Bible Prophecy and End Times Events. Jesus Christ gave specified prophecies for the end times church to look for just before the return of Christ. is dedicated to bringing cutting edge information on a daily basis to equip the church and the unbeliever on end times biblical prophecy.
My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe
Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised. The book download is FREE. Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at[email protected]. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Prophecy Sign: Many of you may not realize what is happening in Egypt could be playing a major role in what is to happen in the near future concerning the war we see in Psalm 83. As you will see from the reports below many of the nations who are listed to come against Israel are in the process of changing. If you didn’t know, Egypt is named as one of the nations who will be attacking Israel, and this nation is not only fulfilling Matthew 24:7 where Christ warned we would see civil unrest, (kingdom against kingdom), but a change in the government could cause a swing forming an unfriendly government toward Israel, and Israel is concerned about it. “JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel's prime minister said Sunday that his government is "anxiously monitoring" the political unrest in Egypt, his first comment on the crisis threatening a regime that has been one of Israel's key allies for more than 30 years.”
One of the worse things that could happen is if the present government where to swing towards what is known as the “Muslim Brotherhood”. However, so far that is the direction this swing appears to be heading. In addressing the Muslim Brotherhood a CNN report today stated the following: “Few images have been more powerful than those of demonstrators dropping to the ground to pray in the face of security forces. And while some have been inspired by the role of religious faith in the protests, there are definite worries that the banned Muslim Brotherhood is waiting in the wings, hoping for a chance to take over. "You don't just have a government and a movement for democracy," former British Prime Minister Tony Blair cautioned on Monday. "You also have others, notably the Muslim Brotherhood, who would take this in a different direction. We need to be anxious to meet the aspirations of the people, but do it in a way that produces something better." Former Israeli diplomat Eli Avidar argues that elections put the militant Islamist Hamas movement in power in Gaza. "President (George W.) Bush and (Secretary of State) Condi Rice pressured the State of Israel to allow democratic elections in the Palestinian Authority and what happened was that Hamas took over and these were the first and last democratic elections," he said. The Muslim Brotherhood could do the same thing in Egypt, he fears.”
My Way News also gives us information which addresses Israel’s concerns about Egypt. “Israel's primary concern is that the uprising could be commandeered by Egypt's strongest opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, and its allies, who would presumably move Egypt away from its alignment with the West and possibly cancel the peace agreement with Israel.
"Israel has an interest in Egypt being democratic, but through a process that promises sustainability," said Dan Shueftan, director of the National Security Studies Center at Haifa University. "If you have a process that starts with a desire for democracy but then sees radicals take over, then the result at the end of the process is worse than what you had at the beginning."
The benefits to Israel of peace with Egypt have been significant.
In the three decades before the peace agreement, Israel and Egypt fought four major wars. Israel now spends 9 percent of its gross domestic product on defense, Shueftan said - compared with 23 percent in the 1970s, when a state of war with Egypt still existed.
Where Israel once deployed thousands of soldiers along the Egyptian frontier, today there are several hundred. This reduction allowed the Israeli economy to begin flowering in the years after the peace deal, he said.
Mubarak has also served as a mediator between Israel and the Palestinians.
If Egypt resumes its conflict with Israel, Israelis fear, it will put a powerful Western-armed military on the side of Israel's enemies while also weakening pro-Western states like Jordan and Saudi Arabia.”
What we know for sure is Israel will be attacked in the near future. It is my opinion that what we are seeing take place in the Middle East is setting up for this future attack. It didn’t surprise me at all to read that Israel is not only concerned about what is going to happen in Egypt, but they are concerned about a backlash from this change that many cause more problems from them in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. If the Lord tells us that Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia are going to attack Israel, shouldn’t we look for something to shake up the Middle East that will help drive these nations to attack Israel?
Here is a short section from the Jerusalem Post.“Israeli security experts are casting an uneasy eye at the civil unrest spreading through the region. On Thursday, Yemen joined the list of Arab states experiencing unprecedented demonstrations calling for authoritarian leaders to step down, and Egypt braced for more civil unrest. While no analysts here predict any immediate ramifications for Israel’s national security, some said mass protest movements that begin as pro-democracy uprisings could easily be hijacked by Islamists. “We need to understand that we are living on a volcano,” said Maj.- Gen. (res.) Ya’acov Amidror, former head of the IDF’s Research and Assessment Directorate”
Egypt’s President is pointing to who he believes is behind the riots. “Speaking on Egyptian state television Sunday, President Hosni Mubarak blamed Islamists for the violence that has engulfed the countrywide demonstrations, alluding to the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's largest "opposition group." Under Egyptian law, members of the Brotherhood may not be elected to parliament, but some have gained power by running as independents for the 508-member legislative body.”
I can see the Lord’s handwriting on the wall via this statement made by one of the leaders in the Muslim Brotherhood movement. I quote: “Mohamed Ghanem, one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, calls Egypt to stop pumping gas to Israel and prepare the Egyptian army for a war with it’s eastern neighbor. Speaking with Iranian television station Al-Alam, Mohamed Ghanem blamed Israel for supporting Hosni Mubarak’s regime. Ghanem also said that the Egyptian police and army won’t be able to stop the Muslim Brotherhood movement. There are doubts about the loyalty of the Egyptian army to president Mubarak. If the brotherhood takes control over Egypt, it will be very messy from the whole region.”
Trust in the Lord’s Words when He warns, we will see kingdom rise against Kingdom. This is what we are witnessing! All I can say is please trust the Lord’s warning that Israel will find herself in another war with her neighbors soon. Watch and keep on the guard with Christ as we watch what transforms from the civil unrest in Egypt.
Another Middle East nation in the midst of change is Iraq. Last week I shared with you that Iraq is going to play a major role in the last days prophecies. I received a few emails telling me I was misleading people into believing Iraq was going to be rebuilt, and fulfill what Jesus warned us about it in Revelation chapter 18. The people who wrote me claiming the United States is the Babylon. I want to be nice about this and tell you this view is what I call (out to lunch), as there is no scriptures to back up this view. I want to give you two sources of information to show you via the Word of God that Iraq will be the modern day Babylon and it is already beginning to be rebuilt. The first source comes from one of the best commentaries on the Book of Revelation I have ever read. The book was written by Clarence Larkin 92 years ago and everything he wrote in that book has or is in the process of coming to pass. I watch you to read the section on Commercial Babylon. If you are new to prophecy you will have to read Revelation chapter 18:1-24 first, then read Larkins work.
Now that you read Larkins work on this subject you may want to read the: write up on who Babylon will be in the last days. Solely based on God’s word and not some wild interpretation, we see that Babylon has to be rebuilt again.
I will be back writing on Monday. Had to take time off do to a death in the family. Watch Egypt and their civil unrest as this is going to be important to the coming Psalm 83 war of which Egypt will one of the nations who come against Israel.
My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe
Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised. The book download is FREE. Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at [email protected]. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed. Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca.
My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer. Go to my post dated Oct. 4, 2011 for the newest edition of my book.
Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe
Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised. The book download is FREE. Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at [email protected]. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed. Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca.
For two days I have been putting this post together for you. It is long but I think you will be blown away by what you are about to see and hear. We know Jesus is close when you see the rebuilding of Babylon.
In the Bible Jesus speaks to us about this great and wealthy city of Babylon. Babylon is portrayed during a period of time immediately before its destruction, near the time of Armageddon. The information I am going to give you will show you that his great city of Babylon will come back again. First you need to ear and hear what Christ has said. Click below to Revelation 18:1-24.
There are many things to consider as we watch current events. First of all who is Babylon"? Babylon, if you read your history, you would understand that Iraq is modern day Babylon. It is the same nation that the Prophet Daniel lived in, and warned the king of Babylon that the Medio Persion empire would destroy it, which they did. However, Babylon was not wiped out completely as you will see. We know that Babylon has to be rebuilt to become the main hub for financial activity in the last days. It should be clear to everyone that such a city would not just emerge over night. As you know, present day Babylon (Iraq), has been engaged in a war not only with the United States who caused the down fall of Saddam Hussein, but with their own people who are trying to take control of the nation.
Concerning modern day Babylon, it is likely that such impressive wealth and commercial influence would be acquired primarily during the period of seemingly peace and prosperity that may happen in two ways. We could see Iraq stabilize as a new government takes over and allows for the nation to begin the rebuilding from its war just prior to the rapture of the Church. It could also be that when the rapture of the church takes place, and the Antichrist takes over the world will go through a short period of what appears to be a time of peace. I say this based on Daniel 8:25 where we are told this about the Antichrist. “And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” We know from II Thessalonians 2:10-12 that there will be a strong delusion that will come upon the world, and the people of embrace this delusion as truth but it will be a lie. I quote the Word of God, “and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.” Could this strong delusion be the Antichrist will tell the world everyone that vanished at the rapture were those that were evil and now the world will move into a time of peace? I am not ruling this out. If this is the case Iraq could rise to power under the Antichrist’s rebuilding direction very quickly. One fact is very clear, Babylon will be rebuilt and accumulate wealth in the last days.
It was very interesting to watch the news when Saddam Hussein was alive and ruling over Iraq. Saddam Hussein was in the process of the restoration and rebuilding of ancient Babylon. There were two reasons of importance why Saddam was in the process of bringing back ancient Babylon. First of all, he wanted to bring back the ancient empire glory because he believed he was the Son of Nebuchadnezzar. Second, he wanted to discredit the Holy Word of God for many Christians have been teaching that Babylon the great was destroyed and would never again rise. By showing the world he was rebuilding Babylon it would prove God’s Word wrong. However, like many Christians, Saddam did not understand the prophecy about Babylon. You see, the word of God told us over and over again as you saw by all the scriptures I just gave you, that when God wiped out Babylon no one would ever live there again. By the mire fact that Iraq is still standing and they are in the process of rebuilding Iraq, (Babylon), it is proof that the prophecy concerning the destruction of Babylon has not taken place yet, but will take place in the near future during the seven year tribulation. The literal fulfillment of these prophecies concerning Babylon will achieve its complete and dramatic fulfillment under the rulership of the Antichrist, the future “king” of Babylon as you will see from the scriptures below.
