Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth December 20 2023 Edition by Frank DiMora
What we know from revelation, chapter 13 something major is going to happen to the world economy in order to give rise to the antichrist, who will control what you can buy, or sell as seen in chapter 13 of the book of revelation. Will it be the global debt, and the world economy crash because of the debt that gives rise to this man, we will see?
“Fake Pandemic Triggers Worldwide Economic and Social Collapse” According to a Professor
“We are living in the most serious economic and social crisis in world history. it is a very complex crisis that has not been acknowledged neither by our governments nor by the media, people are misinformed as to logic,” according to Professor Chossudovsky, who adds, “Destabilizing the social, political and economic structure of 190 sovereign countries cannot constitute a “solution” to combating the virus. This was the imposed “solution” implemented in several stages from the very outset of the corona crisis in January 2020.”
Click on photo below to enlarge and make clear
Psalm 83 is a prophecy which shows the nations that border
Israel will join forces and attack Israel thinking they will wipe
out the Jews once and for all. The photo below shows you who
these people are that attack Israel. You will see their Old Testament
names and then the modern day names of Israel's attackers.
Hamas released a statement saying, "There is a Palestinian national decision that there should be no talk about prisoners or exchange deals except after a full cessation of aggression." Israel had reportedly offered a 7 day truce in exchange for more hostages.
Israeli Hamas war update for today.
Strong and shallow M6.3 earthquake hits Andreanof Islands, Alaska
A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.3 hit Andreanof Islands, Alaska, U.S. at 14:55 UTC on December 21, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 33 km (20.5 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.1 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles).
Pentagon 6th-Gen Stealth NGAD Fighter Goes "Digital" Design
By Johnny Franks, Warrior Contributor
The Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program, a pivotal 6th-generation fighter initiative by the U.S. Air Force, is not just about crafting a new fighter jet to replace the venerable F-22 Raptor. It represents a fundamental shift in how military aircraft are conceptualized, developed, and sustained, marking a significant leap in air combat capabilities and technological innovation. At the core of the NGAD program is the adoption of digital materiel management. This approach dramatically streamlines the design, creation, and sustenance of aircraft throughout their lifecycles, utilizing digital methods from inception to retirement. The emphasis on predictive maintenance under this regime is revolutionary, offering the potential to track parts' longevity and replace them proactively, reducing unplanned maintenance and associated costs.
Sep 7, 2023
Ezekiel chapter 38 reveals they Iran will be one of the major nations that attack Israel in the latter years, which is a reference to the end times.
Iran’s New Missile Could Cause Mass Destruction In Israel
Hamas and Hezbollah, two terrorist organizations that have been attacking Israel since the strikes on October 7, have received rockets and other weapons from Iran. Since the battle in Gaza started, Iran has been an increasing target for American forces due to its support for militia groups in Iraq and the Houthi rebels in Yemen.
The elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran has already stated its intention to extend the range of its hypersonics from 869 miles to 1,242 miles (1,400km to 2,000km). Israel, a regional opponent of the Islamic theocracy, would thus be within missile range of the Ayatollahs.
Luke 21:25 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in The stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the Sea and the waves roaring”(The storms around the world are getting worse).
2023 marks Denmark’s wettest year on record
Denmark has officially experienced its wettest calendar year since record-keeping began in 1874.
For years my ministry has helped Pastor Paul in India reach people for Christ and feed the orphans. My ministry was blessed to help Pastor Paul by land to grow rice to feed the orphans. I pray that the Lord would touch your heart and contact Pastor Paul to help him continue to do the work of the Lord and touching so many people in India thank you. Pastor Paul’s email is below .
God bless you all Pastor Frank.
2023, rice harvest from Pastor Paul
For years I did an in-depth research on what the Watchtower Society of the Jehovah witnesses have been teaching. The average Jehovah witnesses will never check anything their leaders teach them so they could never know what the leaders teach has come from Satan and his angels who are suppose to be guiding the Watchtower. If you are a new Jehovah witness I promise you what you will see in my paper the Watchtower does not want you to read. In my paper I will use the Watchtowers own documents to prove Satan is behind your teaching. Jehovah witnesses are good people who have been led away from God's truths. Since we are running out of time in these last days it becomes very important that you as a Jehovah witness review what your leaders are hiding from you. Click the link below to see how Satan has ruled the Watchtower organization. Your soul depends on it, and where you spend eternity depends on whether you’re willing to make sure of all things.
Download Jesus wants to save Jehovah's witnesses from their false god