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Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth July 1, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora
Are you really searching to know the truth?
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at [email protected]. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
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Prophecy Sign: In chapter 21 of Luke, chapter 24 of Matthew, and chapter 13 of Mark we read Jesus warning us of the last days sign of famines. Revelation 16:8-11 we read Jesus warning us about the intense heat that would scorch the Earth in the last days, and Revelation 7: 15-16 points to the droughts, because Christ shows us the people who came out of the tribulation and made it into heaven would no longer be hunger, or thirst. Knowing that Planet Earth has already seen the beginning of the last days birth pains, no one who knows God’s warnings about these things should be surprised to read about the massive droughts that are causing famines. I quote, “Ten million people in the Horn of Africa have been hit by the worst drought in 60 years, with the situation deteriorating to the point of famine in some areas, the UN said Tuesday. "Over ten million people are affected by the drought in one way or other," said Elisabeth Byrs, spokeswoman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. "We believe that the drought situation in certain regions is the worst in 60 years. In several regions, we can speak of famine," she added.” Christ told us that when we shall see all these things to look up for our redemption draws close. Since all these signs are already here, I hope you are doing what Christ asked of you?
Prophecy Sign: "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased (Daniel 12:4). One of the last day signs that was specifically a sign for the last generation, just prior to Jesus second coming is this prophecy. The Lord made it very clear what the last generation would look like. In Matthew chapter 24 Christ told us the last generation would be just like the people who lived during Noah’s generation and that has taken place. In Revelation chapter 21 Jesus shows us the last generation would be known as a drug generation and that has also come to pass. Add Daniel 12:4 to these other signs, and there is no guessing as to who the last generation Jesus is pointing to. It is ours! If you still doubt, Christ also showed us in Matthew chapter 24 that all these things would happen when we saw Israel come back as a nation again. That took place on May 14, 1948 and since Israel’s birth all these things have come to pass, so there is no doubt you are living in the last generation. Notice if you will, Let me give you to examples of what our generation is doing as far as the increase in knowledge and people traveling back and forth is concerned.
This generation has become so smart they can now even grow meat for you to eat that is grown in a lab. “The first ‘test-tube’ hamburger is only a year away, scientists claim. They believe the product, beef mince grown from stem cells, could pave the way for eating meat without animals being slaughtered. The Dutch scientists predict that over the next few decades the world’s population will increase so quickly that there will not be enough livestock to feed everyone. As a result, they say, laboratory-grown beef, chicken and lamb could become normal. The scientists are currently developing a burger which will be grown from 10,000 stem cells extracted from cattle, which are then left in the lab to “ Seems man is trying to create everything that God has created for them. The last time man thought he was so powerful they tried to build a tower that would reach all the way into heaven. Of course if you know the story of the Tower of Babal, you know God stopped them from ever finishing it. The same thing is going to happen with this generation via the seven year tribulation.
God told Daniel that people would be going back and forth. Never before in the history of man has so many people traveled. Not only are people traveling, but because of this generation's increase in knowledge look at how fast people are able to move about this planet. Get ready for the SonicStar plane! As you will see from the report this jet will have a top speed of Mach 3.6
Today’s Headline: Twice as fast as Concorde: The supersonic jet that will fly from London to New York in TWO HOURS
SonicStar plane will have a top speed of Mach 3.6
“A jet that can fly from London to Sydney in three and a half hours could rob Concorde of its title as the fastest-ever passenger plane. Plans have been unveiled for the Hypermach SonicStar, a business jet which will be capable of a top speed of 2,664mph – twice as fast as Concorde. It will fly at 62,000ft, allowing passengers to see the curvature of the earth. Hypermach chief executive Richard Lugg wants the plane in the skies within ten years and has already secured funding from the Department of Trade and Industry, which has agreed to support the company in Britain.”
Prophecy Sign: “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3). When you study Bible prophecy you come to find out there aren’t many prophecies left to be fulfilled before the seven year tribulation begins. One of the prophecies that still has to be completed is the second part of 1 Thessalonians 5:3, which is the “sudden destruction” that will come while they are still call for this Pease and safety. We know what this destruction is going to be. It is clearly war against Israel. We don’t know exactly when war will break out, but we do know it will be soon. There is the possibility that a war may begin as a result of another flottilla of ships which are to steam toward the Gaza soon, or war could break out as the result of the PLO going before the UN to get recognized as a nation inside Israel territory. What we do know is Israel is preparing for a conflict.
“(Reuters) - Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Tuesday participants in an aid flotilla planning to challenge an Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip were seeking "confrontation and blood." Pro-Palestinian activists have said around a dozen ships carrying aid to Gaza, territory controlled by Hamas Islamists, could depart from European ports in the coming days. A year ago, nine Turkish activists, including a dual U.S.-Turkish national, were killed in clashes with Israeli soldiers who raided a Gaza-bound convoy in the eastern Mediterranean. Israel has said it will prevent the new flotilla from reaching the coastal enclave, and Lieberman repeated its offer to the activists to deliver aid via the Israeli port of Ashdod or through Egypt or the United Nations. "They are clearly there to create a provocation, looking for confrontation and blood and for many pictures on television screens," Lieberman told Israel Radio, adding that there was a "hard core of terror activists" among the participants.”
