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Explosive balloons launched from Gaza amid riots along border – report
Sirens blare as two rockets fired from Gaza fail to enter Israel
Explosive balloons were sent from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory late Monday night, according to a Telegram channel reportedly associated with the Palestinian balloon units in Gaza. Additionally, about 200 protesters gathered along the border fence in Gaza. The IDF tried to disperse the crowds, Army Radio reported. According to the report, in an area located further south in the Strip, two suspects were caught after they crossed the border. Meanwhile, Rocket sirens were heard in the Gaza border community of Kissufim early Wednesday morning. The IDF said that the alarm that sounded in Kissufim was due to two rockets launched toward Israel, which fell in an open field in the Gaza Strip. While the last two days have seen the settling of a tense quiet along the border, the IDF has been preparing for an escalation. The security cabinet ordered the military on Monday to be ready to respond with force to the rocket attacks. Over the weekend, over 40 rockets struck Israel, coinciding with high tensions between Palestinians and Jews in Jerusalem.
April 28, 2021
Why Abbas Does Not Want Elections
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said he would delay the upcoming election, citing the Israeli ban on campaign events in East Jerusalem. The militant group Hamas, favored to make gains, called the decision a “coup.” Abbas announced the decision early on Friday local time, saying the Palestinian Authority “will take the proper decision to preserve all our rights in east Jerusalem, our eternal capital, including the right to hold parliamentary elections there,” according to AP. The election – the first since 2006 – was scheduled for May 22. Hamas was among those who accused Abbas of using East Jerusalem as a pretext to delay the election he’s expected to lose. Prior to his announcement, the group – whose name is an acronym for Islamic Resistance Movement – argued that Palestinians should look at ways of “forcing the elections in Jerusalem without the permission of or coordination with the occupation.” Hamas said it “will not be party to any postponement or cancellation” and will hold responsible those who would make such a decision “in response to the veto of the occupation.” Following Abbas’ announcement, Hamas called it a “coup.”
April 30, 2021
Senior US delegation headed to Middle East amid concerns about Iran deal
A team of US envoys is traveling to the Middle East this week for talks with key allies, a senior US official said on Wednesday, amid simmering concerns in the region about President Joe Biden's attempt to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal. While the final itinerary was unclear, there were tentative plans for the team to visit Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan. Bloomberg News was first to report the news of the trip. The officials are also expected to discuss the administration's decision to go ahead with the sale to the UAE of $23 billion in military hardware including 50 F-35 fighters and 18 military drones. The Biden administration has been starkly different for Israel and Arab allies than the Trump presidency. Trump's team negotiated normalization deals between Israel and the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco, but the Biden team has not kept up the momentum. Many US allies in the region are troubled by Biden's attempt to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, fearing a resumption of the accord may eventually allow Tehran to acquire atomic weapons that would leave them vulnerable to Iranian intimidation or military threat.
April 28, 2021
Colorado, Oregon initiatives would ban animal slaughter, breeding
An Oregon ballot initiative proposed for 2022 would effectively criminalize the farming of food animals in the state by classifying their slaughter as aggravated abuse and redefining artificial insemination and castration as sexual assault. Initiative Petition 13, filed with Oregon elections officials in November, would remove farmer exemptions from existing laws barring animal cruelty and specifically target practices used for “(b)reeding domestic, livestock, and equine animals,” according to the text of the initiative. The proposed Abuse, Neglect, and Assault Exemption Modification and Improvement Act would delete all references to “good animal husbandry” from state statute and only allow an animal to be injured in cases of a human’s self-defense. A veterinarian’s spaying and neutering of household pets would still be exempt. The initiative’s sponsor, a group called End Animal Cruelty, is beginning to gather the 112,000 signatures they’ll need by next summer and is working through the national progressive network ActBlue to recruit volunteers for the effort, animal activist David Michelson recently told Portland’s KBOO-FM, a donor-supported radio station. The proposal comes as animal-welfare activists in Colorado are gathering signatures for a similar 2022 ballot measure called the Protect Animals from Unnecessary Suffering and Exploitation (PAUSE) initiative. It would ban artificial insemination and other commonly accepted veterinary and animal care practices in Colorado and would ban the slaughter of livestock that have not yet lived more than one-quarter of their anticipated lifetime, which for cattle would be about five years.