As I said, many Christians have thought that Ancient Babylon is not the Babylon of old, but instead symbolizes a nation far from Iraq. Many are teaching the the United States is Babylon. God never intended for us the down grade this ancient city into symbolism. The Lord makes it clear Babylon (Iraq), would be a literal city that would be coming to life before our very eyes during the time of the end.
What does the Word of God warn us? The Bible tells us what is going to happen in the last days to Babylon. When you read the scriptures below you find that Babylon will meet her end in the same way we saw Sodom and Gomorrah go out. What was that? It was complete and utter desolation as a result of massive amounts of fire and brimstone.This has never happened to Babylon!
God destroys Babylon as He did with Sodom and Gomorrah
Isaiah 13:19-20
19 And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. 20It shall never be inhabited , neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there.
Jeremiah 50: 39-40 also shows us, when Babylon is destroyed no one will ever live there again. Click below.
Same verses as in above video.39Therefore the wild beasts of the desert with the wild beasts of the islands shall dwell there, and the owls shall dwell therein: and it shall be no more inhabited for ever; neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation. 40As God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the LORD; so shall no man abide there, neither shall any son of man dwell therein.
You don’t have to be very smart to know that people are still living in Iraq, what Jeremiah said has not yet taken place. God also showed us that Antichrist would be called the king of Babylon. Notice in the scriptures below he is called a (man ). Satan is going to possess the Antichrist who will be called the king of Babylon . We see this man as who? The Prophet Isaiah says it is O Lucifer, who falls. It is the same man who goes out to proclaim himself God during the seven year tribulation. What does this say to us? First of all, it tells us that in order to be the known as the king of Babylon ,the fallen Lucifer will have to come in the near future and take over the man who is called the Antichrist. Read the scriptures below and I will continue to show you that not only is Iraq, (Babylon) being rebuilt, we expect that in the very near future Iraqi’s currency will be launched again. I will tell you what this could mean.
Jesus addresses Satan incarnate in the man of sin the (Antichrist), the King of Babylon. Click to video below to listen to Isaiah chapter 14:1-32.
Same scriptures as in the above video: Isaiah 14:1-32 1“For the LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land: and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob. 2And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors. 3And it shall come to pass in the day that the LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve, 4That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased! The LORD hath broken the staff of the wicked, and the sceptre of the rulers. 6He who smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke, he that ruled the nations in anger, is persecuted, and none hindereth. 7The whole earth is at rest, and is quiet: they break forth into singing. 8Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid down, no feller is come up against us. 9Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.10All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us? 11Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee. 12How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. 16They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; 17That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners? 18All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house. 19But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet. 20Thou shalt not be joined with them in burial, because thou hast destroyed thy land, and slain thy people: the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned. 21Prepare slaughter for his children for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities. 22For I will rise up against them, saith the LORD of hosts, and cut off from Babylon the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, saith the LORD. 3I will also make it a possession for the bittern, and pools of water: and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the LORD of hosts. 24The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand: 25That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders. 26This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations. 27For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? 28In the year that king Ahaz died was this burden. 29Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent. 30And the firstborn of the poor shall feed, and the needy shall lie down in safety: and I will kill thy root with famine, and he shall slay thy remnant. 31Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, art dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none shall be alone in his appointed times. 32What shall one then answer the messengers of the nation? That the LORD hath founded Zion, and the poor of his people shall trust in it.
Jeremiah 51:59-64 shows us when Babylon is destroyed, it is destroyed for ever. Again, we know that this has not happen yet since Iraq still stands today, and they are rebuilding.
Same verses as in the above video: 59“The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, the son of Maaseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah into Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. And this Seraiah was a quiet prince.”60 So Jeremiah wrote in a book all the evil that should come upon Babylon, even all these words that are written against Babylon. 61 And Jeremiah said to Seraiah, When thou comest to Babylon, and shalt see, and shalt read all these words; 62 Then shalt thou say, O LORD, thou hast spoken against this place, to cut it off, that none shall remain in it, neither man nor beast, but that it shall be desolate for ever. 63 And it shall be, when thou hast made an end of reading this book, that thou shalt bind a stone to it, and cast it into the midst of Euphrates: 64 And thou shalt say, Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her: and they shall be weary.
Now let us take a look at Jeremiah 51:26, 29, 37, 42-43. These scriptures also gives us more information about the complete destruction of Babylon.
Same scriptures as in the above video: This modern day Babylon is in the process of being built right now, and most of the word has not made the connection between Bible prophecy and the actual events in progress that is lifting up Iraq from the present war. Same scriptures as in the above video: Jeremiah 51:26, 29, 37, 42-43. "26 And they shall not take of thee a stone for a corner, nor a stone for foundations; but thou shalt be desolate for ever, saith the LORD. 29 and the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant. 37 And Babylon shall become heaps, a dwelling place for dragons, an astonishment, and an hissing, without an inhabitant. 42 The sea is come up upon Babylon: she is covered with the multitude of the waves there of. 43 Her cities are a desolation, a dry land, and a wilderness, a land wherein no man dwelleth.
If you doubt what I have shown you concerning Babylon’s compete destruction, Babylon’s history will prove what I am saying is correct. History shows Babylon was never destroyed in the specific ways described in scriptures, and that its modern-day condition was simply the result of continued neglect and decay throughout the last several centuries of time. If those of you who still believe Babylon has already be wipe out never to return again as stated in God’s word. How do you get past the fact that the Apostle Peter speaks about Babylon. I quote, (I Peter 5:13-14). “13The church that is at Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you; and so doth Marcus my son. 14Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. Amen.”
It is an established fact that Babylon was a populated city during the time of the apostles, and was still in existent five hundred years after Christ. God said no one would ever live in Babylon when He wiped it out forever, yet we see people during Peter’s ministry living there.
If we read and interpret Isaiah 14:1-32this passage of scripture literally, it states that when obvious signs of Christ’s return are seen in the heavens, then the city of Babylon, which once was the “glory of kingdoms” and the “beauty of the Chaldees excellency” during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, “shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.” What signs? The signs from heaven where Lucifer, son of the morning! is cast out of heaven to the Earth to begin his destruction of as many people has he can.
Our Lord has given us a very clear picture and explicit wording about Babylon, however, many people are pressing on with their interpreting the word “Babylon” in a figurative or symbolic sense so that it can represent New York City or the United States. In Bible prophecy such as with chapter 14 of Isaiah scriptural passage states very clearly that the “Babylon” portrayed in this scripture is the Babylon that was ruled over by King Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldeans in the ancient land of Babylon, now modern-day Iraq, not the USA, or New York! Again, the Babylon portrayed in Isaiah 13 at the time of its destruction, which is just before the Battle of Armageddon commences, will be the Babylon that was geographically located in ancient Babylon, now modern-day Iraq, and was ruled over by Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldeans.
This modern day Babylon is in the process of being built right now, and most of the word has not made the connection between Bible prophecy and the actual events in progress that is lifting up Iraq from the present war.
let us review Jeremiah 51:59 again.“The word which Jeremiah the prophet commanded Seraiah the son of Neriah, the son of Maaseiah, when he went with Zedekiah the king of Judah into Babylon in the fourth year of his reign. And this Seraiah was a quiet prince.”
The above passage of scripture I gave you earlier, see Jeremiah 51: 59-64clearly corroborates Isaiah chapter 13 when it predicts that the final destruction of the city of Babylon must occur at the geographical location of the Babylon that was familiar to both Seraiah and the prophet Jeremiah. Obviously is discounts the United States and for that matter New York City! In other words, Seraiah and Jeremiah both understood the prophecy as one that applied to the Babylon they knew, not some city or country that would exist someday, in the far distant future, on the other side of the planet. Moreover, it predicts that this Babylon must be destroyed through violence that will sink it just like a rock will sink when it is thrown “into the midst of (the) Euphrates” River, and that once Babylon sinks, it will never rise again. Furthermore, this prophecy also predicts that “none shall remain in it, neither man nor beast, but that it shall be desolate for ever.” So, without question, the preceding prophecies in Jeremiah 51:59-64 must apply to a rebuilt Babylon in our future that will be located near the Euphrates River in modern Iraq. Get out you map and take a look because that is exactly where modern day Iraq, (Babylon) is today
Take a look again at Isaiah 13: again. Doesn’t this prophecy tell us that Arabs will never dwell there after its final destruction, and that neither will shepherds? That is exactly what God said! I have some news for you, in 2012, both Arabs and shepherds are dwelling there. Similarly, both Isaiah 13:21-22 and Jeremiah 51:37 predict that wild creatures of the desert will dwell around its desolate edges after its final and complete destruction. Jeremiah 51:26 also predicts that the stones of Babylon will never be used again for building purposes after the final destruction of Babylon, but they are being used now, and I am about to show you some pictures of Babylon's stone being used to rebuild. Below is a video that will show you stones from Babylon were and are being used to rebuild the modern day Babylon.
For example, “A reconstruction of the Ishtar Gate and Processional Way was built at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin out of material excavated by Robert Koldewey and finished in the 1930s. It includes the inscription plaque. It stands 47 feet high and 100 feet wide (14 meters by 30 meters). The excavation ran from 1902–1914, and, during that time, 45 feet of the foundation of the gate was uncovered. The gate was in fact a double gate. The part that is shown in the Pergamon Museum today is only the smaller, frontal part, while the larger, back part was considered too large to fit into the constraints of the structure of the museum. It is in storage.”iki/Ishtar_Gate
There is also a link to the information on the rebuilding of Babylon which can be seen at this web site: Some of this news will appear after you watch the video below.
Pictures below taken via in Iraq, and shows Babylon's stones are being used. The Lord has not yet destroyed Babylon, but in the future she will be destroyed in the manner in which the scriptures warn us.
“Lately it was found that the population of the city has started to decrease. Amorites, nomadic tribes from the west have started living in Babylon since the early 20th century BC. There were many new people who were semitic speakers. The new population didn’t practice agriculture like the locals of Babylons. They preferred sheep herding over agriculture.
