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Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
Prophecy Sign: Daniel 12:4 warns us that our generation would become known for two specific things. One of those things is that we would increase in knowledge. Could the increase in knowledge help bring on the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and the second coming of Christ? I think you will find these videos interesting. The bottom line is this. We are the generation who has fulfilled this prophecy, and it is the same generation who has fulfilled the signs of Noah’s generation as Christ points to in Matthew chapter 24.
“Are we being blindly led over a cliff? Have we opened a sealed door; a kind of Pandora’s Box, that was never intended to be opened? Behind closed doors scientists have breached the genetic codes that separate the individuality of animal and plant species. In the area of food production, new hybrid plant species have been scientifically engineered, with their derivative products commonly appearing in our supermarket shelves. But quietly, for two decades, scientists have taken the knowledge of genetic engineering to a frightening new level; merging animal DNA with human DNA, creating the potential and unthinkable reality of super human non-human entities.”
“DARPA calls its project "BioDesign," and in its 2011 budget, the agency explains it "eliminates the randomness of natural evolutionary advancement primarily by advanced genetic engineering and molecular biology technologies to produce the intended biological effect."
Horn says the real purpose has to do with immortalism.
"DARPA has an interest in figuring out how to get around the decaying process of cellular life, and they use the term creating an immortal organism," he explains. "But it's more than just an organism. They consider it to be potentially a lethal force that can be used in military application.
"Wired Magazine actually referred to it as a living, breathing creature. And DARPA admits that the force of this living creature, this immortal organism, could be so potent that it ought to also have what they call a 'kill switch' introduced into its organism so that in case it gets out of hand, we could throw the switch and stop it, or if it became available to our enemies, we could throw the switch and stop it."
A link to a mp3 of Science Friday a weekly science show product by national public radio This is a discussion they had on about a week ago on what the very near future will be like.
(Reuters) - Muammar Gaddafi, who for decades enjoyed strutting before the public in his finery, has disappeared from the stage as rebels take over his former stronghold Tripoli. The rebels want to get their hands on him and so does the International Criminal Court. But they must find him first. Gaddafi has not been seen in public since mid-June. His foes speculate he may not be in the Libyan capital or even in the country. As rebel fortunes have risen, his long televised speeches at boisterous public meetings have given way to scratchy telephone appeals from unknown hideouts. Over his 41-year-rule, Gaddafi created a personality cult, with his image festooned in banners and posters all over Libya and his philosophy spelled out in a 'Green Book'. He presented himself as a father of the nation and, on the international stage, a warrior against colonialism and a campaigner first for pan-Arab and then pan-African interests." Now, is there any hints at all what I am warning you about the coming leadership becoming an Islamic rule with Libya? Read the next report and you will see there is. |
Bryan Denton for The New York Times
Abdul-Hakim al-Hasadi is a rebel fighter in Libya.
This April, 2011 report talked about who is line to take over when Gaddafi falls. “The Jihadists Go to the Front.” This is the title of French journalist Julien Fouchet’s report from eastern Libya that appears in the latest edition of the French Sunday paper Le Journal du Dimanche(JDD). Whereas American officials have been straining to make out “flickers” of intelligence suggesting a jihadist influence in the eastern Libyan rebellion against the rule of Muammar al-Gaddafi, Fouchet encountered a flagrant jihadist presence and met with participants who talked openly about their dedication to jihad and/or their desire to establish an Islamic state.”
In Darnah, Fouchet also spoke to a rebel commander whom he identifies as “Hakim al-Sadi.” The commander in question is presumably in fact Abdul-Hakim al-Hasadi, who, as reported on PJM, has admitted to fighting on the side of al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan, as well as to recruiting Libyans to fight with al-Qaeda in Iraq. The biographical details attributed by Fouchet to “al-Sadi” correspond to the known details of the biography of al-Hasadi. These include his settling in Afghanistan prior to the 9/11 terror attacks and the subsequent American-led invasion, his detention by American forces in Pakistan in 2002, and his transfer to and imprisonment in his home country Libya. Interestingly, Fouchet says that he spoke to “al-Sadi” as the latter was “leaving for the front to coordinate operations.” “In the past,” the rebel commander told Fouchet, “I didn’t like NATO. They fired missiles on Afghanistan. Now that they are helping us in Libya, it’s different. But if there are problems with them, if they begin to occupy our country, we can turn on them in the click of your fingers.”
