19 Mar 2023
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth February 8 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora
At Least 13 Dead After 6.7 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Ecuador and Northern Peru
On Saturday, a 6.7 magnitude earthquake in southern Ecuador and northern Peru has left at least 13 people dead with others trapped under rubble.
Cyclone Freddy broke records and ravaged countries. How does the healing begin?
Cyclone Freddy, which battered southeast Africa over the past month, broke all kinds of meteorological records. The U.N.’s weather agency is currently accessing whether it is the longest cyclone ever recorded – lasting at least 36 days. And it’s already broken the record for all-time accumulated cyclone energy in the Southern Hemisphere, a measure of the storm’s strength over time, beating the previous record set by Cyclone Fantala in 2016.
I believe the Scriptures make it clear that the antichrist will be Islamic and that is one of the reasons why we are seeing Europe turn Islamic nation after nation, as the population is shifting from Europeans to the Islamic people who’ve migrated into all parts of Europe. One prime example of what I am talking about is now seen in Germany.
Conquered: Left-Wing German Officials Inaugurate Street Signs in Arabic
These seemingly small concessions, such as Arabic street signs, are strategic wins in Islam’s larger battle to Islamize all of Europe.
In order for the Antichrist to run a one world government I believe one thing must happen and that is the decline of America, Donald Trump made America great, all of his promises that he made before the election he accomplished as president the main stream media and the left do not want Donald Trump to ever run for president again and they will do anything they can to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Donald Trump Urges His Followers To Get Out And Protest After He Is Arrested On Tuesday As New York City DA Launches Indictment Against Him
Hey kiddies, grab a fresh tub of popcorn, a frosty-cold bottle of pop, and pull up a seat as the curtain rises on the next installment of Great Reset Theater. In this episode, the enemies of former president Donald Trump arrest him in dramatic style on Tuesday, put him in the handcuffs he always said Hillary would be taken away in, and he is arrested on very weak ‘hush money’ charges. Trump himself posted that this was happening on Tuesday, and it very likely is.
AI Gods & ChatGPT religions are coming – they will be better than human priests & they could turn evil, warns experts
INTELLIGENT AI robots are coming – and they will have the ability to perform religious ceremonies and could even turn against humans, experts have warned.
IT WAS ALL A LIE: How you were tricked into taking part in a Deadly Experiment that killed Millions through Midazolam Poisoning & COVID Vaccination
The world was thrown into chaos when a new virus, Covid-19, was declared a pandemic by the government. Fear propaganda was broadcasted non-stop on television and radio, all paid for by the government and they used the pandemic as an excuse to pass laws that restricted civil liberties and bribed the public with furlough payments to not go to work.
Contracts Prove CDC Bought Phone Data To Monitor Lockdown Compliance
In a move that seems to have come straight from George Orwell’s 1984, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) purchased data from cellphone tracking companies to monitor Americans’ compliance with lockdowns. According to the CDC’s contracts, one firm was paid $420,000, and another was paid $208,000 for cell phone location data for 55 million users.
The world is being split into two and NATO wants war with Russia
World War III is building up. Neither the USA nor its NATO partners want peace. Their solitary aim is to destroy Russia. The war in Ukraine has very little to do with Ukraine. It is destroying the economies, lives and resources of the US, the UK and the EU and Russia. The solitary winner is China.
Biden HHS Official Rachel Levine Says Changing Kids’ Genders Will Soon be Normalized
For some reason, Democrats have latched on to the issue of transgenderism, especially with children. They seem absolutely determined to make this common, no matter how much the public objects to it. It’s not even enough for them to just allow the issue to sort itself out among the people, they clearly want to use the power of government to force it on the public.