Saddam Hussein in 1983 started the reconstruction of the city. He didn’t clear the ruins of the old city and constructed the new city over the ruins. Thus the artworks and the artifacts which was in the ruins was buried deep again. Saddam Hussein’s name was inscribed on many of the bricks that were used for the new construction. The inscription that reads: “This was built by Saddam Hussein, son of Nebuchadnezzar, to glorify Iraq” was frequently used.
When the end of Gulf War arrived, Saddam Hussein was expecting to construct a modern palace over some of the ruins of the city. The palace was to be constructed in the Pyramidal style. The palace was named as Saddam hill. In 2003 Saddam Hussein wanted to start line of cable car over the Babylon city which was stopped due to the invasion.”
Take careful notice to what is written about Babylon being rebuilt. “An article stated that the Iraqi leaders along with the UN officials are planning to restore the city. They want to transfer it into a cultural center. Babylon has been opened again in May 2009 for tourism. You can take a flight and reach Najaf airport which is the nearest located airport. From here you can take a cab and within an hour you will in Babylon. You will get many guided tours and also good accommodation in Babylon. The hotels also arrange guided tours to their visitors. The best time to visit is from November to January.”
As far a the prophecy in Jeremiah 51:26 you now understand God said the stones of Babylon will never be used again for building purposes after the final destruction of Babylon. Take a look at these videos and you will see for yourself that the stones have been used to rebuild the walls of Babylon.
You can watch this video on youtube below by clicking on the picture, then where it says watch it at youtube click that and it will play.
Enter video caption here
The next reports will show you that the building up of Babylon, (Iraq) is under way. Look at the amount of funds that is pouring into Iraq.
Nations around the world are giving Iraq billions to rebuild their nation. What most people do not understand is that we are watching Bible prophecy take place right before your eyes. There is no question that Babylon will be the hub of finance in the not to distant future just as we see in the prophecy in Revelation chapter 18. Iraq is one of the Arab nations that is loaded with gas and oil. As a result nations are lining up to make deals with Iraq knowing that they will become a powerful nation again when the oil is flowing at full force again.
Not only is Iraq being built up but, they are working on bringing back the Iraqi dinar currency. In a report entitled “South Korea, Iraq sign $3.55 billion deal to rebuild Iraq “ we are told the following: “South Korea has signed a $3.55 billion deal with Iraq to help rebuild the war-ravaged country in return for oil and gas. South Korea's presidential office said today that Seoul would provide technology to build social infrastructure in return for a stable supply of energy and the right to develop oil reserves in Iraq's southern Basra region. The office said that the deal — inked by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak and his Iraqi counterpart Jalal Talabani — is expected be finalized later this year. Iraq has an estimated 115 billion barrels of oil and some 112 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves. Resource-poor South Korea imports virtually all of its oil, with more than 80 percent from the Middle East. SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA: South Korea has signed a $3.55 billion deal with Iraq to help rebuild the war-ravaged country in return for oil and gas. South Korea's presidential office said today that Seoul would provide technology to build social infrastructure in return for a stable supply of energy and the right to develop oil reserves in Iraq's southern Basra region. The office said that the deal — inked by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak and his Iraqi counterpart Jalal Talabani — is expected be finalized later this year. Iraq has an estimated 115 billion barrels of oil and some 112 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves. Resource-poor South Korea imports virtually all of its oil, with more than 80 percent from the Middle East.”
You can do your own search on the net to see how much money is going to the rebuilding of Iraq. Iraq is going to be a very powerful nation again as they start selling huge amounts of oil and gas. This is going to put them back on the map as a major player on the world stage.
As you will see, in 2012 billions of dollars are flooding in to Iraq to build up her oil flow! A section from a report entiled, "Iraq Progresses toward a Future Built on Oil Wealth" give us some insights.
"In 1979, the nuclear physicist, a devout Shiite, defied Saddam Hussein's personal order to establish a military nuclear program. He was subsequently imprisoned for 11 years in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison, where he was tortured. Shahristani is known for his obstinacy and strong nerves.In the spring of 2009, he opened a first round of bidding for service contracts for Iraq's largest oil fields. These agreements stipulate that the oil corporations receive a certain amount of money per barrel, but that the oil remains the property of the host country until it is sold. The invitation for bids failed, however, because the oil companies were either dissatisfied with the sums offered or they wanted other concessions -- contracts that would reward them with a share of the output, which they could then use as collateral for their stock market transactions. Shahristani only managed to negotiate one contract.But he stood his ground and, during the second round, the first big oil companies caved in. In a third round, the others then followed suit. Today, almost all the large international companies are drilling for Iraqi oil, including Britain's BP, the British-Dutch group Shell, Lukoil and Gazprom from Russia, Italy's Eni, Malaysia's Petronas and China's CNPC. They have committed to investing over $100 billion (€76 billion) and expanding Iraq's oil production capacity to 13 million barrels a day by 2017.Thirteen million barrels is a magic number. It's 1 million barrels more than the maximum production quota of Saudi Arabia, the only OPEC country that has a so-called swing capacity -- in other words, the ability to balance out any shortfall by another member state. Just how much the country will actually produce depends on the demand and the price of oil, says Shahristani. If Baghdad were to produce merely 8 million barrels a day, it would still amount to gross daily revenues of nearly $1 billion at today's crude oil prices -- more money than the war-torn country would even be able to absorb in its current state."
What does all this information show us? It shows Iraq is going to be a major player on the world stage shortly! Once again, what is currently taking place in Iraq goes hand in hand to what we see for Iraq in scripture.
Now let us take a look at the Dinar currency. These are pictures of the new bills which are in the process of being printed up. Once Iraq is out of bankruptcy these bills will begin to skyrocket as did the Iraqi currency before Iraq was invaded by the US. The news is, Iraq is will be out of bankruptcy soon. How soon is anyone's guess but, knowing the world needs their oil and gas, and the nations are helping them walk through the steps to get out of bankruptcy I would give a safe guess that it will happen sooner than most think.
ABC News, on Iraq, in 2009 showed how Iraq is coming back. It has taken some time since the Iraqi war but Iraq is on the move and is rebuilding, and there is even more interest not only in the gas and oil, but many in the financal world see Iraq as the place to invest. You will see why in a video below.
Jim Cramer is one of the most watched and respected man when it comes to Wall Street. Cramer is host of CNBC's "Mad Money" (M-F: 6 p.m., 11 p.m. ET), featuring lively guest interviews, viewer calls and, most importantly, the unmatched, fiery opinions of Cramer himself. He serves as the viewer's personal guide through the confusing jungle of Wall Street investing, navigating through both opportunities and pitfalls with one goal in mind -- to help them make money.” You can find out more about him at this link: The reason why I am giving you information on him is to point you to what he has said about investing in Iraq and the new Iraqi Dinar currency. Why am I showing you this? Because, if you do not believe Iraq, (Babylon) will become the center of finanical activity in the near future, hopefully you will remember what you learned here today and believe in the Word of God when you see how powerful Iraq becomes! Now let us take a look at some of the news about Iraqi stocks.
Iraqi investment viedo.
What do we know for sure? With out a doubt, Jesus's words come to pass. If He warned us Babylon would become the main hub for wealth during the last days, and He at the end of the tribualtion destroy Babylon for ever than you can count on Iraq's power to keep growing, and for her to fulfill her rule in Bible prophecy. Ask your self this question, why is it that people all over the world are buying up the Iraqi currency, and are just now beginning to invest in Iraqi stocks. As for me, I beleive this is the beginning of the come back of the Babylon just as is pointed out in the word via the scriptures. Let's face it, Babylon can not be destroyed by Christ unless it is rebuilt and so, the rebuilding as you can now see is underway. Here is more news about the Dinar currency.
I am sure that many who read this post may want to buy some dinars. Keep in mind this is a risk, don't let anyone tell you that the dinar will R/V in a few days. We are still waiting for the Iraqi government to finish picking their ministers, and the nation has to finish all the requirements to take them out of bankruptcy, which are are working on right now. Considering what Christ has shown us, I know Iraqi will soon leave her bankrupt state, and the new currency will begin its rise against other world currencies. Keep in mind, the nations rich in gas and oil are the nations that have the higest currecy values. Since Iraq is has massive amounts of gas and oil when her currency does flip, I can not see why it wouldn't be at par with the rest of the rich Arab oil nations. It is hard not to talk about about Iraq's oil and gas when you are talking about economic grow in Iraq. The Central Intelligence Agency filed a report on Iraq and said, “An improved security environment and an initial wave of foreign investment are helping to spur economic activity, particularly in the energy, construction, and retail sectors. Broader economic improvement, long-term fiscal health, and sustained increases in the standard of living still depend on the government passing major policy reforms and on continued development of Iraq's massive oil reserves.” The CIA site also stated, “In 2011 Baghdad probably will increase oil exports above the current level of 1.9 million barrels per day (bbl/day) as a result of new contracts with international oil companies, but is likely to fall short of the 2.4 million bbl/day it is forecasting in its budget. Iraq is making modest progress in building the institutions needed to implement economic policy. In 2010, Bagdad signed a new agreement with both the IMF and World Bank for conditional aid programs that will help strengthen Iraq's economic institutions.” Does Iraq have a way to go? The answer is yes, but according to God's word Iraq, (Babylon), will rise up as the wealth center of the world.
If you read this report and choose to buy Iraqi dinars make sure you protect yourself from the scammers, because there are plenty of them. When I learned about the dinar I had a chance to speak to a trusted source who has already bought a huge amount of the Iraqi dinars. This source checked out the person who could get the dinars from Iraq. He even meet him to make sure everything was in order. This weekend I had a chance to call Dr. Burke who is the one getting the dinars and selling them. Dr. Burke told me that anyone who has any questions about buying Iraqi dinars to call him. When you call him let him know that the (bibleprophecyman) gave you his number. Just so you know, I am not making any money off of those who do purchace either gold, silver, or the dinars, all I am doing is pointing you to a trusted source that can answer your questions, as he did with me. Keep the video below in mind if you do choose to buy the dinars. Dr. Burke's phone number (602-931-9526). The video below is not that of Dr. Burke.
