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Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at [email protected]. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
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Prophecy Sign: Events leading up to the Psalm 83 war. “French ship Dignity which departed for the rendezvous with vessels participating in the Gaza flotilla on Saturday has apparently decided to skip the Athens stop and is en route to Gaza. Flotilla organizers refused to officially confirm the ship is approaching the region and are maintaining secrecy. Jordanian activists said they purchased an additional ship for $805,000 which could carry as many as 200 activists. It was said it will carry 35 Jordanian activists. The organizers said that the flotilla will set sail on Thursday but noted there may be delays.” “Meanwhile, the organizers are disappointed in the limited turnout. Less than 300 are expected to board the flotilla ships.”
“Israel has threatened to assassinate Syrian leader Bashar Assad if he instigates or sanctions any kind of attack on the Jewish state, the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported on Tuesday. The threat was reportedly conveyed to Assad via Turkey. According to the newspaper, Israeli intelligence has become concerned over unusual troop and missile deployments in Syria, movements that could signal an imminent attack on the Jewish state. Israeli experts have speculated that Assad could attack Israel in order to divert attention from his security forces' brutal and bloody crackdown on pro-democracy activists in Syria. Or, Assad could turn to his Hizballah allies in Lebanon to do his dirty work. Either way, Israel will hold Assad personally responsible. There is also concern that if Assad sees his regime falling, he could launch one final assault on Israel to secure a lasting legacy for himself.”
Prophecy Sign: Daniel tells us when the revived Roman Empire returned it would have troubles, and would not adhere. I quote Daniel 2: 41-43. “Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.”
First of all, for all the new people at my site today, I can assure you that the European Union is the revived Western leg of the old Roman Empire. I have always said, when the economic chaos strikes, and the world it tossed into the worse depression it has ever seen, that will be the time the Antichrist will rise up from with in the revived Roman Empire. Since the EU is the Western leg of the old Roman Empire we need to pay attention to what is happening with the EU, just in case this is the leg Jesus is pointing to. One thing is very clear to us, the EU is in serious trouble and just as Daniel warned in the prophecy we see the EU is not adhering to one another. We also see some of the nations in the EU are really strong, such as Germany, and we also see nations that are fragile such as with Greece. Greece could be what begins to break up the EU into smaller parts. If you came to my post yesterday you saw the news video concerning the rioting going on in Greece over Greece’s financial state. Today Greece has to vote, on keeping the State going or to fall into default. The news from the euobserver will explain.
“BRUSSELS - On the eve of perhaps the most significant vote in the Greek parliament since the return of democracy to the country in 1974, the European Commission has warned Greek deputies that if they do not vote the right way, then "everything changes" as to whether "EU solidarity continues". The Greek parliament opened debate on Tuesday (28 June) on a draconian package of public spending cuts, structural reforms and a massive €50 billion sell-off of state assets imposed by international lenders. The Greek parliament is due to vote on the mid-term package on Wednesday and hold a second vote on its implementation on Thursday.” Another section of this report says, “Pressed whether the commissioner's words meant that if the vote is defeated, Greece will be allowed to go bankrupt, the spokesman said: "If Greece does everything to take the objectives set a year ago, then EU solidarity continues. If not, then of course everything changes." He refused to answer whether a country can default and still be a member of the eurozone.”
Prophecy Sign: Anyone who reads Revelation 13:16-18 understands the Antichrist is going to control the world’s economic system. Once this present system collapses, and the world is tossed into chaos the world will be looking for a new leader to take them out of the chaos. What happens in Greece is a very big deal, because it could be the beginning stages of the collapse. The EU President addressed this issue today. “Europe ramped up pressure on the Greek parliament Tuesday to approve drastic austerity measures, warning that it would otherwise face a swift debt default that would rock the world economy. As Greek police clashed with protesters ahead of this week's vote, Brussels told Greece that no "Plan B" would be waiting if it failed to pass the measures demanded by creditors in return for loans needed to keep Athens afloat. "There are decisive moments and the coming hours will be decisive, crucial for the Greek people, but also for the eurozone and the stability of the world economy," EU president Herman Van Rompuy told the European parliament.”
This is the bottom line. Whether it is Greece that starts the worldwide financial collapse, or the US debt that crushes the American financial system, which starts the dominos to fall, we know that a collapse is coming. There is no way the entire world would agree to hand over the leadership of the entire world’s economy to one person unless there was some major event that forced the world to it. Jesus’ words in Rev. 13:16-18 will be fulfilled so get ready to witness the collapse.
Prophecy Sign: God gave us many promises in His Word. Some of those promises are truly a blessing, while others are a curse. In Genesis 12:3 God promised to bless you if you bless Israel. He also promised to curse you if you cursed Israel. In Joel 3:2 you read God is going to destroy anyone who divides the land of Israel, and in Zechariah 12:3 God promises to cut anyone who comes against Jerusalem into pieces, or even burdens themselves over the city. I have been keeping track of nations who are cursing Israel to see what happens to them soon after they attack her. Keep in mind, this attack does not have to even be a physical attack, it could be statements like we see coming out of Iran, where Iran’s President continues to say he will wipe Israel off the map.
On June 10, 2011 Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazai gave a speech to a packed house. In his speech he proclaimed Egypt would attack Jerusalem, and Egyptians would become martyrs when they liberate Jerusalem. After he made his speech we read news that Egypt was again building up violence in the streets. Then on June 29 we see that new acts of violence is the worse in weeks.
“Egyptian police have clashed with hundreds of anti-government protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square, leaving several people injured. Riot police fired tear gas to try to disperse the protesters, many of whom hurled stones at the police lines. Tahrir Square was the epicentre of February's revolt that led to President Hosni Mubarak being toppled. Many of the protesters were calling for the prosecution of former officials to be speeded up. As dawn broke, stones and broken glass littered the streets around Tahrir Square. Witnesses said it was worst violence in the square for weeks.” As usual, we also see some man made, or natural disasters, happen shortly after someone attacks Israel. Chaos, in the streets is not uncommon after Israel is threatened. As long as Egypt sends out messages of hate toward Israel she will remain under God’s curse, and it she doesn’t abandon the calls to liberate Jerusalem she will find herself cut into pieces just as was promised in Zechariah 12:3. At this point, I see no reason to believe the leaders, or the Cleric’s in Egypt are going to begin to bless Israel. One of the questions I am asked is this, when do I think the nations who are cursing Israel be destroyed? All you have to do is look to Psalm 83, and Ezekiel 38 for the answer. When the nations listed in the Psalm war, which include Egypt attack Israel, they will all be wiped out at the same time. The rest of the nations that do not border Israel of which Iran will be included will be wiped out during the Ezekiel war. Even after the Ezekiel war is over, the world won’t stop cursing the nation of Israel. All who oppose God and Israel will finally be taken care of by the Lord at the battle of Armageddon.