The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” October 28, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 28, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
Prophecy Sign: Ezekiel 38 warns us that Libya will join with Russia, Iran, Turkey, and many other nations to attack Israel. There is no doubt that the new government which is going to take Gaddafi’s place will be one that will hate Israel. We already see the signs of this. There is a news report out today with this headline: “Libya: New Threat in the Middle East”. The path is being set in place for the coming Ezekiel war. At the present time the right people are being set in place for this war and I would say most of them don’t even realize what their fate will be when they attack Israel. Israel will not only win the Psalm 83 war but they will be the victor in the Ezekiel war as well because the Lord will fight for them as you will see if you read Ezekiel chapters 38-39.
“Less than a year after the invasion of Iraq took place in December 2003, Libya's then-ruler, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, gave up his Weapons of Mass Destruction program, apparently out of fear that war could come to him and his nation, as it just had to Saddam Hussein and Iraq. His renunciation of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction was counted as one of the major achievements of the Bush Administration”. “
This does not look promising for people in the region, who may not wish to be threatened by yet another militantly Islamist regime; for people who might not wish to be ruled by yet another regime that requires total submission to Sharia Law -- which strictly follows the Koran in its unequal justice under law for women and people of religions other than political Islam; where charges of rape require four male witnesses as "proof;" where limbs may legally be amputated for alleged theft; where alleged adulterers may be stoned to death; where homosexuals should be receive the death sentence, and where leaving Islam also mandates the death sentence -- or for the people of the United States, who learned on 9/11 that the turmoil of the Middle East is not as far away as one might once have thought.
Prior to declaring war on Libya, President Obama never approached the Congress on the matter and never described how Libya, under the leadership of Muammar Gaddafi, posed a threat to America's national security. He merely said that the unrest in the country and Gaddafi's treatment of his people represented "an unusual and extraordinary threat."
Today, Libya may very well pose an even more unusual and extraordinary threat -- to both the free world and America's national security.”
Prophecy Sign: Luke 21:25 is the sign of the roaring of the seas and waves. ( - Upper level winds will take the center of a storm system over the Southern California area on Thursday and Friday, giving the area some wild and unique weather in any region of the country.
This pattern is a once a decade type pattern with the potential of strong Santa Ana Winds combined with precipitation, including low snow levels. The last time this happened was November 2004 and many across Southern California would rememeber it, especially east of Los Angeles.
Bro Frank, "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." "And they shall turn away their ears from the truth,and shall be turned unto fables." (II Tim)
I just read your post and the letter from the 16 year old in Canada. Unbelievable! I have the uneasy feeling that there is a growing body of "Christian" youth who have been tricked by satan into believing that drugs (and a lot of other destructive behavior) are ok and will even improve access to God and our relationship with God. It isn't the Holy Spirit he is feeling in a few minutes after smoking pot, it is demonic spirits!
Remember the words of a popular song from a few years ago? "It won't be long, till we'll be leaving won't be long, we'll be going home!"
Even so come quickly , Lord Jesus!
The Last Chronicle of Planet Earth” June 30, 2011 Edition is now ready for you to download for free. Please note, the download may take some time to download but it will come up. The speed will depend on your computer.
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth October 28, 2011 Edition by Frank DiMora
Are you really searching to know the truth? Jesus will show it to you!
Disclaimer: Since the facts and evidence on my posts and in my book are real as they are taken from news around the world, and this news proves Bible prophecy is actually coming to pass in our generation, the information you read or see may scare you. If you are depressed or on any meds for depression, or have any type of mental disease consult your doctor before reading this material.
If you would like me to come to your Church to give a prophecy seminar you can contact me either by writing to my P.O Box, or email me at [email protected]. There is no charge for my labor of love in Christ.
Frank DiMora, P.O. Box 732, Lompoc Ca. 93438
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Rapture of the Church in English: Download A THIEF IN THE NIGHT.doc Aug.7, 2011 By Frank DiMora pdf
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