At the present time Iraq is in the process of forming their new government. When you look behind the scene there appears to be one thing that would motivate the US to push Iraq out of the bankrupt state. I came across a report entitled “The Game”. It had some very interesting points that you should know.
The game played in Iraq has been played several times before (US Civil War, Nazi Germany, and others). Here's the basic layout of the game.
1) Perpetrate ways to devalue a nation's currency, usually beginning with a war (to be followed up, once more control is obtained, with inflation, excessive printing of paper money, excessive government spending, etc.).
2) Fund both sides of the war.
3) When the currency is at its lowest, buy up massive amounts of the currency.
4) Set up a Central Bank that controls the value of the currency.
5) Using the leverage of owning the majority of the nation's currency, continue to influence legislation to further destabilize the country and gain control of individual family wealth through excessive taxation, and other manipulative financial events.
6) Under the guise of war, rob the existing banks, or gain control of the remaining banking industry through various means (like stock market manipulations, junk bonds, derivatives, bad mortgages, etc.).
7) End the war and begin a reconstruction phase which will appreciate the value of the nation's currency.
8) Mandate that the government make good on the appreciated value of the currency, held mostly by this manipulative group of families.
9) Loan the government the money it needs to make good on the appreciated value of the currencies, creating large scale indebtedness.
10) With large scale indebtedness comes control of the government, their assets, and the people.
See any similarities with what just happened in Iraq (and America)?
One interesting side note to the advantage of revaluing the currency to a higher level just prior to the reconstruction of the country.
When the Dinar is only worth 1/10 of a cent, funding a reconstruction effort with countries whose currency is worth more, can be a very expensive proposition. Revalue the war-torn country's currency up to a level several times greater than that of the currencies held by the 3500 companies coming in from abroad to help in the rebuilding effort, and now the reconstruction costs are significantly reduced.
As long as the country has assets to back up the revaluation (which Iraq has plenty of in oil and gas), a higher revaluation can be justified in the minds of the investing public. Iraq stands to become the largest oil producer in the world within a year or two, with plans underway to multiply their current levels of oil production to 10 times their current levels (from 2.4 million barrels per day (BPD) to 25 million BPD. Profit margins on a barrel of oil run close to $75+ based on a $4 buy from the excavating company sold to the government of Iraq, then sold on the global market at the current $85 per barrel (and expected to see $100 in the near future). Iraq stands to become one of the wealthiest nations in the world in due course, so an improvement in the value of their currency from the current $.008 (less than 1/10th of a US penny), is merely common sense.
There are close to 26 Trillion Iraqi Dinar in existence. The US owns 3.7 Trillion Dinar (14% of all Dinar in existence). The billionaires, millionaires and banks of the world have significant holdings. Iraq still holds 42% of the Dinars in existence. The "little guys" like us, currently hold 3% (7.8T) of the Dinar in existence. Large countries have contracts in place to trade their Dinar for oil at a rumored $31 per barrel and a contractual agreement not to begin cashing in for 6 months after the revaluation. Oil in the ground beneath Iraq is the collateral for this revaluation. Over 40% of their desert land remains unexplored.
Is it possible Obama is waiting for the Iraqi Dinar to be unleashed again. If the Dinar were to start out at $1.00, and the US has 3.7 trillion of them, Obama would be able to pay of the debt. Don’t you think this would help him get reelected again?
I wanted you to read the interview between Hannity and Rudolph Coenen on the dinar.
I quote the report. “My name is Rudolph Coenen, i am the person who spoke to Hannity, 2 weeks ago on his radio show. Everyone was wondering who i was, and where did i get my information. I live in Jacksonville, Fl and have been in the Banking business for 15 years. In 1982 i joined the Marine Corps, and had a wonderful 12 year career, Semper Fi. You can google my name and look at my background. I studied International Finance at the University of Colorado, and received my masters in economics. My last position was with JPMCHASE in there cdo dept, and i had a 420million dollar portfolio. I also owned a mortgage company called DIRECT LENDING, we did loans thru out the U.S. I am well known in the banking industry and have had my own radio show and also have been a contributor to fox news.
My life has been very transparent, and anyone can check on it. I have had commendations and recognition for my involvement in Desert shield and desert storm.
Now to the important issue at hand.
The Federal Reserve is a entity that is guided and managed on its own. The house and senate has no say so in its external and internal policies. It is its own corporation. It is the for front for all economic stability in this global arena. Look at it as the HDQ for all economic policies worldwide. When a Central Bank is managed in a country it is always following the federal reserves policies. Our dollar dictates all managed forums throughout the world. Yes countries will move in areas that are contrary to our dictum, but only on our ok. we are the capital of all finance, and the IMF is only an administrative arm to control accountability. Look at it as the clearing house for acct receivables/payables. It balances the check book.
All central banks are franchises of the Corp office, like in most business some franchisees will not follow the rules, and as an example there is Greece. Some will think that i am overextending our power, but history shows we do what we want when the IMF and the Federal reserve are in agreement.
I am not bashing our system, i think it really works in its own frame, sometimes frames can be bent and readjusted to conform to its environment. There are many reasons why we have not seen an RV/RI.
When u here all the Gurus talk about Iraq needs a standing govt, don't fool yourselves, we are the standing govt. do you truly believe we would leave a 3 trillion dollar investment in the hands of a country that has never experienced democracy, or the idea of it.
What CEO, or board of directors would hand a multi billion interest producing company to a recent graduate with no life or administrative experience, would you hand over your Lexus to your 16 year old son to drive on a Friday night, i don't think so. we have always been in control, and will continue to be in control.
We have the largest embassy in the world in Iraq, 8000 employees, what do you think they do. they consist of the largest group of industry experts in the world. it is the largest IMF/FEDERAL RESERVE investment in the world.
The ramifications of this investment will change world history. and politics and religion in that region, why do you think there is so much opposition, i will clarify and it will make sense.
Look at our resume, soviet union, Europe, Asia, Latin America. all at one time have been dictatorships, did we not change there political stance. most out comes have been to democratize there regions, not for human gain but for economic gain. did we not create conflict for our benefit.
Yes Iran is scared what will a democratic Iraq do to there internal politics, it will create an internal civil war, did you know that they have the largest oil reserves in the world. that is why the middle east does not want a western nation in there region.
The rest of the middle east nation are opposed also, it takes there power away, do you think Saudi Arabia is happy, no, there hanging by a toe nail, to keep there money flow to the royal family in place. we are changing the environment and there opposed.
Now I will talk about our involvement in Iraq, and why we have not seen progress
1: Hillary and Biden did not go there to push the govt. formation, but to hold it back 2: election reasons 3: Nov. elections are coming soon, who wants to look good 4: 2 weeks before elections, look for chapter 7 removed 5: ri/rv occurs 6: Obama takes credit for deficit being reduced 7: no taxes for 2011 8: new social programs paid for
I will continue our discussion on this subject in # 2 this week.
I know there will be some bashing and its ok, but it doesn't affect me , I am invested in this dinar and am only trying to bring light to this content., we will talk about the isx and it has no bearing on the dinar”.
Just some food for thought about this subject. If the dinar was to RV at $3.80 USD, the 3.7 trillion dinar that the US holds could pay our debt of 14 trillion off. I think we have had some folks in congress know what is about to transpire with this dinar and went on a wild spending spree. Surely this administration will step up and take credit for the dinar the US holds. The part that gets me is I believe our President voted against the war when he was the Senator from Illinois. But with an RV of $3.80 the debt could be paid off. Is it possible this is what the US Government is up to? Time will tell.
Some other things I've been looking at is Iraq's budget that has been posted on this site, (not sure if the budget is real) , 13 trillion dinar for defense, amounts to 11.2 billion USD, I have a hard time believing they can take of their borders with that amount of money unless it RV's or they're depending on the US troops to take care of it for them.
When will the Iraqi Dinar be revalued?
How will the Iraqi Dinar be revalued?
By James A Smith
When will the Iraqi Dinar be revalued?
The Iraqi Dinar has been worth over 3 US dollars for every Iraqi Dinar, historically. To say it another way, 1 million Dinar has been worth well over $3,000,000.00 US dollars. So, the question still remains: When will the dinar climb in value or return to its previous levels.
Everyone knows Iraq is an extremely wealthy country when you look at their natural resources and potential GDP. This is reportedly, one of the basic elements why the United States and the United Nations is involved in stabilizing its economy with our current intervention. Iraq has at least the second largest oil reserves and natural gas reserves in the world, not counting the newly discovered ones in the US..Additionally, Iraq is some of the world’s cheapest oil to drill and refine—the oil is very “rich” and close to the surface with few impurities or hindrances to drilling. Iraq’s cost to produce per barrel oil is minimal compared to other world oil producers. In other words, Iraq’s profit margins on their oil production are some of the highest in the world. The United States has completed the largest US Embassy in the world located in Bagdad. The bottom line is that Iraq is one of the wealthiest countries in the world.
It is very unlikely that world powers will allow Iraq to decay into a state of insecurity. Iraq is a strategic Middle Eastern country with tremendous potential wealth. It is in the best interest of every Western country and most Middle Eastern countries for Iraq to succeed as an independent stable economy and country. No Western or Middle Eastern country is going to stand by while Iraqi’s vast oil reserves and wealth fall under the control of a neighboring rouge country or insurgency.
The Iraqi Dinar history has demonstrated a strong potential for investment. In the very recent past, the Iraqi Dinar was worth over 3000 times its current value.
When the Iraqi Dinar increases in value to align in value with other currencies of the Middle Eastern countries, it would result in over a 250 times increase of its current value. When the Iraqi Dinar does reach a value of its historical rate of $3.48 US dollars per Iraqi Dinar, an Iraqi Dinar investment for 1 million Iraqi Dinar would be worth $3,480,000 US Dollars.
