I want to inform everyone my newest up-dated edition of my book “The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth” is ready for you to download, or just read it at my post as you will. I know I have people waiting for a printed copy. I will be bringing the book in to get printed. Please bare with me your books are coming. I was busy getting this book ready so there will be no post from me today.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth March 5, 2010 Edition …
Prophecy Sign: Many of you who are new to my site may just be finding out for the first time that one man will be controlling the world’s economic system soon. This man is the Lord’s enemy and is called the Antichrist. Jesus tells us what this man is going to be able to do to people living in the tribulation period. Revelation 13:16-17 16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
In chapter one of my book I give you proof that our generation has developed new technologies that can be used by the Antichrist. The information you will learn about in the video below is what I see as footsteps leading to the fulfillment of this prophecy.
Prophecy Sign: Signs leading up to the Psalm 83 war. Almost every week news is released from the Middle East reporting on the amount of arms being transported into the hands of Israel’s enemies. If you read the 83 Psalm you would come to find out that the nations getting these arms are the exact same nations listed to attack Israel. Here is today’s news on what I call, “The Psalm 83 Watch”.
“US defense secretary Robert Gates said Tuesday night, April 27: "Hizballah has far more rockets and missile than most governments in the world." “Gates went on to accuse Syria and Iran of "providing Hizballah with rockets of ever-increasing capability," adding, "This is obviously destabilizing for the whole region and we're watching it very carefully.”
“Unlike the United States, Israel has a ringside seat for watching the rockets and missiles pile up just across its 70-kilometer long border with Lebanon. Gates' comment - and even more Barak's assurance - gave Syria and the Hizballah space to carry on building a mighty arsenal, which is aimed at only one country, Israel. Barak as defense minister, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Israel's security chiefs need to explain how Hizballah was allowed in the four years since the 2006 war to pile up tens of thousands of rockets and missiles, which in volume and sophistication have already overtaken the weaponry that battered northern Israel then and which have extended their reach to all parts of Israel. "Careful watch" - without corresponding action to interrupt the massive flow of weapons shipments constantly smuggled in from Syria to Hizballah - is a repeat of the misplaced self-restraint which invited the Hizballah to launch the last Lebanon conflict in the summer of 2006. Dragging Israeli and its homeland into war in the summer of 2010 would serve the political and military interests of Iran, Syria and Hizballah well. It would generate a Middle East crisis overwhelming enough to focus international efforts on calming the situation, so distracting the world's attention Iran's arrival at the critical stages of its nuclear bomb program and its drive for sanctions against the Islamic Republic.”
Many times I have to repeat myself for the new people who have just discovered my site, so please forgive me. This is what we know from Bible prophecy. Christ told us we would see the last day’s birth pains. The 2006 war against Lebanon was one of these birth pains. Since Psalm 83 tells us of another future attack against Israel, and who will be involved in this war, all you have to do is look for the signs. Syria, the Hizballah, and Lebanon are all listed in this battle and they are all getting ready to do battle with Israel. Will this war break out in this summer as did the 2006 war? Tensions are rising but we will have to wait and see what happens. One thing I do know. Jesus said keep on the watch, so whenever this war breaks out, we who have been faithful an on guard with Christ will not be surprised when the first shot is heard bringing on the Psalm 83 war.
Here is more news reporting on the arming of Israel’s enemies. “Hezbollah has shot back at US accusations it was stockpiling sophisticated weapons and vowed to continue to build its artillery, in comments published on Wednesday. "Our choice was and remains to secure all the arms of resistance that we can," Hezbollah MP Hassan Fadlallah told the Arabic-language newspaper As-Safir, which is close to the Shiite militant group. The daily ran a front-page headline that read "Washington and Tel Aviv push missile hoax to brink of war" and quoted Fadlallah as saying Hezbollah's arms did not compare to the "armament" and "crimes" of the United States and its ally Israel.”
“RAMALLAH — Israeli special forces killed a senior member of Hamas's Izzedin Kassam military wing in an operation near the southern West Bank city of Hebron. On April 26, Ali Sweti, wanted by Israel since 2002, was killed in a shootout at the home of his relative in Beit Awa.” “The killing of Sweti took place amid a reported Hamas weapons buildup in the West Bank. Palestinian sources said the Palestinian Authority captured a huge Hamas weapons cache near the northern West Bank city of Nablus.” The killing of Ali Sweti is only going to raise tensions already brewing between Israel and Hamas, so you can expect Hamas to make some type of move against Israel for this killing.
