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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
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Prophecy Sign: Many of you may not realize what is happening in Egypt could be playing a major role in what is to happen in the near future concerning the war we see in Psalm 83. As you will see from the reports below many of the nations who are listed to come against Israel are in the process of changing. If you didn’t know, Egypt is named as one of the nations who will be attacking Israel, and this nation is not only fulfilling Matthew 24:7 where Christ warned we would see civil unrest, (kingdom against kingdom), but a change in the government could cause a swing forming an unfriendly government toward Israel, and Israel is concerned about it. “JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel's prime minister said Sunday that his government is "anxiously monitoring" the political unrest in Egypt, his first comment on the crisis threatening a regime that has been one of Israel's key allies for more than 30 years.”
One of the worse things that could happen is if the present government where to swing towards what is known as the “Muslim Brotherhood”. However, so far that is the direction this swing appears to be heading. In addressing the Muslim Brotherhood a CNN report today stated the following: “Few images have been more powerful than those of demonstrators dropping to the ground to pray in the face of security forces. And while some have been inspired by the role of religious faith in the protests, there are definite worries that the banned Muslim Brotherhood is waiting in the wings, hoping for a chance to take over. "You don't just have a government and a movement for democracy," former British Prime Minister Tony Blair cautioned on Monday. "You also have others, notably the Muslim Brotherhood, who would take this in a different direction. We need to be anxious to meet the aspirations of the people, but do it in a way that produces something better." Former Israeli diplomat Eli Avidar argues that elections put the militant Islamist Hamas movement in power in Gaza. "President (George W.) Bush and (Secretary of State) Condi Rice pressured the State of Israel to allow democratic elections in the Palestinian Authority and what happened was that Hamas took over and these were the first and last democratic elections," he said. The Muslim Brotherhood could do the same thing in Egypt, he fears.”
My Way News also gives us information which addresses Israel’s concerns about Egypt. “Israel's primary concern is that the uprising could be commandeered by Egypt's strongest opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, and its allies, who would presumably move Egypt away from its alignment with the West and possibly cancel the peace agreement with Israel.
"Israel has an interest in Egypt being democratic, but through a process that promises sustainability," said Dan Shueftan, director of the National Security Studies Center at Haifa University. "If you have a process that starts with a desire for democracy but then sees radicals take over, then the result at the end of the process is worse than what you had at the beginning."
The benefits to Israel of peace with Egypt have been significant.
In the three decades before the peace agreement, Israel and Egypt fought four major wars. Israel now spends 9 percent of its gross domestic product on defense, Shueftan said - compared with 23 percent in the 1970s, when a state of war with Egypt still existed.
Where Israel once deployed thousands of soldiers along the Egyptian frontier, today there are several hundred. This reduction allowed the Israeli economy to begin flowering in the years after the peace deal, he said.
Mubarak has also served as a mediator between Israel and the Palestinians.
If Egypt resumes its conflict with Israel, Israelis fear, it will put a powerful Western-armed military on the side of Israel's enemies while also weakening pro-Western states like Jordan and Saudi Arabia.”
What we know for sure is Israel will be attacked in the near future. It is my opinion that what we are seeing take place in the Middle East is setting up for this future attack. It didn’t surprise me at all to read that Israel is not only concerned about what is going to happen in Egypt, but they are concerned about a backlash from this change that many cause more problems from them in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. If the Lord tells us that Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia are going to attack Israel, shouldn’t we look for something to shake up the Middle East that will help drive these nations to attack Israel?
Here is a short section from the Jerusalem Post. “Israeli security experts are casting an uneasy eye at the civil unrest spreading through the region. On Thursday, Yemen joined the list of Arab states experiencing unprecedented demonstrations calling for authoritarian leaders to step down, and Egypt braced for more civil unrest. While no analysts here predict any immediate ramifications for Israel’s national security, some said mass protest movements that begin as pro-democracy uprisings could easily be hijacked by Islamists. “We need to understand that we are living on a volcano,” said Maj.- Gen. (res.) Ya’acov Amidror, former head of the IDF’s Research and Assessment Directorate”
Egypt’s President is pointing to who he believes is behind the riots. “Speaking on Egyptian state television Sunday, President Hosni Mubarak blamed Islamists for the violence that has engulfed the countrywide demonstrations, alluding to the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's largest "opposition group." Under Egyptian law, members of the Brotherhood may not be elected to parliament, but some have gained power by running as independents for the 508-member legislative body.”
I can see the Lord’s handwriting on the wall via this statement made by one of the leaders in the Muslim Brotherhood movement. I quote: “Mohamed Ghanem, one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, calls Egypt to stop pumping gas to Israel and prepare the Egyptian army for a war with it’s eastern neighbor. Speaking with Iranian television station Al-Alam, Mohamed Ghanem blamed Israel for supporting Hosni Mubarak’s regime. Ghanem also said that the Egyptian police and army won’t be able to stop the Muslim Brotherhood movement. There are doubts about the loyalty of the Egyptian army to president Mubarak. If the brotherhood takes control over Egypt, it will be very messy from the whole region.”
Trust in the Lord’s Words when He warns, we will see kingdom rise against Kingdom. This is what we are witnessing! All I can say is please trust the Lord’s warning that Israel will find herself in another war with her neighbors soon. Watch and keep on the guard with Christ as we watch what transforms from the civil unrest in Egypt.
Another Middle East nation in the midst of change is Iraq. Last week I shared with you that Iraq is going to play a major role in the last days prophecies. I received a few emails telling me I was misleading people into believing Iraq was going to be rebuilt, and fulfill what Jesus warned us about it in Revelation chapter 18. The people who wrote me claiming the United States is the Babylon. I want to be nice about this and tell you this view is what I call (out to lunch), as there is no scriptures to back up this view. I want to give you two sources of information to show you via the Word of God that Iraq will be the modern day Babylon and it is already beginning to be rebuilt. The first source comes from one of the best commentaries on the Book of Revelation I have ever read. The book was written by Clarence Larkin 92 years ago and everything he wrote in that book has or is in the process of coming to pass. I watch you to read the section on Commercial Babylon. If you are new to prophecy you will have to read Revelation chapter 18:1-24 first, then read Larkins work.
Now that you read Larkins work on this subject you may want to read the: write up on who Babylon will be in the last days. Solely based on God’s word and not some wild interpretation, we see that Babylon has to be rebuilt again.