To the point, the Iraqi Dinar is currently at an extremely low valuation compared all other world currencies, which would make a very lucrative investment for anyone. The investment community is currently watching everything for signs of upward movement in the value of the Iraqi Dinar. Many sources including the Iraqi Financial ministry speculate an increase in Iraqi Dinar value in early 2010.
“A twenty-seven dollar investment today could be worth seventy-five thousand dollars if Iraqi Dinars are revalued to historical values.”
Let me toss something out to you. Can you see the day when Iraq is so powerful that the decide to use the Iraqi Dinar as the currency pegged to purchase oil? If Jesus and the prophets show us Babylon will be the heart of wealth and power, I would say that there is a good chance that this could happen. Right now there is the petro dollar system, a system created in the 1970’s which requires all oil sales to be transacted in US dollars. However, there is much talk as of late trying to un-peg the dollar and move it to a basket of currencies. I sure would like to be holding the Iraqi Dinar if the currency is picked as the reserve currency! Below there is a report on this subject. The headline to this PDF file is entitled: “Hysteria Over Iran and a New Cold War with Russia: Peak Oil, Petrocurrencies and the Emerging Multi-Polar World”
By William Clark “
December 22, 2006
“The structural imbalances in the global economy, which are being exacerbated by the weak US dollar, mounting US trade deficits, and the emerging liquid fuel energy crisis that will inexorably follow the peak in global oil production, are not exceptions to the universal law that multiple independent factors can and will interact to produce new and unpredictable crises. The hypothesis outlined in this essay is that the post-World War II status of the US dollar as premier world reserve currency is quietly but assuredly eroding. There are three key variables to analyze concerning the changing status of the dollar’s reserve role in the global financial system:
1. Central banks may shift their reserves out of dollars (e.g. into euros, Asian currencies, etc.)
2. The Asian currencies could end their pegs to the US currency (e.g. China circa July 2005)
3. We could witness a breakdown in the pricing of commodities in dollars (e.g. a “basket of
currencies” for global oil trade including the dollar, euro, ruble, renminbi and perhaps rial).
All three of these trends have become evident. Regarding the third item, the most important globally traded commodity is oil, and this is where erosion of the dollar’s world reserve currency status is significant. This segues into the larger issue of geopolitics, and corresponding attempts by Washington to retain its hegemonic status as the world’s sole superpower. Unfortunately, current US geostrategy is at odds with the interests of global stability: the two greatest challenges facing the world today are the need for global energy reform and monetary reform. The success or failure to create multilateral accords towards these two colossal undertakings will be the drivers of war and peace, and thereby define the human condition during the opening decades of the 21st century.”
Should the US be concerned that world leaders are looking to get out of the dollar? You bet. Here is information showing you that is what the leaders are working toward. The headlines: “Gulf petro-powers to launch currency in latest threat to dollar hegemony” . “The Arab states of the Gulf region have agreed to launch a single currency modeled on the euro, hoping to blaze a trail towards a pan-Arab monetary union swelling to the ancient borders of the Ummayad Caliphate.” Like I said, what if the Arab later decide to go with the reborn Iraqi Dinar? “The Gulf monetary union pact has come into effect,” said Kuwait’s finance minister, Mustafa al-Shamali, speaking at a Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) summit in Kuwait. The move will give the hyper-rich club of oil exporters a petro-currency of their own, greatly increasing their influence in the global exchange and capital markets and potentially displacing the US dollar as the pricing currency for oil contracts. Between them they amount to regional superpower with a GDP of $1.2 trillion (£739bn), some 40pc of the world’s proven oil reserves, and financial clout equal to that of China. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar are to launch the first phase next year, creating a Gulf Monetary Council that will evolve quickly into a full-fledged central bank. The Emirates are staying out for now – irked that the bank will be located in Riyadh at the insistence of Saudi King Abdullah rather than in Abu Dhabi. They are expected join later, along with Oman. The Gulf states remain divided over the wisdom of anchoring their economies to the US dollar. The Gulf currency – dubbed “Gulfo” – is likely to track a global exchange basket and may ultimately float as a regional reserve currency in its own right. “The US dollar has failed. We need to delink,” said Nahed Taher, chief executive of Bahrain’s Gulf One Investment Bank.”
Considering all that is going on in the banking world, and the number of nations in debt. The rebuilding of Iraq, if you believe Christ will soon change the world we live in. I for know not only know Christ’s words, I know they are in the process of coming to pass.
Let us all keep these words from Christ close to our hearts. Matthew 8:36 “What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Luke 12:34). Even if you do invest in the silver, gold, or Iraqi dinars, don't let Satan get to you and have your focus be on becoming rich rather than loving the Lord first. Jesus is to always come first! If you are blessed because an investment takes place, remember who your first love is! Of course that would be Christ Jesus. Also remember Jesus said, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
Working on a special report that is taking time. Should be up Jan. 21st.
My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe
Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised. The book download is FREE. Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at [email protected]. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed. Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
FREE Bible prophecy documentary book download proving our generation will see the return of the Lord. If you aren’t saved yet this is a must read!
My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe
Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised. The book download is FREE. Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at [email protected]. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed. Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
Prophecy Sign: About a week and a half ago I wrote you warning you that another huge earthquake was on the way. In that post I stated the following: “You may be wondering why the red flag is up? This is to warn you to watch for another huge quake to hit. If the birth pains are getting worse, we should start seeing even bigger quakes, the "great earthquakes". In Luke 21:11 Jesus warned the following: “And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.
It has happen again this time a powerful 7.2 quake and I quote: “A major 7.2 magnitude earthquake rocked a remote area of southwestern Pakistan early Wednesday, shaking many parts of the country and causing widespread panic, said meteorologists. The quake was centered in Baluchistan province, the country's most sparsely populated area, said the United States Geological Service. It occured at a depth of some 50 miles (84 kilometers), it said. Its exact epicenter was in a remote area some 200 miles (320 kilometers) southwest of the Baluchistan capital of Quetta, said chief Pakistani meteorologist Arif Mahmood. Local TV reports said the quake was felt throughout several provinces. Many residents in the country's largest city, Karachi, ran out into the streets once the quake started, said the reports. There were no immediate reports of damage, said Mahmood, the meteorologist. But quakes of this strength can cause widespread destruction. Tremors lasting at least 20 seconds were also felt as far away as Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and in India's capital, New Delhi.”
I am going to keep the red flag up because you all need to see that Christ’s words should not be taken lightly. We are in those end times birth pains and you will see more of these huge quakes in the near future. Christ wants you to believe in Him but much more than that, He wants you to receive Him as your Lord so He can keep you from entering the seven year tribulation.
My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe
Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised. The book download is FREE. Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at [email protected]. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed. Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
Prophecy Sign: Most of the Christians who study the Bible and have read Revelation 13:16-17 understand that the Antichrist is going to control the world’s economy. We know this because Jesus told us that no man will be able to buy or sell anything unless they have the mark of the Antichrist. Christ tells us that this mark will be placed in the right hand or forehead. I want to make sure you know exactly what Jesus has stated so I quote our Lord. “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
If you are on the watch for these things to take place you can see that the world is in the process of being set up for this one world economic system. Never before have we seen so many reports about forming a new one world currency. This morning when I got up I read the report below and could only pray that the people would open their blind eyes to the events leading to fulfill Revelation 13:16-17.
Here is a short quote from Fox News today. “BEIJING—Chinese President Hu Jintao emphasized the need for cooperation with the U.S. in areas from new energy to space ahead of his visit to Washington this week, but he called the present U.S. dollar-dominated currency system a "product of the past" and highlighted moves to turn the yuan into a global currency. "We both stand to gain from a sound China-U.S. relationship, and lose from confrontation," Hu said in written answers to questions from The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post.”
Will the yuan become the currency used as a global currency? Only the Lord knows, but what we do know is this, whatever global currency is set in place you can not put paper currency into your hand or into your forehead. What will happen in the near future is that the paper currency of the world’s governments will end up moving from a one world paper currency into some type of currency that is placed in your skin just as Jesus has shown us in the above scriptures. If you want to see some of these technologies which can and are doing just that today, read chapter one of my free prophecy book which you can download today. The link to the book is at the top of this post.
Below is a letter from a Christian Brother of mine that wrote me telling me what is happening in Saipan. America is on the decline and the US dollar will in the near future lose it’s rule as the world’s reserve currency. I believe this is going to happen to help give rise to the next step which will at the end of the day force a new one world currency. Many of you will not believe this, but we know everything that Jesus has warned us is now coming to pass. Ask Christ into your heart today and allow Him to save you from the judgment that will befall the unrighteous who will be left behind when the Church is raptured to Christ.
Below you will find a video that shows you one of the ways people are buying things with a chip in their skin. After you see this video, I pray that the Holy Spirit will remove the blinders from your eyes and make you see the things He has shown us are already upon us and you need to get right with Him today.
If Saipan is a foreshadowing of what is to come to the mainland USA, watch out!
At our church here on Sunday, we were wondering why nobody was there. With gasoline edging just over $4.52 for a gallon of gas the preacher said it is no wonder even 20 of us were there! He said over the past three months people have asked him for a ride. Since he only has a small Toyota he can only pick up 2 more people. He advised us to share a ride with others.
Also, 9 out of the 10 members of the church do not have a job. They keep bugging him for donations from the church for food. The church is so deep in debt, it took out a balloon mortgage at the beginning of the crisis to get the church started.
As things get worse on Saipan, there is a larger and larger presence of the USA Federal government here, Homeland security is still hiring.......for what reason? No one seems to know........
The Federal Government now has over 10,000 people each month getting benefits such as food stamps, etc. The total island population is only estimated at 23,000 people. Everywhere you look you see street after street of abandoned retail strip malls, for rent signs are everywhere!
If you want a Commercial warehouse, you can get one here for a penny on the dollar, since the USA Federal Government came here 3 years ago, they drove all of the 23 large and flourishing garment factories out of here and back to China, Laos, or Viet Nam.
Please pray for this lost bunch of souls out here that are crying for relief, but do not know JESUS.
Even the Catholic church is turning destitute people away from their doors.