April 22, 2021
Wuhan Level Lab In the Middle of America’s Agriculture Belt: Plum Island Moves to Kansas
As the United States struggles with the coronavirus pandemic, a years-long debate over the new National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility—to be located smack in the middle of Kansas cattle country—raises worrying questions about the safety of American biodefense labs. “When some horrific Level 4 pathogen escapes a Manhattan bio lab, all the heartland will weep with remorse.” Manhattan is surrounded by a rolling sea of golden grass—the Flint Hills, North America’s last remaining tallgrass prairie. “No grass anywhere can put weight on cattle more quickly or more economically,” Jim Joy, a historian of ranching, wrote. In the nineteenth century, cattlemen from Texas and elsewhere began driving their herds overland to graze in the Flint Hills. Today, Kansas is at the geographical center of the American beef industry. It is the third-largest cattle-producing state in the country, and its immediate neighbors—Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Colorado—are all in the top ten. During and after the N.B.A.F. site-selection process, many scientists found it baffling that anyone would consider installing a high-containment animal-disease laboratory in the middle of livestock country. “It doesn’t make sense—it’s just insane,” Laura H. Kahn, a physician and research scholar at Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security, told me. Abigail Conrad, who was a developmental biologist at K-State when D.H.S. was making its choice, said that the decision “defies reason”; her husband, Gary, also a biologist, called it “beyond ludicrous,” “almost criminal,” and “genuinely stupid.”
The law enforcement arm of the U.S. Postal Service has been quietly running a program that tracks and collects Americans’ social media posts, including those about planned protests, according to a document obtained by Yahoo News. The details of the surveillance effort, known as iCOP, or Internet Covert Operations Program, have not previously been made public. The work involves having analysts trawl through social media sites to look for what the document describes as “inflammatory” postings and then sharing that information across government agencies. Civil liberties experts told Yahoo News they were concerned about both the surveillance and why the USPS would be tasked with such an undertaking. "It's a mystery," said University of Chicago law professor Geoffrey Stone, who, Yahoo noted, reviewed the NSA's bulk data collection during the Obama years following the Edward Snowden leaks. "I don't understand why the government would go to the Postal Service for examining the internet for security issues.
March 29, 2021- Tens of thousands of pigs dying from swine fever in Indonesia. Link
April 5, 2021- Thousands of dead fish wash up on the coast of Southern Iran. Link
April 6, 2021- Thousands of dead fish wash up in a harbour in South Africa. Link
April 7, 2021- A hundred dead dolphins wash up on coast of Ghana. Link
April 8, 2021- Mass die off of sea creatures wash up on beach in the Hague, Netherlands. Link
April 9, 2021- Thousands of dead fish wash up along a river in New York, America. Link
April 10, 2021- Grey whales wash up dead on beach in San Francisco, America. Link
April 12, 2021- Over 100 dead sea birds found washed up in the Medoc, France. Link
April 12, 2021- Over 5000 tons of salmon die due to algae in Chile. Link
April 12, 2021- Thousands of dead fish wash up in a lagoon in Junin, Argentina. Link
April 13, 2021- Over six hundred manatees dead this year in Florida, America. Link
April 14, 2021- Hundreds of birds dying, 'dropping dead out of sky' in Eastern Cape, South Africa. Link
April 20, 2021- Hundreds of dead sea birds wash up along the coast of Groningen, Netherlands. Link
April 22, 202 - Thousands of dead fish wash up on the shores of Florida, America. Link
April 23, 2021- Thousands of dead fish wash up in a lagoon in Jaquimeyes, Dominican Republic. Link
April 24, 2021- Forty thousand hens to be killed due to avian flu in Southeast, Bulgaria. Link
April 29, 2021- Thousands of dead fish floating in lake Maninjau, Indonesia. Link
April 29, 2021- Tons of dead fish wash up in a lake in Lebanon. Link
April 29, 2021- Thousands of dead fish wash up on coast of Auckland, New Zealand. Link
Destructive hail and tornadoes slam southern U.S., causing billion dollars worth of damage
Severe hailstorms and tornadoes pounded the southern U.S. on Wednesday and Thursday, April 28 and 29, 2021, leaving a trail of destruction. As a result, more than 28 000 customers were without power in Texas alone, and damages across the region amounted to a billion dollars. A strong line of storms brought powerful hail, tornadoes, and flooding in the south. The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) received a total of nine tornado reports from Oklahoma and Arkansas, as well as Missouri, Tennessee, and Illinois. Preliminary reports show damage to residential properties and snapped trees. In Texas, powerful supercell thunderstorms caused the National Weather Service (NWS) to issue tornado warnings through early Thursday. More than 28 000 customers lost access to electricity that day. The system also brought hail up to 7.6 cm (3 inches) in diameter to San Antonio and Fort Worth. SPC received at least 100 reports of hail from Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, with the latter bearing the brunt of the extreme weather. Baseball-sized hail battered the state, particularly the Norman area, inflicting major damage to homes and businesses.
April 30, 2021
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