I quote, “Israel's military is making intensive preparations for an outbreak violence in the West Bank over a U.N. vote in September on recognizing a Palestinian state, Israeli military officials said Monday. Palestinians, meanwhile, pushed ahead with their drive. Palestinian officials are fanning out around the world to raise support for their initiative. They hope to change the minds of U.S. leaders, who appear poised to veto a resolution in the U.N. Security Council to admit Palestine as a full member of the United Nations. For the first time, a senior Palestinian official described a fallback position Monday. Nabil Shaath said if the U.S. blocks the initiative for U.N. membership, the Palestinians would try for nonmember state status at the world body. "This would open the way for us to get membership in all the U.N. institutions, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund," he said. The statehood campaign emerged from the long deadlock in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and the Palestinian conviction that the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not serious about making peace. On Sunday, the West Bank Palestinian leadership formally decided to seek U.N. recognition of a state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem.
When I read this headline from the Arutz Sheva News I knew Paul’s warning was going to come to pass very shortly. Take a look at the handwriting on the wall regarding the near future for Israel and its neighbors. The headline from the Israel National News com on June 27, 2011 reads as follows: “Is the ‘Peace Process’ the Road to War?”. “Last week, President Shimon Peres warned that written peace agreement on Jerusalem will cause a “world war.” Now, leading Kadima Knesset Member and former IDF Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz says conflict is the fate of a United Nations declaration recognizing the Palestinian Authority as a country”
Flotilla extremists have poison chemicals for Israeli troops
DEBKAfile June 28, 2011,
Pro-Palestinian flotilla armed with chemical weapons
Contrary to the purportedly peaceful nature of the flotilla setting out this week to break Israel's Gaza blockade, Israeli intelligence sources reported Monday, June 27, that some of the activists aboard the boats are extremists who are perfectly willing to forcibly resist efforts to intercept them and are ready to kill Israeli servicemen coming on board. Senior officials in Jerusalem who briefed reporters Monday night reported information received that the organizers of the flotilla had laid in a store of poisoned chemicals aboard the ten or so vessels in the flotilla for use against Israeli troops boarding them. They are quoted as saying they had no problem with spilling the blood of Israeli soldiers. Another falsehood exposed is the Turkish IHH's statement that its members had withdrawn from the expedition. This turns out to be a deliberate red herring. Not only are IHH Islamic fundamentalists aboard but also likeminded Arab and other nationals. In fact, Israeli intelligence had identified at least two Hamas supporters”. “Earlier Monday, the Israeli defense cabinet approved the navy's plan for preventing the flotilla from reaching Gazan shores by "firm and determined action."
Psalm 83 warns us that Egypt will be one of the nations that attack Israel with the rest of the nations that border Israel. Let this video show you what God has warned is on the lips of leaders in Egypt. The next Middle East war is close!
Prophecy Sign: God’s curse on anyone who curses Israel, or comes against Israel and Jerusalem. See Genesis 12:3, Joel 3:2, and Zechariah 12:3. People look at what is happening in Greece and they shake their heads. Many are asking what in the world is going on in Greece. Let me give you the answer from God’s Word. Just take time to read the three prophecies above. God warned anyone who curses Israel, or divides up the land of Israel, or even burdens themselves over God’s city of Jerusalem will not only fall under His curse, but He will cut them into pieces.
On January 30, 2011 Haaretz News ran their report entitled: “Report: Cyprus recognizes Palestinian states within 1967 borders”. Here is the sub-title to the report. “Palestinian news agency WAFA says Cyprus President Christofias sent letter to PA leader Abbas, stating his hope that a Palestinian state will be formed with East Jerusalem as its capital.” The headline and sub-title alone should tell you that Greece has fallen under God’s curse. Not only have has Greece jumped on the band wagon of nations who are working to divide up Israel, but they want God’s City of Jerusalem to fall back in the hands of the PLO. In short, they have done exactly what God warned not to do. Now do you see why Greece is falling apart at the seems. Since Greece has announced its stand with the PLO Greece's financial problems have gotten much worse, and they are at the point of bankruptcy. Riots have broken out again and the nation is in a state of turmoil. Today’s news informs us that “Workers across Greece walked off the job on Tuesday, kicking off a crippling 48-hour strike with a mass protest in the capital, Athens, as parliament debated a new austerity plan. Police fired tear gas in clashes with protesters. AFP - Greece ground to a halt Tuesday as angry workers launched a 48-hour general strike against an austerity drive ordered by its bankruptcy-threatened government in exchange for a European bailout.”
The Sky News gives you information as to what will happen to Greece if they don’t get their bailout. “The Greek parliament needs to agree to 28bn euros (£25bn) of spending cuts and economic reforms by the end of this month. Only then will European finance ministers give the country 12bn euros (£10.7bn) - the fifth and final installment of the original 110bn euros (£98bn) bailout agreed in May last year. A masked protester walks beside a burning truck in Athens Greece needs the loan to pay next month's bills and without it, the country will default by July 15.”
Prophecy Sign: Let me add one more prophecy to this news. Read Matthew 24:7 and you will learn Jesus told us to look for civil unrest in the last days. Christ tells us in verse 7 that kingdom will come again kingdom. That is what is happening in Greece.
Here’s the good news. Jesus has given you a way out. If you receive Him as your Lord he has promised to save you, and deliver you from His wrath, which is to be poured out on an unbelieving generation. Learn how you will be taken away from all these things that will come to pass by reading chapter 14 from my book? Download Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 30, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora