I have been warning people for years to watch the news because, you will see the events that will lead up to the Jews building their Third Temple and begin to do the sacrifices the way they used to when Jesus came the first time. In the past weeks alone we have seen news talking about the Red Heifers which have returned after no seeing them for almost 2,000 years. We have seen reports of how the fox's have shown up again at the Western Wall in East Jerusalem which the Jews believe is a sign the Third Temple is going to be built soon. We have seen another report on the high speed rail system that is going to have a stop at the Temple Mount area so people can go up to the rebuilt Temple. We have also seen a report that says the Israeli Government is “funneling” funds to construct the Third Temple. Below I put up all of these report together so you can see them all in one place. First of all you will see the scriptures from the bible talking about this Third Temple. After the scriptures you will see my posts from the past two weeks which I report on events leading up to the building Temple. Last of all, you can watch my video on all the events leading this generation to witnessing the Third Temple being built.
Below you will see the scriptures that warn us there will be a Third Jewish Temple built in the last days.
Ezekiel 43:8 In their setting of their threshold by my thresholds, and their post by my posts, and the wall between me and them, they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger.
Other warnings about a Third Jewish Temple below.
In the report below it talks about how Israel is building a fast speed rail system that by 2040, will reach the Jewish Temple. Keep in mind, it may take that long to build that rail system but, I believe that Third Jewish Temple will be built way before that rail system is finished. The point to take home is they are talking about the same Jewish Temple that we see warned in the prophecies I have shown you.
High-speed rail to bring pilgrims from Saudi Arabia to Third Temple by 2040
This week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a $27 billion plan to link the north and south of the country by rail. When complete, the proposed high-speed rail line will run about 400 kilometers (250 miles) from the northern city of Kiryat Shmona to the southern city of Eilat. “It [the rail line] will also be able to link Israel by train to Saudi Arabia and the Arabian Peninsula. We’re working on that too,” said Netanyahu.
Feb. 12, 2020 I up loaded the newest information as to events leading to the building of that Jewish Third Temple. In that video I show you part of the high speed rail system that the Jewish have already finished. You will see the reports showing that they tell us that rail system will lead to the Temple Mount where the Third Temple will stand! If you haven't seen this video, you need to watch it because the last days events are closing in on us fast.
Foxes seen walking near the Western Wall, fulfilling biblical promise
According to the biblical prophecy, now that the barren Temple has become a walking ground for foxes, so it will be rebuilt.
Hi everyone, this is pastor Frank. What I am going to report on today is extremely important when it comes to the last days, the days in which the Antichrist man will rule Earth during the tribulation period of which Jesus Christ warns us about in the book of Revelation. A huge part of the last days will be from the reappearance of the Red Heifers. If you don't know why the Red Heifers are so important watch my video I produced in 2022, then go down to the news today and see what is happening. You will see from the report that many in Israel now believe because the Red Heifers have remained pure that the Third Temple is going to be built soon. The report talks about funds by the Israeli government going to build that Temple. One way or another, with the Israeli government funds or without the Temple is coming and the Antichrist will tell the world from that Temple that he is God. This will be the Mother load of all lies!!
To meet the requirements of the Old Testament law, a red heifer was needed to help accomplish the purification of the Israelites from uncleanness—specifically, the ashes of a red heifer were needed (see Numbers 19). Because red heifer ashes were necessary for the purification rites held at the temple, many have regarded the appearance of a red heifer today as heralding the construction of the third temple and the return of Christ. Scripture points to this very thing.
Israel's TV Channel 12 news released an investigative report about the five red heifers that were brought to the Jewish state last September and the supposed “funneling” of government funds to construct the Third Temple.
Israeli journalist Omri Maniv, who has posted to social media multiple times about the red heifers and their meaning, conducted the investigation.
Last month, the journalist tweeted about an experiment conducted by Bar Ilan University Prof. Zohar Amar who attempted to determine how many people could be ritually purified by one red heifer.
In the study, Prof. Amar said that one red heifer would provide enough ashes to purify 660 billion purifications.
Maniv argued that the government has shifted funds from other accounts for the purpose of preparing for the purification rituals and possibly the Third Temple. Many rabbis have forbidden their followers from going up to the Temple Mount because they are not in a state of ritual purity.
He also argues that the funds are being shifted quietly to not raise tensions internally and with the Arab population.
Just two weeks ago, near the site of the biblical Shiloh, where the Tabernacle was kept during the time of the judges, a group of Jews descended from the tribe of Levi and the priestly families, enacted a practice run of the purification ceremony.
The event occurred at a site called “Ancient Shiloh” affiliated with the Temple Institute, and contained explanations of the priestly functions, including sacrifice. The event also featured a “Temple banquet” containing foods from the Second Temple and biblical periods.
The highlight of the event was the presentation of one of the five red heifers.
“We are yearning for the Temple, and suddenly there is a red heifer here, and we understand what that means…something is about to happen," stated Kobi Mamo, CEO of Ancient Shiloh.
According to the Book of Numbers, the Tabernacle and the Temple were purified with the ashes of a red heifer.
For more info on the Red Heifers go to my book and begin reading at page 470.
Get all the details as to all the things that are happening to speed up the building of the Jewish Third Temple that the Lord Jesus warned us about. This is the Temple the Antichrist is going to go into and tell the world he is God, then try to force the world into taking his mark which Jesus in the 13th chapter of Revelation tells us that mark will be placed in the forehead or hand. If you are one of the people who still don't believe in Christ Jesus you need to watch the video below.
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