Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth June 22 2018 edition written by Frank DiMora
The faces of SHIT
Your about to read and view the shittest report I have ever written. This report is especially for anyone living in California and, for anyone who has plans to visit the shit city. Where is the shit city your ask. San Francisco! Democrat Gavin Newsom was the Mayor of San Francisco from (2004-2010) before becoming Lieutenant Governor.
Since Newsom took office good old San Francisco has literally turned to shit! Governor Jerry Brown has taken the lead in turning California into a shit whole but, San Francisco under Brown and Newsom is the Capital of shit.
You want to be blown away and see what California has turned into. Just click the link below to see for yourself the many cites that have turned to the tent cities and, the shit that has followed those cities. Keep in mind, the pictures you are about to view are American cities not some third world cities. Also keep in mind those who have been responsible for this mess because they are still in office today!!! Governor Jerry Brown won't be able to run for office in November as he has come to the limit of his terms in office. Thank God that part of the shitty equation will be gone however, now the other half of the shit equation Gavin is running to fill his shitty position as head shit master of San Francisco and the rest of California.
California is now headed toward even more shitty times. Why? Because as you will read many companies who have chosen San Francisco as the city to have their conventions have seen the shit that Brown and Newsom have allowed and, are now pulling away from that city.
Before I go on any further take a look at what the many companies who are opting out of San Fran have seen.
Gavin Newsom Mayor of San Francisco
"20 lbs Of Human Waste" - Major Medical Convention Abandons San Francisco Citing Street Safety
The waste is largely linked to the thousands of people living in the city without housing and without access to public restrooms.
Here is a section from the zerohedge report. "
“It’s the first time that we have had an out-and-out cancellation over the issue, and this is a group that has been coming here every three or four years since the 1980s,” said Joe D’Alessandro, president and CEO of S.F. Travel, the city’s convention bureau…
“They said that they are committed to this year and to 2023, but nothing in between or nothing thereafter,” D’Alessandro said. “After that, they told us they are planning to go elsewhere — I believe it’s Los Angeles.”
The doctors group told the San Francisco delegation that while they loved the city, postconvention surveys showed their members were afraid to walk amid the open drug use, threatening behavior and mental illness that are common on the streets."
Please take the time to read what the rest of the zerohedge report has to say concerning this shitty situation.
Below is a video showing just the tip of the ice-berg concerning this issue.
Cites in California that have tent cites now.
Do people living in San Francisco and the rest of the state of California have any hope that San Francisco can be cleaned up and, no more tent cities will be raised? I am a realist, there is only two ways this shitty problem can go.
The first way is elect Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom to be Governor Newsom and continue to see the shitty situation grow in San Francisco and the rest of the state. After all Newsom has been in control of the shitty tent cities in the state as Mayor and L. Governor since 2004 that's 14 years and, all that has happen during that time is the the shitty situation has gotten much worse. If he hasn't changed anything in 14 years what would make you think as Governor that would make any difference? His track record in the past 14 years is proof what he will do as Governor. If you want more shit vote for Newsom.
The second way to go is vote for Republican John Cox who is the only candidate who offers hope to clean up the shitty mess that Brown and Newsom have created. I have a campaign slogan for Mr. Cox. "I will take no shit from anybody".
Whether you like Donald Trump or not before he became president he made promises during his campaign that he said he would keep he was not a politician . Again, whether you like Trump or not as president he has kept his word the the issues and, one by one he is fulfilling those promises. He is doing what the people in the U.S. voted for him to do. In like manner John Cox is also not a politician. He to like Trump is a business man. Cox has said he will clean up the State of California. John Cox is a businessman – not a politician. Raised by a single mom in the Midwest, John is a Californian by choice, deeply committed to restoring the Golden State to what it once was, and can be again. And John Cox has the knowledge and experience to do it. Can John Cox remove the shitty situation? As a business men Cox has proved himself. "John built his own business from scratch to a $200 million enterprise with almost 100 employees." If he did this from scratch, Cox in a different position as Governor can do it again for the State of California.
The only hope at this point for the State of California is Mr. Cox. He promised to bring back the Golden State the way it was that would mean no more shit where it does not belong.
Just so everyone understands, in no way am I referring to the people in those tent cites as shit. I am literally talking about the feces being left on the streets from a very bad situation.
Back on January 22,2018 I wrote a post entitled: Jan. 22, 2018- EU promises to back Abbas’ demand for Jerusalem. In that post I issured the following warning concerning PLO leader Mahmud Abbas. "How long will Mahmud Abbas live? Since Abbas continues to be an enemy of Israel I would expect not much longer. Why? Did the Lord warn that those who curse Israel with be cursed? Yes He did. I can't number the number of times Abbas has shown the world he wants to destroy Israel. Watch the news and keep your eyes on Abbas!" If you want to see that post click to the link below.
It has only been 5 months since I gave you that warning now look at the following headline!
I quote from a section of the above report. "At the end of last month, while he was in the United States to address the UN General Assembly in New York, Abbas was hospitalized for a few hours for tests in a Baltimore hospital. He also underwent tests in a Ramallah hospital last July. In both instances, the PA spokesman issued denials regarding illnesses Abbas supposedly had and insisted that his medical condition was satisfactory. Abbas himself, in an interview with Palestinian television on February 22, said he was in good health.
However, Palestinian activists opposed to Abbas’ regime claim that he’s ill and getting worse. There was even a claim on social media that he was suffering from cancer of the digestive system. This claim was never confirmed.
Some 20 years ago Abbas was operated on for prostate cancer, and the surgery was said to be successful."
I am sure you will hear more news soon concerning Abbas's declining health. You just can not continue to curse Israel in the sight of God and not see something happen. I pray Abbas before it is to late for him to make true peace with Israel however, at this point from what Abbas is saying about Israel it appears there is little hope Abbas will change his stance on Israel.
Prophecy There are scriptures in the Bible that show us in the last days Israel will build a Third Temple. This will be the Temple that the Antichrist will go into. I have been giving you the steps that are leading to the building of this Third Temple. In my previous posts I told you to watch for steps showing us the Jews will be allowed to not only go up to the Temple Mount but will in the near future be allowed to pray on that Mount as well. The news below talks about this issue.
Headline: Netanyahu Lifts MK Ban on Temple Mount Visits
Here is a section of that report but I suggest you read the entire report. “Muslims don’t own the Mount, and we must not reconcile ourselves to threats and violence.. I call on the prime minister to open the Temple Mount for Jewish prayer without condition, for all who want to pray there,” Ariel said.