Could this just be the beginning of the end? Crime is already very very high, as ex-workers from the Philippines claim they have no where to turn except to steal to buy a bag of rice so their family no longer starves to death.
The public parks with fruit trees, are barren, the ocean once teaming with small fish along the shoreline is now empty and vacant of even the smallest fish, since the homeless here have netted them all up!
Please pray for the USA islands of Micronesia, as mainland AMERICA is next!
God Bless!
Prophecy Sign: Revelation 6:6. '”And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine."
Three loaves of barley equal approximately one pint. This is generally regarded as a minimum sustenance diet. Therefore, this verse foreshadows a time when an entire day's wage will barely yield enough food to survive.
“A grim report prepared by France’s General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) obtained by Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states that president’s Obama and Sarkozy have “agreed in principal” to create a joint US-European military force to deal exclusively with a Global uprising expected this spring as our World runs out of food.
According to this report, Sarkozy, as head of the G-20 group of developed Nations, called for and received an emergency meeting with Obama this past Monday at the White House wherein he warned his American counterpart that the shock rise in food prices occurring due to an unprecedented series of disasters was threatening the stability of the entire World and could lead to the outbreak of Total Global War.
Just last week French Prime Minister Francois Fillon underlined that one of France’s top G-20 priorities was to find a collective response to “excessive volatility” in food prices now occurring, a statement joined by Philippe Chalmin, a top economic adviser to the French government, who warned the World may face social unrest including food riots in April as grain prices increase to unprecedented highs. The fears of the French government over growing Global instability was realized this past week after food riots erupted in Algeria and Tunisia and left over 50 dead. So dire has the situation become in Tunisia that their government this morning rushed in massive amounts of troops and tanks to their capital city Tunis and instituted a Nationwide curfew in an order to quell the growing violence.”
The link below will provide you with a list of nations that have huge damage to crops because of the floods. All of these nations are facing some huge problems as a result of the destruction of the crops. This is exactly what Jesus warned us about in Luke 21:25.
My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe
Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised. The book download is FREE. Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at [email protected]. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed. Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
Prophecy Sign: “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
“Brazil staggered Friday under the worst natural disaster it has ever seen, as it counted nearly 500 dead from mudslides this week near Rio de Janeiro.”
“Brazil (Reuters) – The death toll from massive flooding and landslides in Brazil topped 500 on Friday as renewed rainfall threatened to complicate efforts by rescue teams to reach survivors trapped in isolated areas.In one of the country's worst natural disasters, rivers of mud tore through towns in the mountainous Serrana region outside Rio de Janeiro, leveling houses, throwing cars atop buildings and leaving thousands of people seeking shelter. "The rain did not stop at dawn and is continuing in the morning, which is making the rescue efforts more difficult," said Lieutenant Rubens Placido, a fireman in the hard-hit town of Nova Friburgo. "The number of deaths is going to rise quite a bit. There are still a lot of people buried." The flooding killed at least 529 people, according to local and state authorities, but rescuers are uncovering more victims buried under wrecked homes and toppled buildings. More than 13,500 people have been left homeless.
“BRISBANE, Australia, Jan 13 (Reuters) - Floods left parts of Australia's third-biggest city on Thursday looking like a war zone in need of years of reconstruction, the state premier said, while fresh threats loomed with a cyclone forecast offshore. The floods across the state of Queensland have killed at least 19 people, 12 of whom died in the Toowoomba area inland, and 61 were missing, the state government said. Toowoomba and the Lockyer Valley region, west of state capital Brisbane, were devastated by tsunami-like flash flooding on Monday. Large parts of Brisbane have become muddy lakes, with an entire waterfront cafe among the debris washing down the Brisbane River, a torrent that has flooded 12,000 homes in the city of 2 million and left 118,000 buildings without power.” Here is more news about the roaring torrents. “Damage to the city is spectacular and widespread. In addition to ruined homes and businesses, schools, community halls and sporting grounds have been damaged, while the roaring torrents ripped away a 300 tonne section of the city’s river walkway.”
Prophecy Sign: In part of Matthew 24:7 Christ told us we would see civil unrest or if you will (kingdom against kingdom). The year 2011 started off with many nations in Europe rioting over budget cuts and we expect more of the same as the many nations continue to cut their budgets. There are other reasons why people are fighting against themselves and often we see violence erupt because a government is falling or is in the process of being taken over. Let me show you an example of what I am speaking about. I quote, “TUNIS, Tunisia – Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi has gone on state television to say he is assuming power in Tunisia. The announcement Friday came after thousands of protesters mobbed the capital of Tunis to demand the ouster of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali. In response to the riots, the president declared a state of emergency in the North African nation, dissolved the government and promised new legislative elections within six months.”
We know civil unrest is a growing concern but you have to add in the food factor which would cause more riots soon. Remember what Jesus showed us in Revelation 6:6? It is here we see people will be working all day long for a very small meal. There is no doubt the the prices of food will skyrocket as the wrath of God is poured out, and much of the food on this planet will be destroyed by the intense heat, floods, war, insects, disease and and so on. The birth pains Christ spoke about in Mark 13:8 are upon us, and I have warned you what Jesus has said. Knowing what is to come, are you surprised to see that the prices of food are skyrocketing to levels we have not seen? Here is another example of these birth pains. I quote, “Strained by rising demand and battered by bad weather, the global food supply chain is stretched to the limit, sending prices soaring and sparking concerns about a repeat of food riots last seen three years ago. Signs of the strain can be found from Australia to Argentina, Canada to Russia. “On Thursday, Tunisia's president ordered prices on food staples slashed and indicated he won't run for re-election after deadly riots hit the North African country. chief economist at the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), said last week. The U.N.'s fear is that the latest run-up in food prices could spark a repeat of the deadly food riots that broke out in 2008 in Haiti, Kenya and Somalia. That price spike was relatively short-lived. But Abbassian said the latest surge in food stuffs may be more sustained.” All of prophecy is converging. In this case the civil unrest and the food prices have once again caused concern. What is our hope? Well, if you don’t have Christ as your savior yet, you have no hope and you can expect to be cast into the seven year tribulation to face the Antichrist. However, those of us who have come to Christ know Jesus has promised to come back for us, and to remove us from His wrath that will be poured down on all those who refused the Lord’s free gift of salvation.
The report goes on to say, “Price for grains and other farm products began rising last fall after poor harvests in Canada, Russia and Ukraine tightened global supplies. More recently, hot, dry weather in South America has cut production in Argentina, a major soybean exporter. This month's flooding in Australia wiped out much of that countries wheat crop. As supplies tighten, prices surge. Earlier this month, the FAO said its food price index jumped 32 percent in the second half of 2010, soaring past the previous record set in 2008.” Can you not see that everything Jesus told us to look for is already upon us?
Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:11And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Since the beginning of the new year we have seen some huge earthquakes and the earth continues to shake only this time the report shows the fight fear sight of the volcanic eruption Sicily.
“After reports of mysterious mass animal deaths around the planet, photos of a fierce volcanic eruption might confirm that the end of the world is nigh. Thankfully, these magnificent pictures of Mount Etna's latest eruption are merely a chance to revel in the awesome power of nature rather than a reason to start stocking up on canned goods. The 3,329-metre (10,922-feet) volcano erupted for around an hour yesterday evening, lighting up the Sicilian sky and providing amazing scenery for the village of Milo, just 12 kilometres away”
My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe
Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised. The book download is FREE. Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at [email protected]. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed. Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
I will be taking some time off. I request your prayers. Please do not email me as I need to step away from my post for a while.
Prophecy Sign: Let me ask you a question? Why do you think Lebanon’s Government is having so many troubles? Do you not know that Psalm 83 tells us that Lebanon is one of the nations that is going to attack Israel? What you are seeing take place in Lebanon are the stepping stones to prepare these people to attack Israel. Will we see civil unrest break out in Lebanon? I would say the chances of it are high as the religious parties are odds with each other. Add to the fact Jesus warned we would see civil unrest in part of Matthew 24:7. As you can see from the report Iran’s figure prints are all over what is happening in Lebanon. “Iranian puppet militia Hizbullah and its allies followed through Wednesday on a threat to leave Lebanon's unity government. Their departure may leave Prime Minister Saad Hariri without a coalition.” Iran’s President is working for the destruction on Israel, and I believe bringing in another ruling party that is in line with what Iran wants is part of the picture.
Speaking about civil war read this. “After years of civil war costing hundreds of thousands of lives, the last thing that Lebanon needs is renewed political instability. So yesterday's move by the Hizbollah-led opposition to bring about the collapse of the government of national unity is a worrying development – not just for Lebanon itself, but the whole of the Middle East. The ostensible reason for Hizbollah's withdrawal is the impending publication of an investigation by a UN tribunal into the assassination five years ago of Rafiq Hariri, the country's prime minister. The tribunal is reportedly preparing to indict several senior Hizbollah members, something that the Shia militant group has warned will lead to renewed sectarian violence. For months, Hizbollah – which is backed by Iran and Syria – has tried to force Hariri's son Saad, the current prime minister, to disavow the findings of the tribunal, something he has refused to do for fear of losing all credibility with his own Sunni community.”
Just in case you are new to my site Syria, Lebanon, and the Hizbollah are also listed in the Psalm 83 war that is going to come on Israel soon. Syria is going to meet her end when she tries to wipe out Israel . Read Isaiah 17:1 and chapter 49 of the book of Jeremiah to see what happens to her.
Israel’s leaders know full well what Iran and Syria are up to in Lebanon and they are smart to prepare for war. “Israel Defense Forces troops stationed in the north were on alert Thursday over worries that the political turmoil in Lebanon might spill over into renewed violence on their shared border, following the collapse of the government in Beirut. The Iranian-backed Hezbollah militant group and its allies threw the already volatile Lebanon into chaos on Wednesday by pulling out of the government and causing it to collapse.” There is no question if war is coming again, it is only a matter of time before it breaks out.
