Most of you know I am not posting everyday any more. However, I am going to continue to post on select issues of which I talked to you about. Below you will see a post I put up on Jan. 23, 2018. Below the picture of my book you will see a warning I gave on that Jan. 23rd post. That warning had to do with how much longer Abbas would live. Look what I said.
My warning from Jan. 23, 2018
I found it interesting that Abbas's health is now in the news!
Headline: Fatah denies rumors of deterioration in Abbas's health
The rumor started on American website Jewish Insider, which reported that Abbas was hospitalized at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore after a short flight from New York, where he gave a speech to the UN Security Councilearlier this week. During the speech, Abbas appeared to be unwell, further fueling the rumor.
Shortly after the report on Jewish Insider, Fatah released an official statement denying it.Senior Fatah official Hussein Al-Sheikh said Abbas did go into the hospital, but it was to undergo routine checkups.
Seeking to dispel the rumors, Abbas said in an interview on Palestinian television that he had simply undergone medical checks, the results of which were positive. He is expected to return to Ramallah shortly.
"It was a good opportunity to be here to do some medical tests. Thank God all the results are positive and reassuring," he said without elaborating.
Abbas is 83 years old. Four months ago, he underwent catheterization at a hospital in Ramallah after feeling unwell.Sources in Abbas's close circle insist his health condition is very good, but other sources claim there has been some deterioration in his situation over the past year.,7340,L-5126944,00.html
How many times have you heard news from leaders who reports like Abbas's denied rumors they were sick but shortly after we saw those reports were true! Let's keep on the watch to see what happens with Abbas? As I said many times those who come against Israel find themselves at odds with God and have the curse on them. Abbas keeps repeating his aim is to destroy Israel and what we see is his health is being destroyed.