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Prophecy Sign: Matthew 24: 7 is the sign of civil unrest in the last days and there is no question that this prophecy is in one of the worse birth pains in a long time. Bahrain is a oil rich nation and an American ally. Why is the American 5th fleet stationed in Bahrain? The US gets oil from this nation, that why.
The government of Bahrain today, the one Obama is standing behind.
These past few days both Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and White House, spokesman Jay Carney's message was similar. They both made statements that the Obama Administration stands behind the Bahrain government.
“At the White House, spokesman Jay Carney's message was similar. “We oppose the use of violence by the government of Bahrain just as we'll oppose the use of violence by other governments in the region against peaceful protesters,” he said. “The government of Bahrain has the responsibility to maintain peace and security for its citizens and hold accountable those who use excessive force against demonstrators." “
Bahrain is an important ally for the United States, serving as the headquarters for the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet, which is critical to Washington’s military presence in the region.” If you watch the video from the Press TV report you will see the truth behind why the “US turns blind eye to Bahrain massacre”US turns blind eye to Bahrain massacre
The US, that's naval fifth fleet stands by watching in an effort to protect oil price fluctuations, has gained conspicuous silence on peaceful protesters being mowed down in hails of gunfire rings loudly. The tiny population is being massacred, even western reporters are not spared, and we may well ask - Where are the UN soldiers? Press TV talks with Afshin Rattansi novelist and journalist from London about the unfolding events in Bahrain and on the Britain's role in this tragedy over the decades.
Civil unrest is now spreading into China
China web users call for 'Jasmine Revolution'
“BEIJING - Postings circulating on the Internet have called on disgruntled Chinese to gather on Sunday in public places in 13 major cities to mark the "Jasmine Revolution" spreading through the Middle East. The calls have apparently led the Chinese government to censor postings containing the word "jasmine" in an attempt to quell any potential unrest. "We welcome... laid off workers and victims of forced evictions to participate in demonstrations, shout slogans and seek freedom, democracy and political reform to end 'one party rule'," one posting said. The postings, many of which appeared to have originated on overseas websites run by exiled Chinese political activists, called for protests in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and 10 other major Chinese cities.”
“BEIJING – Jittery Chinese authorities wary of any domestic dissent staged a concerted show of force Sunday to squelch a mysterious online call for a "Jasmine Revolution" apparently modeled after pro-democracy demonstrations sweeping the Middle East. Authorities detained activists, increased the number of police on the streets, disconnected some mobile phone text messaging services and censored Internet postings about the call to stage protests at 2 p.m. in Beijing, Shanghai and 11 other major cities. The campaign did not gain much traction among ordinary citizens and the chances of overthrowing the Communist government are slim, considering Beijing's tight controls over the media and Internet. A student-led, pro-democracy movement in 1989 was crushed by the military and hundreds, perhaps thousands, were killed.”
Prophecy Sign: As you know from Ezekiel chapter 38 we know that Iran and Israel will have a show down. Of course when this war breaks out Iran will not be alone. She ill be lead in by Russia and many allies. For the past two years Israel has warned she will take out Iran’s nuclear weapons program. All of this news points to that coming war found in Ezekiel. Fox News just covered a story they entitled, “Iran’s ticking time bomb”.
Prophecy Sign: Also found in Matthew 24:7 is the sign of many earthquakes. Today there is more news about the many quakes going on in Arkansas.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Jim Sutterfield was briefly puzzled by a thumping sound that seemed to slam the back of his office chair. But when the small-town Arkansas fire chief turned and saw no one was around, he quickly realized it was just an earthquake — again. "That was only my second time to feel one, but others here have felt them for three or four months now," Greenbrier chief Jim Sutterfield said after feeling the latest tremor on Wednesday. "Now when it happens, people say, 'Well, there's another one.'" Several small earthquakes ranging in magnitude from 1.8 to 3.8 have rattled the north-central Arkansas cities of Greenbrier and Guy this week, and the cause is unknown. The U.S. Geological Survey has reported more than 30 earthquakes in the area since Sunday, including a magnitude 3.8 quake Thursday morning and at least 16 others occurring Wednesday, two of which were magnitude 3.2 and 3.5. More than 700 quakes have occurred in the region over the past six months.”