Here is more news shows you Israel is getting ready for the war! “
In an apparent attempt to shake the public into greater preparedness, the Commander of the Home Front's Dan District made a dire prediction Wednesday regarding the next war between Israel and its enemies. Speaking on IDF Radio, Col. Dan Zusman, who is in charge of about 1.5 million citizens on the Tel Aviv area, said that "the missiles and rockets from all fronts will reach Tel Aviv in the next round." "We are talking about dozens of missiles of different kinds that will hit Tel Aviv, and therefore the estimate is that there will be hundreds of dead, destruction of buildings and destruction of infrastructure," he added. When he was asked how he expected society to function during the war, Col. Zusman said: "I am less interested in whether theaters will put on plays, and more in whether our banks and economy will cease functioning. An alternative needs to be found as quickly as possible."
Prophecy Sign: Over and over again I have shown you that America is not found as any kind of power in the last days. The book of Daniel which outlines for us every world empire says nothing about the USA. Why do you suppose this is the case? We living in the last generation can see why the US is not mentioned. She is about to collapse. The mighty dollar is falling and the great USA has been on the decline and is falling very fast. One of the signs is the number of people who are losing their jobs. For the past two and a half years I have warned you to watch the number of people who would be added to the unemployment ranks. When I said watch for hundreds of thousands each month that is what I meant. You do not have to be a prophet to be able to make such statements, all you have to do is know what the Bible says about the last days and who are going to be the main players during the time of the end. If I point to what I have said in the past it is only to show you that things are changing very quickly and America is declining to give way to the last world empire which both Jesus and Daniel address.
“U.S. jobless claims jumped to their highest level since October while food and energy costs boosted producer prices, pointing lingering headwinds for an economic recovery that had been showing renewed vigor. A surge in exports to their highest level in two years helped narrow the trade deficit, however, an encouraging sign. Despite the more positive outlook for growth in recent weeks, the job market still appeared to be struggling. The number of Americans filing for first-time unemployment benefits rose unexpectedly to 445,000 from 410,000 in the prior week, the Labor Department said on Thursday. It was the biggest one-week jump in about six months, confounding analyst forecasts for a small drop to 405,000.” Some have written me and said I am trying to draw attention to myself by telling you I have warned you about this, or I have warned you about that. I will let these people say what they may, but Christ knows I am warning you about the things He has shown us and asked us to warn others about. Sorry if you don’t like the way I point to Christ, but isn’t this what the prophets of old did? Didn’t they warn people about the things that were coming, and isn’t it what we are told to do? At least we have the good news of Christ and can give hope to those who Christ has called. So, once again I ask you to watch the news. Watch the dollar and how it keeps declining, what the US economic engine. All I can say is pray for America that she come back to her first Love Christ. Pray that the leaders of the US will turn to Christ for the answers.
Prophecy Sign: Last week I pointed to Jesus warning concerning the “great earthquakes He warned that would come along with many earth quakes. Read Luke 21:11 and Matthew 24:7. Last week I put up the read flag again and told you more of these huge quakes would be seen in the news shortly. I had no problem telling you this because I know my Father Christ Jesus does not lie. If He said great quakes would come that is what I must warn you about. After all, I am again following what Jesus has asked us to point out in His Word. Do you want to see Christ’s warning come to pass? Take a look at what was just reported.
“WASHINGTON - A 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck off the New Caledonia islands in the southern Pacific, the U.S. Geological Survey said on Thursday.”
Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 Jesus warns we will see the roaring of the seas and waves. In Luke 21:11 the Lord also told us to watch for “great earthquakes”. You see both of these signs in the news today.
“We saw both of these signs from Jesus come to pass. “A woman in Brazil narrowly avoids being swept away More than 370 people have now been killed by flooding and mudslides in south-eastern Brazil, say officials. The mountain towns of Nova Friburgo and Teresopolis have both seen more than 150 deaths and Petropolis dozens more, media report. Thousands of people have been made homeless. Rio de Janeiro Governor Sergio Cabral blamed local governments for allowing poor building and illegal occupations. President Dilma Rousseff has toured damaged areas in Nova Friburgo. She was accompanied by Mr Cabral and other politicians and later left for Rio, where she is expected to give a news conference. 'It was hell' Heavy rain began falling again early on Thursday as rescuers resumed their search and was expected to continue throughout much of the day. The collapse of electricity and communications systems, combined with the destruction of many roads and bridges, has severely hampered the rescue work.”
On Dec. 4, 2010 this news was released by “WAFA (PLO news agency). “12/04/2010 RAMALLAH -the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization welcomed Brazil's courageous and wise decision, which recognizes an independent Palestinian state at the range of 67, and considered it essential lever for peace and stability.” Do you remember what God warned us about anyone who comes against Israel and Jerusalem. In Genesis chapter 3 verses 2-3 you see the blessing and curse against those who bless Israel or curse her. I do not find it strange that shortly after Brazil goes against Israel by agreeing to a PLO State that Brazil is hit by a massive flood!
My newest up-dated book “The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” Jan. 7, 2011 edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Are you really searching to know the truth? (If you don’t believe
Jesus is who He says He is, download my prophecy documentary and read all the evidence, which proves not only is Christ the only true Messiah of the world, but He is coming back soon as He promised. The book download is FREE. Click to the blue link "The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. and it will take you to my newest updated book as of Jan. 7, 2011. Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth Jan. 7, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora pdf
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at [email protected]. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
If the Lord leads via His Holy Spirit to help me print more books I would be blessed. Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
I will be taking some time off. I request your prayers. Please do not email me as I need to step away from my post for a while.
RAMALLAH, West Bank – The Palestinian foreign minister says he will seek United Nations recognition for a Palestinian state in September and is currently lobbying for votes worldwide.
The move is part of the Palestinians' so-called Plan B of pursuing an alternative to a negotiated peace deal while talks with Israel remain stalled. Riad Malki's announcement Sunday followed Chile's recognition of Palestine, making it the fifth South American country to do so recently.
While a majority for Palestine in the General Assembly seems possible, recognition by the Security Council — whose decisions are legally binding — would likely face an American veto.
The September target date has the month shaping up to be a crucial one for the Palestinians. It also marks the time frame for President Barack Obama's goal of reaching a peace deal and Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's hope of having the foundations of the future state ready.
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, falls on the Hebrew calendar dates of 1 and 2 Tishrei. Here are the coinciding secular dates for the upcoming year 2011: September 28 (at sundown) – 30. Every time I hear some one may do something to provoke Israel, and the date they state for doing something against Israel, I remember the Feast days. What if the PLO gets the UN to call for Palestinian State during the Jewish Feast of Rosh Hashanah, which is the Feast of Trumpets. Who knows, maybe it will be at this time the Lord will return for His Church.
The Last Days Global Prayer network is closing because for months I haven't heard but from one person concerning these prayer requests. As a result of the lack people wanting to pray I have chosen to spend more time in areas that would help spread God Word.
Starting date for prayer request April 30, 2012: Please GOD unite me back with my love and bless me with my marriage to him ,with our parents blessings and happiness before the end of 2012. Please help me GOD . Please GOD you are my last hope. Please don't let me down .Please GOD also bless all other people in this world who have faith in you . GOD BLESS YOU
March 27, 2012,Dear Frank; Haven't talked to you in awhile as I know you are exceedingly busy! Well as for me, can you pray for me? I am in a desperate situation. I am still unemployed/homeless/and have about $60 dollars to my name. God is Jehovah Jirah and I need provision now. Anyways if'n you find the time to pray God Bless Ya Brother. THANKS friend! If the Lord leads you to help him in his need please email Palmer at [email protected]m
Starting date for prayer request March 25, 2012: Everyone,please pray for my mother,she is very sick and asked me to request prayer for her.And you all know like I do,that GOD answers prayer.Thank you all Craig
Prayer Request starting date March 21, 2012: Sister Willie Jaye Lee just went into surgery...Please keep her in your prayers, as we know that God is in the HEALING business. We lift her name up HIGH in the MIGHTY name of Jesus Christ..She is having a very serious surgery affecting nerves and spine..will take up to 3-1/2hrs. We pray in the name of the Father, Son, & Holyspirit. Amen. Also, I have another request please keep K'mori Little lifted up in prayer. She's six years old and the young girl was ran over and drug over 100 ft. She's in University hospital and has many surgeries. Let's lift her and family in our prayers.
Prayer request starting March 20, 2012 for Josh and his partner. This couple needs your prayers for this new trucking business. Ask Jesus to bless them as they take a step out in faith in Christ. This is the new truck they just got for the business. They want to pay off the truck in a year. Let us pray that Jesus blesses them and they will pay it off way before that time! Photo of the truck is below.
Prayer request from Rose starting date March 20, 2012
Hi Frank,I can't seem to get to prayer site.Please pray for my husband as he gets surgery Thursday.He is getting addicted to pain pills and wants to get off them as he does have pain.He said he wants off them so pray for victory as I wean him off with Doctors help. AND I want to thank our great God for victory who is able to do more than we can ever imagine. Many are the afflictions of the righteous but God gets them through them all.AMEN and let us not GIVE UP. HE REALLY IS WITH US IN THE FIRE. JUST BELIEVE.
Prayer Request! (March 12, 2012) Douglas & Michelle Gable (trust) Family, Johnson Family, Laws Family, Laparis Philips, Smiley family, Ruiz Family, & Barbara Gable, Pastor Keys & Family, Cheryl Haywood & Gabriella, Jones Family, Knobles Family, & Helen Ward. Father we asking you Lord to deliver us from sickness, health and to build our family stronger in the Faith in Jesus name. Thankyou!
Prayer request from Agnes Baraza starting date March 5, 2012
Dear man of God,
Man of God I would just want you to pray for me to remainstrong and trust in Jesus alone. My biggest prayer need is that the lord may give me peace ofmind .I have a lot of questions that I ask myself everyday; why did my motherhave to die and leave me without knowing my father. Why was I not born in anable family, family that could take care of me and give me good education. Myonly hope is that Jesus is going to come in this few days and take me home.Take me to a place where there no more struggling with our physical needs sheda lot of tears when a day passes and HE IS NOT BACK. Because I have to face aset of new problems. Am afraid that my friend is taking me like a burden to hisfamily and the only way I can stay from him is going to school. The burden isthat I don’t have anyone to pay for my school fees and with my high schoolcertificate I cannot get a job anywhere. Pray for me that I may get a way outthat I can go to school even as we wait for his coming.
