic cooperation, increasing the volume of trade exchange and strengthening business relations in the interest of the two countries.
-Minister of Finance Mohammad al-Hussein on Thursday called for increasing trade exchange with Libya through establishing a sea transport line and further supporting the Syrian-Libyan Businessmen Council. At a meeting of the Ministerial Committee of the 5th Syrian-Libyan Higher Committee session in Tripoli, al-Hussein said many agreements and memos of understanding on bilateral cooperation are being prepared to be signed at the upcoming Higher Committee meetings.
Here is what I see taking place in the very near future. Because Syria has all these agreements, friendships, military pacts, and economic pacts with Turkey and Libya, when they see Syria get wiped out by Israel during the Psalm 83 war they will join Russia and the other Muslims nations and go after Israel. The Middle East is so connected that one prophecy will lead to the other.
Prophecy Sign: There are so many signs being fulfilled now that we know our time left on this Earth is drawing to a close. If you are one of those people left behind you will be scared, confused, and upset, and you will need to know what to do and how to do it. This is not a joke! Jesus warned us that the same thing that took place during Noah's generation is going to take place again, and it was going to happen in this generation. Noah was told to tell the people to get ready to leave for safety in the ark because God was going to destroy the earth with a flood. No one listened to Noah and as a result everyone apart from Noah's family were killed. As the flood waters began to lift the ark off the ground, people tried to cling to the ark for safety, but it was to late for them. Now listen to the warning Jesus has given us again concerning the final days or our generation.
"For as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark. And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Matthew 24 37-39). This is a special warning. One of the signs of Noah’s generation was they had turned away from God’s teachings and as a result they turned to the lusts of the flesh. Noah’s generation turned to homosexuality. Jesus said the same things would have to this generation and they are. State after state is now either changing same sex laws or allowing marriages from other states. Homosexuality has become the norm as it was during Noah’s time. Today we are told, “Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler (D) declared Wednesday that Maryland will recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere and that its agencies should immediately begin affording gay married couples the same rights as heterosexual ones.” The closer we get to the beginning of the tribulation the worse our society will become. This is one of the signs of the birth pains.
It is my prayer that my work for Jesus has guided you to accept Christ as your Savior. If this is the case, you can begin your new walk by saying this prayer. Notice I said begins your walk. Once you make a commitment to Christ pour out your heart to Him and let Him help you grow in His ways. Seek out a Church where they teach the entire Bible, and join in the Lord’s fellowship. We are much to close to the Lord’s second coming to be a lukewarm Christian.
Heavenly Father, have mercy on me, a sinner. I believe in you and that you’re Word is true. I believe and accept Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God, and that he died on the cross so that I may now have forgiveness from my sins and have eternal life in the Name of my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that without you in my heart my life is meaningless and I am without hope and would be cast into hell. I believe in my heart that you, Lord God, raised Jesus from the dead, and Jesus is alive and waiting to come back for all who have abided in Him. Please, Jesus, forgive me, for every sin I have ever committed, past, present, and even future. Please, Lord Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today. I need you to be my Father and my Lord. I give you my life and ask you to take full control from this moment on. I do repent of all my sins, and I ask you Lord to help me become a good and faithful servant. I thank you for adding my name into your Book of Life. I know this is the first step in our new relationship, and I ask you now Jesus to teach me the way to live my life for you, and please help and guide me so I will abide in you from this day forward. I now ask you to direct me to a fellowship where I may begin to grow in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.