Now can you see what is coming? Abdul-Hakim al-Hasadi, who, has ties with al-Qaeda and the Taliban of which hate Israel, is one of the people leading the way to take over Libya. Ezekiel 38 is going to be fulfilled just the way the Lord showed us, and if its not Al-Sadi who takes office it will be a new leader who wants to wipe out Israel.
Now let me get back to Egypt, and their role in the Psalm 83 war. In many of my previous posts I asked you to watch Egypt because if you did you would see the signs of Egypt's lining up to fulfill this Psalm 83 war prophecy. If you are new to my site and don’t know, at the beginning of 2011 Egypt still had a peace pact with Israel and Israel and Egypt were still friends. Then all of a sudden things changed in February when as I said, Egypt’s President, Hosni Mubarak was forced to step down. Since then we have watched this friendship fade away. You can see the Lord's handwriting on the wall by viewing this video from the Middle East showing a rally against Israel in Egypt. I quote, "Footage of Egyptians Demonstrating opposite Israeli Embassy in Cairo Showing Sign with Swastika Saying "The Gas Chambers Are Ready" Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) - August 21, 2011 - 01:14
At this point it is time to take a look at what is happening with the PLO in the Gaza? As you know, or may not know, the PLO in the Gaza are also listed to attack Israel in the Psalm 83 war. As I warned via the Word of God the signs of this coming war are every where and tensions between Israel and the Arabs is rising. Those of you who have been coming to my site remember me warning everyone that the rockets will not let up, as Israel's enemies are looking for a war. As we begin the new week it is a remake of last week and PLO rockets are raining down on Israel from the Gaza again.
“Israel Air Force jets targeted a terror cell near the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahiya on Sunday. The operation followed a morning of incessant rocket fire by Gaza's terror groups at Israel's southern communities, on the heels of a hellish weekend suffered by the area's residents. This was the first IDF strike in 24 hours. Military sources said that the defense establishment was waiting for the cabinet to decide on its desired course of action, stressing that the lack of response so far, indicates "anything but weakness," and will lead to better results in the long run.”
Right now the Israeli Government is talking about another invasion into the area that is launching these rockets. I quote, from a report entitled, “Ground operation in Gaza possible”. “Knesset's Defense, Foreign Affairs Committee tours rocket-riddled south. MK Mofaz: Israel must change equation with Hamas. Vice Premier Shalom: All military options viable Maor Buchnik"
"Vice Premier and Minister for Regional Development Silvan Shalom toured the south on Sunday, as Gaza Strip's terror group continued their nonstop rocket fire on the area's communities. Shalom addressed the escalation in the south during a visit to Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheba, where he looked in on those wounded in Saturday's barrage: "The deterrence of has exhausted itself. We'll need to respond, and we're not ruling out the possibility of a ground operation," he said. "We cannot abide this situation, where a million Israelis are under the costant threat of rocket fire." "It's not right that over one million citizens cannot go about their normal lives. We must change this equation, where Hamas tells us what to do, because this past week's terror attacks are some of the worst the State of Israel has ever known."
Do you suppose the PLO has planned this attack just prior to the PLO going before the UN in September, when they will ask the UN to recognize a PLO State inside Israel? The PLO has a plan to step up these attacks in hope that Israel will invade them. The PLO knows that the world's media is on their side. When Israel invades the Gaza to stop the rockets, the PLO will cry out to the world saying, can you see how Israel is killing people who can't defend themselves? Of course this type of news will encourage the other Arab neighbors to want to come to the PLO's aid. If this happens we could see what caused the Psalm 83 war to begin! Then again it could turn out to be a huge birth pain, and calm down only to start again in September if the UN doesn't take the step to declare a PLO State. Sit tight everyone, I don't think we are going to have to wait very long to see how it turns out.,7340,L-4111566,00.html
Prophecy Sign: Does anyone recall when all these last days signs were suppose to take place. Didn’t Jesus warn us in Matthew 24:37 the following: “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” During Noah’s generation people turned away from God. Our generation has become a carbon copy of Noah’s generation. Here is a prime example of what I am talking about.
