Signs of Spiritual warfare. There are hundreds of battle going on in America where we see what Paul warned us about. Paul told us we in would be engaged in spirtual warfare. The closer we get to the return of Christ the worse these battles are becoming. Here is just one example of these battles. The report was issued by the AP with the title, “Judge orders La. school district to stop Bible giveaways”. A short section of that report stated, "“A federal judge ordered a public school system to stop allowing in-school Bible giveaways, saying the practice violates the First Amendment separation of church and state.” The devil is stepping up his campaign to step out the Word of God and America it appears America is on the top of his list. Please don't forget the words of Paul in
Eph 6:12 , “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Recently I spoke to a Christian brother who told me he met two Christians who were witnessing in Los Vegas. They were from overseas. He asked what they were doing here in America? They had come here because they were lead to witness to American's because America was turning from God. Below is a link that reports on another place where there is a Bible crackdown. This type of news is daily! Please be ready to meet the Lord. If He come tonght, next week, next month, or next year, all I pray for is when He does come you will be ready.
As I said in my post yesterday you will begin to hear more about a time frame for the Middle East peace talks. In today’s news it was reported that the parties involved in the peace process are now moving on that the timetable for this agreement. Jesus warned about the 7-year agreement in the last days. Never before has their been talk about setting up a end game and timetable for it. This is what the report had to say, “Also in Washington on Wednesday, Jordan's King Abdullah II told Bush that stalled negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis should be based on "clear grounds and fixed timetables." There has been talk that the Hamas wanted a 10 year peace truce, and I know whatever agreement Jesus was referring to will end up being a 7-year agreement. Keep coming here and I will do my best to keep you all informed.
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