Thank you
Yours daughter in Christ
Prayer request from Nick: Feb. 28, 2012
Pray for the all the believers in Kazakhstan deprived of a legal means of gathering for woship after hundreds of small churches and other religious groups were closed down earlier this month. Pray for "George," the brother still being held for interrogation in a neighbouring country because of his faith and ministry. Pray for him, his family, and for the other believers in that city. Ask God to give comfort and strength to the family of a colleague of Peter, whose father passed away. Ask God to meet the deepest needs of "Barry", a brother in this city weighed down by feelings of guilt and loneliness. Continue to pray for Assiya's healing. Ask God to help her through the difficult treatment she is receiving. Pray that by God'sgrace liz will recover. Her salivary ducts are blocked by stones, making it difficult to eat or talk, and leading to throat infections. Pray for Edward's father Nicolai, in hospital in serious condition. Pray for all those in Kazakhstan who do not know Jesus, that God's light will shine on them. Pray for the government of Kazakhstan, and particularly the President, that God's grace will protect and guide.
From from Clint!!!!!
I recently requested prayer from you for myself. I was falsely accused of abusing my children 6 days AFTER I filed for custody of them. I was arrested and spent nearly 8 months in jail in NC on a $250,000 bond before charges were dismissed but I was taken to MD to face allegations there. I was released on a $750 cash bond there and I faced trial on 3/7/12. Just a few moments ago I got an email from my attorney saying all charges in MD were being dismissed because the story has changed again and doesnt match up with the evidence that I had submitted through my attorney. I faced up to 46 years in prison and I refused all plea deal offers because I am innocent. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! I have always said I was innocent and the Lord has delivered me from false accusations made in a custody battle. In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and He answered by setting me free. (Psalm 118:5) As an ex cop being an inmate in jail was tough but God delivered me and gave me the privelidge of being able to witness to gang members, a man who is now on death row and many other men who wanted to harm or kill me. I praise God for delivering me and setting me free. I am now going to focus on rebuilding my life, finding work and giving my testimony of just how mighty and powerful the Lord Jesus Christ is!! God bless you and thank you!!
Remember what Dave wrote on Feb. 9? Check below: Feb. 24, Dave emailed me and told me the Lord has taken care of him. He has a place to go and it appears the Lord is going to give him a job. My how things change when you seek Christ!
New prayer request starting date Feb. 9, 2012 from Dave
Hey Frank,
Please pray for me. The situation of me going to Texas has fallen through. Originally an older Christian couple asked me to stay with them in Texas, however I just received an email that their family was not supportive of it. So now I only have three weeks to find a place to live and I have no money. Right now God is the only solution to keep me from being totally homeless. I am at a loss for what God wants me to do, so I also need his guidance.
New prayer requeststarting date Feb. 1, 2012 from Clint Reep.
Mr. Dimora,
I found your website about a month ago and I wanted to thank you for your service to the Lord.
I also wanted to submit a personal prayer request for an urgent situation I face. I was falosely accused of a terrible thing and I face a very serious charge from it. 6 days after I filed an emergency custody petition for my children I was accused of abusing them. I am asking believers to agree with me for the truth to be known. If I am guilty of what they say I should go to prison but if I am innocent I should be exhonerated and restored. I am not asking God to let me get away with a crime but to reveal the truth about what I have been accused of. My ex wife is living an openly gay lifestyle in front of my children and when I tried to get custody I was arrested and spennt nearly 8 months in jail before charges were dropped in one state but I face trial in another state. I did not do what I am accused of but I have been completely destoryed both financially and my reputation.
The only way I will ever see my children again is by God intervening.
God bless and thank you,
New prayer request starting date Jan. 5, 2012 from Dave S. Hey Frank, Just wanted to see if you could keep me in prayer and ask the Lord to help me financially. I left Los Angeles two months ago to live with a friend in Chicago in hopes of finding no cost medical treatment for a spinal injury and have not been able to get help. With the injury I have been unable to work and yet cannot get any kind of state or federal assistance either. I am flat broke and will lose cell phone service this weekend so I really need God to work a miracle for me or at least give me the direction that I need to go in to resolve these financial issues. Thanks God Bless
New prayer request starting date Dec. 20, 2011: Need of Prayer! Please continue to pray for one another. My mom (Angela Gable will be having eye surgery on Dec. 30th). Pastor Keys & family (slow process recovering) Laura& Dorothy to remain strong). Willow Park Christian Church family on the prayer list, many other churches to be all one accord. Pray for brother Smiley & family his brother-n-law (Bro. Delbert Tony) is recovering and is back at home. So many names but I believe God hear our prayers (with a repent heart). God bless! Douglas Gable
New prayer request starting date Dec. 7, 2011: Dear Friends & Family, I have an urgent prayer request regarding Pastor Jim Locke of Free Indeed Worship Center ~ Ft. Lauderdale. Please lift him up for healing concerning an on-going battle against the infirmity of cancer.
Updates 1) re: Nov. 2011: my brother's Job interview Dec. ! Kate Nate --- God's Will apparently Was new job... Yet:) sometimes the Lord has Better plans ahead !
2) P's business deal was delayed until end of this month (Jan.) Please pray the Lord allow deal to be reached...he Lord should provide funds for me to help African outreach and others....
( I pray continue to daily for your site's prayer list ) ~ kate
New prayer request as of Nov. 2011: Please pray God's will be done with my brother's Job interview Dec. ! Kate Nate
New prayer request Nov. 30, 2011: Hello Frank...just thought i'd stop by & say hello. It is a beautiful day outside today. So i must get outside b4 the sun quits shining. Wanted 2 let ya know that i am becoming involved with prison ministry & was wondering if i might ask 4 any prayers you may offer up on my be 1/2.... Deena
and for P.'s business deal next week ....thank you!! Nate Kate
Just wanted to see if you could keep me in prayer again. I still don't have a phone but now it's a bigger issue. I left L.A. and am now in Chicago staying with a friend. Due to a financial hardship that my friend and his family are now experiencing, I need to find a new place to live by the end of February. Right now I'm in a strange place with no money and no place to go. I've prayed that God provide and show me what to do but have yet to hear anything.
Thanks again.
Just wanted to see if you could keep me in prayer again. I still don't have a phone but now it's a bigger issue. I left L.A. and am now in Chicago staying with a friend. Due to a financial hardship that my friend and his family are now experiencing, I need to find a new place to live by the end of February. Right now I'm in a strange place with no money and no place to go. I've prayed that God provide and show me what to do but have yet to hear anything.
Thanks again.
Prayer request from Cinday Nov. 29, 2011 (No name given) Dear Lord, I pray for my grandpa who is suffering from cancer at the moment. I just pray that he finds you before he passes away so he does not have to undergo the attrocities of Hell. My Grandpa is a great, brave man who fought for our freedoms during World War II and I believe he is a worthy man as long as he devotes his life to Christ before it is too late. My Grandpa has also practiced Freemason rituals in the Masonic Lodges during the world war while fighting for Britain, so if this false religion still has a hold on him, please Lord set him free. I'd also like to pray for the state of Egypt right now as they are holding those elections, anything could happen. Forever glorify the Lord AMEN
Prayer request from Cinday Nov. 26, 2011, Bob is home and doing pretty well. Only problem is that he goes in and out of atrial fibrillation and this is a big concern. This also makes it difficult for him to sleep at night. Doctors say he has 7 weeks for this issue to resolve, before they do more serious treatment. He needs to get into a normal heart rhythm. That gives us 7 weeks to pray! Lets all pray in unity and agreement for Bob's healing. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Prayer request for Oct. 16, 2011from Gretchen Tamarra. Brother Frank, I would like to ask you to please include my family in your prayer. They are still bind in their tradition, still going to church that is worshiping idols. That's why sometimes I feel weak because I'm surrounded with unbelievers but by God's grace I stand and hold on to my faith. I was once a lost ship, once in the dark, thought my works could save me. But God is merciful and He called me and I accepted Him. God knows I desire that my family will be save as well. I've already share the gospel to them and encourage them to read the Bible. Brother Frank please include our family in your prayer, TAMARRA FAMILY and my bestfriend VICTORIA DE LEON and her family in Cebu Philippines. After two years of sharing the gospel to my bestfriend finally accepted Jesus Christ in her life and she's been visiting in your site as well.
Prayer request for Oct. 13, 2011 "Please keep continuing to pray for one and for another in these perilous times. We need to lift up sister Susan mother in our prayers. She is fighting pneumonia while she is in the hospital. Her name is Hopie Hernandez. My Brother (Akram) in the faith getting prepared to preach the gospel. Also please pray for the families around the Globe who are suffering financially around the Globe and the U.S. (Israel to as they are going to divide Israel land). Anyone else need of prayer? We all need prayers. In Christ Jesus amen. Thanks - brother Doug"
Oct. 7, 2011 request: Prayer request for Mrs. Mary Wright who is having surgery today, Friday. She is having surgery and needs prayer for finances. - Doug
This site contains documentation regarding Bible prophecy and current events. The subject matter deals with facts supporting the fulfillment of bible prophecy, and it will prove this is the chosen generation to see Jesus Christ return, and I will prove this point in the book. To some people this subject is scary, but the current situation of the world was foretold in the Bible so we would understand and prepare for Christ's return. This site will help you be prepared for the Lord's 2nd coming and show you how you can enjoy your life while we wait for the Lord's return. All the documentation you will be reading on this site has been taken from the pages of my book which is called "THE LAST CHRONICLES OF PLANET EARTH". Unlike most authors I never charge anyone to read my book. Jesus warned that the generation who saw all these things (prophecies) take place at the same time, that would be the generation chosen to see His 2nd coming. Jesus in Matthew 24:33-34 said the following: "Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." Belive me, you will want to be ready to meet Jesus when He calls His church home! I welcome any comments. Thank you. Frank DiMora
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