Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. Do you want to know what is going to happen in the future before it actually takes place? The Word of God provides you with specific details about our future and all of these things are coming to pass in this generation. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 29, 2010 Edition By Frank DiMora
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth August 17, 2012 Edition written by Frank DiMora
If the Lord leads you to bless this ministry contact me at: Frank DiMora P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
Prophecy Sign: 1 Timothy 4:1 states the following: “The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.” It is a fact that many who are not grounded in the Word of God are now being mislead by false prophets and false teachers who are providing hype, but no real spirit from the Lord Jesus Christ. Watch the video below and you will understand what Jesus warned Timothy about.
On June 25, 2010 I put up the video you see below. We have heard warnings that U.S. troops will soon force an evacuation of the Gulf States. Watch the video below and then watch the new videos under it. I told you last week once the oil hits inland and contaminates the land that is the time the troops will no doubt have to move the people. The second video is showing how oil is found in the rain. If you live in the rain of this rain or know someone who does, and they can verify this claim, please tell them to e-mail. I would like to speak with them and get any footage they may have on this disaster.
Do you remember a few days ago when I wrote to you about God's curse found in Genesis chapter 12 verse two? I showed you that every time the United States sits down with world leaders who were trying to divide Israel soon after the United States is faced with a disaster. In the second video you are going to watch is a video that says it's actually raining oil. This is the reason why I'm asking if anyone lives in the area that it's raining or close to that area, or has family members who can verify for a fact that it is really oil, please contact me at [email protected]. There is no use of alarming anyone unless this can be validated. Below is another report on the same issue.
I quote, “There is a video circulating among the media and internet showing oil in rain in River Ridge, Louisiana. There is much controversy about this video. Many speculate that it is because of the dispersant used to help clean up the oil in the Gulf. Larry McKinney, who directs the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies stated, ""What happens when dispersant mixes with oil is it allows microbial action to work faster and it becomes more volatile in ultraviolet [sun] light." Also, he added, it's extraordinarily hot out there n the gulf now, so evaporation may be occurring a little faster." (2010, Popular Mechanics). However, the debate rages whether or not that was oil in the rain. Some say that it is just rain falling on an oily street. Many have speculated that it was just oil residue left from cars on the street; however, the video shot from the next day clearly shows the oil residue on the street. Therefore, it is just a matter of wait and see to see if there is any effects, such as dying grass, from the supposed toxic rain.”
I want to get back to God's curse found in Genesis chapter 12 verse two. Yesterday June 29, 2010 Barack Obama sat down with the Saudis to discuss splitting the land of Israel into two states, and then today it's training in the Gulf ,and supposedly it's an toxic oil rain. If it turns out that it is really raining oil, there would be no doubt that the curse pattern we have been seeing on America continues. I suppose you will have to wait for a few more days before this report will be found to be true or false. If it is oil for sure, we will soon be witnessing the troops moving in to the area to begin moving people away from their homes because the oil will be toxic.
President Barack Obama (R) meets with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington June 29, 2010.
After watch this video, what Jesus warned us in Luke 21:25 came to mind. This is the scripture where Jesus said there would be signs from the roaring seas and waves.
Well, boys and girls, today the fox is guarding the hen house. The wolves
will be herding the sheep!Obama appointed two devout Muslims to home land security posts. Doesn't
this make you feel safer already?
Obama and Janet Napolitano appointed Arif Alikhan, a devout Muslim, as
Assistant Secretary for Policy Development. DHS Secretary Janet
Napolitano swore-in Kareem Shora, a devout Muslim, who was born in
Damascus , Syria , as ADC National Executive Director as a member of the
Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).
NOTE: Has anyone ever heard a new government official being identified
as a devout Christian, devout Catholic, a devout Jew or a devout Protestant....?
No? Me either. Just wondering. Devout Muslims being appointed to critical Homeland Security positions? Doesn't this make you feel safer already?? That should make our home
land much safer, huh!!
Was it not "Devout Muslim men" that flew planes into U.S. buildings 8
years ago? Was it not a Devout Muslim who killed 13 at Fort Hood ?
Checked this on its TRUE! See