Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 8 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora‘Enables’+Jew-Hatred%3B+IDF+Catches+Terrorists+Who+Killed+Soldier%3B+Israel+Answers+Terror+with+New+Communities%2C+10%2C000+Homes+in+Judea%2C+Samaria&utm_campaign=20230213_m171815133_Scandal-Ridden+NY+College+‘Enables’+Jew-Hatred%3B+IDF+Catches+Terrorists+Who+Killed+Soldier%3B+Israel+Answers+Terror+with+New+Communities%2C+10%2C000+Homes+in+Judea%2C+Samaria&utm_term=Israel+Answers+Terror+with+New+Jewish+Communities_2C+10_2C000+Homes+in+Judea_2C+Samaria
Magnitude 6 earthquake strikes Talaud Islands in Indonesia
A magnitude 6 earthquake struck the Talaud Islands in Indonesia on Saturday, the European Mediterranean Seismological Center said.
Deaths in Turkey, Syria earthquake could exceed 50,000
The head of the UN relief for the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, Martin Griffiths, said that the death toll could “double or more” above its current level of around 28,000.
"Theft is an issue. It’s higher than what it has historically been," McMillon told CNBC in December. If this issue isn't addressed, "prices will be higher, and/or stores will close," McMillon warned. The stores that have already shut down had issues such as accidents and poor performance.
Cyclone Gabrielle – Extreme rain and winds impact New Zealand, unprecedented rainfall totals expected in some areas
Despite being downgraded from a tropical cyclone, Gabrielle is intensifying and spreading strong winds and heavy rain across a wider area affecting the whole of the North Island in some way.
BREAKING: Trans Lives Matter occupies Oklahoma capitol to protest bill criminalizing genital mutilation of minors
Trans activists gathered in the Oklahoma Capitol Monday to protest legislation that would prohibit the sterilization and mutilation of children. “Trans lives matter,” they chanted.
The legislative session began in the state on Monday, and lawmakers are expected to consider the Millstone Act, which would "prohibit Oklahoma doctors from providing gender transition procedures or referral services relating to such procedures to anyone under the age of 26."
Tragic Cost of Profit, Secrets & Lies: Half a Million American Youth have “Died Suddenly” due to COVID Vaccination; Secret CDC Report Confirms – The Expose
…The data shows a staggering increase in mortality rates among vaccinated children, with triple-vaccinated children being 45.23 times more likely to die from any cause than unvaccinated children. Meanwhile, mortality rates per 100,000 are lowest among unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds and highest among vaccinated 19 to 39-year-olds.
Killing Children for Profit: Europe suffers 1580% spike in Child Deaths following EMA approval of COVID Vaccine for Children
…recent statistics given to EuroMOMO by the official authorities of 27 countries across Europe, including the UK, France, Italy, Spain and most of Germany, have shown a significant increase in excess deaths among children ever since the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved the COVID-19 injection for 12 to 15-year-olds in 2021, and then 5 to 11-year-olds just a few months later.
UK will be the first to trial BioNTech’s mRNA cancer “vaccines”
In January, the UK Government announced a new partnership to boost research into vaccines for cancer. From as early as September, UK patients will be among the first in the world to participate in trials of the new mRNA cancer “vaccines.”
The bible makes it very clear that in the last days the Antichrist is going to control the world's economy. He will do so by forcing everyone to take his mark as you see in the below prophecy. We know that some thing major is going to take place in the global economy to left the Antichrist up to the position of controller of the a one world economic system. We are seeing the path being set in our present world economy to bring on the Antichrist.
15-minute cities: Councils are attempting to remove our freedoms, take control of our lives and herd us into spaces they completely control
At the same time local governments in the UK are attempting to implement 15-minute cities a top banker claims the rollout of a digital ID “super app” is inevitable. Both are dystopian control tools and neither is inevitable. It’s not only in the UK that cities are signing up for the 15-minute prison concept. Edmonton in Canada, for example, is also planning to implement the draconian control structure needed to restrict residents’ rights and freedom of movement.