Prophecy Sign: As you know there are two major signs of the last days, which I cover as much as I can. One sign is the one recorded in I Thessalonians 5:3, which is Paul’s warning about the call for Peace and safety, and the the other is found in Zechariah 12:3. This prophecy speaks to us about the burden of nations over the city of Jerusalem.
For the past 3 days now George Mitchell has been in Israel pushing Israel to move forward on the stalled peace talks. Of course Jerusalem is major issue surronding the talks, and Mitchell under Obama’s orders is pushing for a construction freeze in East Jerusalem. This news reports shows us two things. First is Paul’s warning about the call for Peace and safety, and second, Jerusalem burden has come to pass. I quote, “Nir Barkat once again rejected demands for a freeze on Jewish construction in east Jerusalem, with the capital’s mayor describing the US stance on the issue as a "slap in the face." “No, absolutely not,” said Barkat Tuesday night when asked about US President Barack Obama’s demand for a building freeze. Speaking to reporters in Washington, Barkat also denied reports of a de facto freeze in east Jerusalem, saying they were “simply not true."
From time to time I receive emails asking me what do I think will kick off the Psalm 83 war? I am confident that the issue of Jerusalem will be the key to why the Arabs attack Israel. I believe that the peace talks which are now stalled won’t give the Arabs what they are really after and that is control of East Jerusalem. Actually this is a no brainer since Zechariah already informed us that all the nations would come against Israel over Jerusalem. Paul said sudden destruction would come when we heard this call for Peace and safety and I think we are just about at that point now. This is what I am keeping on the watch for.
Prophecy Sign: Mark 13:8, Matthew 24:7, and Luke 21:11 warn us about famines. In Revelation 6:6 we see the hardships on people because of the lack of food, and in Revelation we see the people affected by the heat, lack of water, and famines. This is what Revelation states. “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him…Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done” (Revelation 16:8-11). “Therefore are they before the throne of God; and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat” (Revelation 7:15-16).
Since I mentioned the birth pains let us take a look at the famine birth pain taking place in Africa. “Niger is threatened with total crop failure in some areas and the situation is worse than the 2005 crisis, the UN humanitarian chief has told the BBC.” “Drought has prevented millet plants from forming grains” Niger isn’t the only area where famine is being reported. “About 150,000 people are suffering from severe hunger in Mauritania, and the number could rise in as the country faces critical food shortages in the coming months, a top aid official has warned. Mauritania is the latest country in West Africa's Sahel region at risk of a food crisis after erratic rains affected production. At least 10 million people are threatened by food shortages in Niger and Chad.”
“Millions of Yemenis are starving while the international community focuses on security issues and tackling al-Qaida, according to the United Nations. Vital deliveries of food deliveries and assistance is being cut because of a near-total absence of funding. Nearly one in three Yemenis, more than 7 million people, struggles daily to find enough food to live a healthy and productive life, leading to rates of malnutrition that are the third highest in the world, the UN said. A survey by its World Food Programme (WFP) estimates that, of those going hungry each day, 2.7 million are classified as "severely food insecure", meaning they spend one third of their income on bread. The massive humanitarian intervention in Haiti has also had a direct negative impact on relief aid to Yemen, even as rising food prices, falling fuel revenues, and cuts to remittance flows due to the financial crisis have increased poverty here by nearly 25% since 2006, wiping out decades of development.” Are we witnessing famines, droughts, and food prices climbing as warned by Christ? You would have to be blind not to see what is happening. Remember one or two of these last days prophecy signs wouldn’t cause us to raise the red flag, but for the first time in the history of man all of these last day signs are taking place in one generation, and this is exactly what Jesus said was going to happen in Matthew 24 32-40.
“Stateless refugees from Burma face death from starvation and disease in makeshift camps because the government of Bangladesh denies them access to humanitarian aid, warns a team of health researchers from Physicians for Human Rights who just returned from the region.”
Update time = Wed Apr 28 20:17:05 UTC 2010
MAG | UTC DATE-TIME y/m/d h:m:s |
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LON deg |
DEPTH km |
Region | |
MAP | 5.5 | 2010/04/28 18:01:21 | 19.375 | 93.183 | 35.1 | MYANMAR |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/04/28 14:05:07 | -7.316 | 128.672 | 143.0 | KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA |
MAP | 5.0 | 2010/04/28 00:46:30 | 10.840 | -84.985 | 210.3 | COSTA RICA |