“From July 18 to Aug. 18, the second phase of the media campaign, Backyard Skeptics erected ad panels on 30 bus shelters, costing $8,000, to encourage commuters to doubt the Bible and God. “We don’t have a voice,” said Gleason, whose group is paying for the ads with help from anonymous donors. “This is our voice.” The group, supported by 14 like-minded organizations under the banner of Orange County Coalition of Reason, intends to let other nonbelievers know “there is a community of non-theists who share the idea that we can be good without God.”
“A group of atheists in Orange County, Calif., put up another billboard, far bigger than the 30 bus-shelter ads that went up in July, and plans to erect two more next month which will be “controversial.” A 48x14 feet billboard off the 55 freeway and Edinger Ave in Santa Ana that greets motorists with an atheist message is part of the “third media campaign,” which started on Aug. 18, says the website of Backyard Skeptics, an Orange County-based group of atheists.The billboard that shows an image of an atheist from Maryland, Natalie Khazaal, cost around $6,000 and will remain in place for four weeks to promote atheism, according to The Orange County Register”
“A group of atheists in Orange County, Calif., put up another billboard, far bigger than the 30 bus-shelter ads that went up in July, and plans to erect two more next month which will be “controversial.” A 48x14 feet billboard off the 55 freeway and Edinger Ave in Santa Ana that greets motorists with an atheist message is part of the “third media campaign,” which started on Aug. 18, says the website of Backyard Skeptics, an Orange County-based group of atheists.The billboard that shows an image of an atheist from Maryland, Natalie Khazaal, cost around $6,000 and will remain in place for four weeks to promote atheism, according to The Orange County Register”
From July 18 to Aug. 18, the second phase of the media campaign, Backyard Skeptics erected ad panels on 30 bus shelters, costing $8,000, to encourage commuters to doubt the Bible and God. “We don’t have a voice,” said Gleason, whose group is paying for the ads with help from anonymous donors. “This is our voice.” The group, supported by 14 like-minded organizations under the banner of Orange County Coalition of Reason, intends to let other nonbelievers know “there is a community of non-theists who share the idea that we can be good without God.”
Since everything Jesus warned us about is happening all at the same time shouldn't you question what is going to happen to you if you haven't received Jesus as your Lord yet? I am positive the people clinging to Noah's ship who were trying to keep their heads above the water wished they listened to what God told Noah about passing judgment on a world of unbelievers. It's about to happen again only this time the judgment will last 7 years.
Prophecy Sign: IITimothy 3:1-4 is where we see what people will be like in the last days. Watch the video below and see an example of what Timothy was warning us. By the way what you are going to watch is spreading to other US States.
Prophecy Sign: Talk about hand writing on the wall? We can see via the sky rocketing prices of gold and silver that this generation is well on the road to fulfilling Revelation 18:12 where Jesus shows us the people will weep over their lost gold and silver when He takes it away from them. Each week now we are witnessing new records and the paper currencies lose confidence. Will gold and silver keep going up? I would say before it is all over you may see gold hit over $3,000 $5,000 an ounce and silver over $100,00 an ounce.
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Gold surged to a record Monday, finishing just below $1,900 an ounce amid ongoing concerns about the health of the global economy and talks U.S. officials may offer a fresh round of economic stimulus.
Gold $1,891.45+$39.80 $1,758.30 $1,601.85 $1,227.90
Silver $43.37 +$0.94 $39.45 $40.15 $17.99
It is true that NASA is telling us Elenin is nothing to worry about. However, I found it interesting in the video below points out that NASA will be doing a special tracking. Each one of us will have to determine what is truth and what is not. Since the video points to some interesting facts I wanted to post this information for you.
More prophecy news coming today.