Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 10 2024 Edition by Frank DiMora
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Israeli Iran, conflict update
Iranians anxious as Israel weighs strike response
The prospect of Israeli retaliation against Iran for its drone and missile attack at the weekend has alarmed many Iranians already facing economic pain and tighter social and political controls after protests in 2022-23. Iran’s political and military leaders have repeatedly warned that they will respond to any Israeli retaliation by escalating further, potentially triggering yet more attacks.
Attacks on Europe’s largest nuclear power plant put the world “dangerously close to a nuclear accident”
The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, Europe’s largest nuclear facility, is at the center of escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine, with both sides accusing each other of reckless behavior that risks a major nuclear incident. This contentious issue was brought before the United Nations Security Council on Monday, April 15, 2024, where concerns were raised about the potential
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Unprecedented rainfall struck the heart of the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday, causing extensive flooding throughout Dubai. The intense weather event, which delivered a year’s worth of precipitation in just a few hours, resulted in the flood of major highways, residential areas, and even the tarmac of Dubai International Airport, pushing the bustling city-state to its limits. The torrential downpour also affected neighboring Oman, resulting in 18 deaths.
Severe floods leave 58 dead, thousands of households affected in Tanzania
Heavy rainfall affecting Tanzania since the beginning of April, caused severe floods and landslides which resulted in at least 58 fatalities and thousands of households affected. The coastal regions of the country have been particularly hard hit, with devastating impacts on both human lives and agriculture.
Heat records shattered in northern Japan
Many heat records have been shattered in northern Japan with the start of the new week.
This is what we know from scripture, before Jesus comes back according to the Apostles Paul two things have to happen. The first is there would be a falling away. People would abandon their faith, and second and most important is the Antichrist would have to be revealed. There is no question. Our generation is seeing a falling away from the faith.
In 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Paul prophesized and warned: “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?”
The Churches Are Sleeping: When Did The ‘Woke’ Pulpits Become The Norm?
The Tipping Point
Again, how did we get here? Was there a tipping point? Yes, there was. It was Covid-19 — when churches decided to close.
Many churchgoers have shared with me that when their churches did reopen, Wokism had become the new religion. Sermons dealing with current events were now messages incompatible with biblical Christianity. The themes switched to social justice and equality; the key phrase was that we had to be tolerant. The motto switched to, “Do not preach anything that will offend anyone.”
In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace
An update on America's changing religious landscape
In 2016 I made a video concerning the European Union and how Europe is dividing into Islam and Christianity, which do not mix. On the 21st of March 2024 I showed you how Islam is slowly taking over Canada. You will see the link to my video below I made in 2016. What has been taking place in Europe and Canada is exactly what I said was going to happen and, it has started in America. In the end, it will be Islam against Christianity during the last days. The video I made in 2016 is taking shape right now.
If you don’t watch the video below, you may not understand the article below the video.
America Under Siege: Jihadists and Communists from Iranian-Backed A15Action Unleash Coordinated Attacks Across the Nation (Video)

Update: The riots yesterday in the streets, airports, ports, etc. were not a local initiative; rather, they were a premeditated operation orchestrated by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps in an effort to paralyze the global economy.
Americans should ‘take matters into [their] own hands,’ GOP lawmaker says
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) urged Americans on Monday to take matters into their “own hands” by removing “pro-Hamas mobs” blocking traffic throughout the country.
Read Chapter 21 of my book on the rapture of the church. See link below. What did Jesus mean when he warned the following: 2 Thessalonians 2:11 "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:" This verse comes in the context of discussing those who refuse to believe in the truth of the Gospel and instead choose to follow falsehoods and deceit. It suggests that God allows or permits a powerful delusion to befall those who reject the truth, leading them further away from it and towards believing lies. This is seen as a form of judgment or consequence for their rejection of the truth. Is is possible when the Church of Christ is raptured away to heaven that the strong delusion may be the people missing were taken away by aligns and the ones left on Earth are good people, when in fact the opposite is true?
Download The Last Chronicles of Planet Earth April 10 2024 Edition by Frank DiMora
The Thief in the Night (In the Pakistani language)
The Thief in The Night Spanish
Download 8-27-12 - Spanish - UN LADRÓN EN LA NOCHE
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Link to the rapture of the Church in French.Download
Thief in the Night- FrenchDownload
Download Thief in the Night – German
Andrea Ronzoni has
translated A Thief In The Night in Italian Download A_Thief_In_The_Night
Download Urdu Thief in the Night (1)
Zandile Nkosi has blessed my ministry by translating my work entitled: "A Thief In The Night". in the South African language of isiZulu
There is no doubt in my heart or mind, we are the generation Jesus pointed to for his return. This is no time to be unsaved in Jesus. If you remain unsaved without the blood of Christ on your life and his by our Lord’s free gift of salvation you will end up in the tribulation and, have to go through all the judgements that fall on the people who turned their backs on Christ. Jesus had all these last days prophecies for us so when we saw them we knew he was and still is the true messiah. The last days signs he gave us are there so you would know there is no other God who could write all these prophecies so far in advance and have them all be seen by the last generation. You have no idea the love Jesus has for you. I is my prayer that my work will lead you to the Lord. Please give your life over to Jesus today. Here is how you can ask Jesus Christ for his salvation today by saying the following prayer.